BusinessHuman Resource Management

A little argument about why labor is evaluated in different ways

Almost everyone thought at least once about why some people, working for 12 hours a day, earn a penny, while others on easier work receive incomparably greater salary. To understand why labor is evaluated in different ways, and therefore paid, it is necessary first of all to understand what labor is.

Basis of the basics

There are two types of work activity. The first of them is called physical. By the way, many unknowingly confuse it with difficulty in general. This is fundamentally wrong, because first of all, it's not physical force that is important for work, but its ability to apply correctly. But the latter refers to mental labor, and about this a little later.

To understand how the work of a person engaged in physical work is estimated, one should remember about energy costs. Reducing, the muscles spend a certain amount of energy, for which you need food and rest. Depending on the load and the level of energy consumption, physical labor is divided into three groups.

  • Light - this definition is suitable for sitting or the easiest work, not associated with frequent stress and lifting weights.

  • Average physical labor is a work performed standing, or associated with the constant movement and transfer of light (up to 10 kg) items.
  • Heavy physical labor is characterized by constant tension, as well as by lifting and carrying weights.

For each of the above variety there are rules and regulations designed to reduce the wear of the body from a constant load. So, for example, with heavy physical work, regular breaks and a healthy healthy sleep are necessary. Otherwise, heavy activity will lead to exhaustion of the body. This also serves as one of the reasons why labor is assessed in different ways.

Ability to think

Mental labor, unlike physical, can not be evaluated by simple criteria. You can try to characterize the work by the amount of memorized information or by how fast a person processes it. But this does not allow us to fully appreciate the work of each of us.

Not the least role in mental work is the ability to make quick decisions and bear responsibility for them. These qualities are extremely important for many professions. It should be remembered that the processing and analysis of a large amount of information require the mobilization of attention. Working with your head, you can get tired no less than dragging gravity, only this will be quite another fatigue.

How is labor assessed

The work of each person is evaluated by a set of criteria. And usually, first of all, everyone remembers the time spent on this or that activity. For some professions, this is quite fair, and even there wages are calculated in accordance with the time worked.

But how is the work of those who work not for a while, but on the result, evaluated? It all depends on the employer. Of course, he can not assign a very poor salary for hard work. But the level of payment depends entirely on the decisions of the manager. And this, in turn, is one of the answers to the question of why labor is evaluated in different ways. Each employer has an opinion on how much to pay to a particular person. And some special logic in the decisions of the chiefs should not be looked for.

Baggage of knowledge

The main criteria for assessing work have always been and will be knowledge and experience. And not separately, but together. A young specialist in any field knows a lot, but he does not know much. Knowledge itself is practically useless if a person can not apply them in practice. Therefore, the salary of experienced workers is so much different from the income of newcomers. Although the latter are often much smarter, faster, stronger and younger.


Now you know why labor is evaluated differently, and this can help you to look at your salary in a new way, as well as on the incomes of your subordinates.

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