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Leonardo da Vinci: the golden section is brief

Man's consciousness tirelessly strives for the ideal. The height is unquestionable, because the mystery of the ideal is not unraveled. One of the most ideal parties in our world was occupied by Leonardo da Vinci. The golden section, which became the topic of our article, is closely associated with the name of this genius.

The golden section is the mystery of our consciousness?

Although we consider our actions to be fully conscious, reflecting on some everyday actions, we can doubt this.

So, for example, imagine an ordinary bench in the park, on which we wish to sit down. Where do we sit? In the center of the bench or squeeze to the edge? Almost certainly there will be a third option. We will sit so that the ratio of the formed parts of the bench is about 1.62. So we will feel more comfortable, in our thoughts and feelings will be harmony. This is the gravitation of man to the ideal. This is the achieved golden ratio.

On the ideal proportions in everything that surrounds us, the sages of antiquity argued a lot. The Egyptians, Indians, the Chinese are such different ancient civilizations, and the idea of the ideal converged precisely to the golden section. The Greek mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras founded a school dedicated to the essence of the golden section. Even the concepts of ethics by Aristotle were compared with the ideal harmony.

In the Middle Ages, the genius mechanic, scientist and artist Leonardo da Vinci turned to the essence of the ideal. The golden section he portrayed in the world-famous image of the "Vitruvian man."

Inheriting the highest harmony

Famous artists have taken a lot from the experience of ancient masters. Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci golden section embodied in their canvases. According to the creators, observing the necessary proportions, you can achieve beauty in the picture.

The same we see in the samples of ancient architecture. Everywhere in different parts of the world different civilizations adhered to one proportions.

Appearance of the term

The appearance of the term "golden section" is attributed to the works of Pythagoras (6th century BC). He, in turn, adopted the doctrine of the ideal proportions of the more ancient peoples - the Babylonians, the Egyptians.

For the first time the golden section mentions in his "Beginnings" Euclid. In one of the books he gives a geometric diagram of the construction of the golden division. After him, the ideal proportions of figures were handled by Gipieskl in the 2nd century BC. E. In Europe, this knowledge came in the Middle Ages through the Arabic translation of the Euclidean "Principles."

The Navarre translator of the texts of J. Campano wrote his comments on the translated text of "Beginnings". Apparently, it showed significant secrets of our lives, capable of influencing it. Information about the golden section in Europe for a while was available only to the elite.

"Vitruvian Man"

The name and achievements of Mark Vitruvius today are known to few, despite all his discoveries. The mockery of fate is that if da Vinci did not depict an illustration of what the Roman wrote in his "Ten Books" about the proportions of the human body, Vitruvius could be forgotten altogether. Thus the genius of one perpetuated the genius of the other.

The represented golden section of Leonardo da Vinci - the proportions of the human body, which can be inscribed in geometric figures-symbols (square and circle, about which already there was a speech). The image of the "Vitruvian man" is the encrypted golden section, according to the researchers of the question. We know that even his records da Vinci liked to code, and with the key to unraveling the ideal proportions.

The golden section of Leonardo da Vinci: what is hidden in the code?

In the image of the "Vitruvian man" it is customary to see two bodies - two figures, one of which fits into a circle and the other into a square. The interpretation of such a composition has the following meaning.

A square is a symbol of the earth, thus the author reflects the attachment of man to the earthly, material. The center of the square is in the groin area.

The circle is a symbol of the divine, including the divine origin of man. The figure in the circle does not contain dashes, that is, it is not measured. As a divine phenomenon, this figure can not be measured. The center of the circle is the navel of a person.

According to modern ideas, to see only two figures in the "Vitruvian man" is too flat. In fact, in the image you can consider much more. And this is not all the mysteries solved in this puzzle.

Attention also refers to the legs of the figure standing in the circle (the divine beginning). They stand on a plane, go beyond the circumference. This is a symbol of the fact that man gravitates to the earth, in spite of his divine component.

According to the materials left by Leonardo da Vinci, the golden section, briefly, is seen in the human body. And again in the image of the "Vitruvian man" is the aspiration of the people of that time to rise. The great genius saw and tried to convey to other generations the profound meaning that he saw in our nature.

Another famous creation, in which Leonardo da Vinci displayed a golden section, is "Mona Lisa". Her mysterious smile incredibly fascinates millions of contemplatives.

The origins of the appearance of the picture "Vitruvian Man"

In very old, but unforgettable times, in the 1st century BC, the Roman Vitruvius created his "Ten Books" - a work dedicated to Emperor Augustus. But, in addition to gratitude for help, the books contain valuable advice in the field of architecture.

The books of Vitruvius did not become known during the author's lifetime. But the fact that he started a speech about the aesthetics of architecture, the design ergonomics is noteworthy. The latter is extremely important, because in our time engineers and architects design their creations, based on the data of the human body, to make the use of structures convenient. In addition, Vitruvius designed the aqueduct - water supply systems, greatly improved life in Roman cities.

But one of the "Ten Books" of Vitruvius is dedicated to the human body. For the first time the question of proportions and some division, making it close to the ideal, was raised. This book was about the fact that a person perfectly fits into a square shape. The latter is a reflection of the essence of everything earthly. You can also add a person to the circle - a symbol of the divine. Thus, a person approaches God, and such philosophizing is close to the spirit of that era.

Look again at how he painted the golden section of Leonardo da Vinci. The pictures, which can be found in many books, give an opportunity to get acquainted with the cipher and try to see the clue of the formula.

Giacomo Andrea and da Vinci: who is the true creator?

The famous image of the "Vitruvian man" da Vinci has gained immense popularity. But, as evidenced by various historical sources, perhaps the idea of finding the golden section of the human body was not at all Leonardo. Here an important role played by the artist's friend - Giacomo Andrea, whose fate was extremely tragic.

Giacomo also made an illustration to the book Vitruvius, showing the lines of the ideal division of the human body. If you compare it with the creation of Da Vinci, the similarity will be noticed immediately. But this is not all the facts.

On the image found, the researchers saw edits: someone corrected it, apparently leading to its subjective ideal. In addition, the image of the authorship of Giacomo Andrea is older than Leonardo da Vinci. Plus, the creation of the latter was created "clean", without amendments, with a light hand. So, as if he was made from memory.

However, events unfolded in the opinion of historians-art critics, who are more interested in different passions that boiled in the science and art of that time. About the genius of the artist and scientist Leonardo da Vinci, the golden section in the view of which we are considering, there is no arguing, so it is not surprising that his "Vitruvian man" is drawn from the first time.

The golden section in ordinary and unusual things

In inanimate nature, the golden section formula is not visible. But all living things, created by nature, steadily follow the law of beauty. If we look around, we see that the most attractive and pleasing phenomena correspond to the proportions of the golden section: from the petals of the flower, the sea shell with a multitude of curls, decreasing to the center just by the right value, to the beautiful human body on which the golden section Leonardo da Vinci.

Principles of golden division are inherited by modern artists, photographers, sculptors and designers. It is still not fully understood to this day, but its application makes any thing much more attractive. This is his grandiose aesthetic component.


The mystery of the golden section - the highest harmony that gives beauty, is simple and unattainable overnight. His embodied essence we see in our daily lives and in simple natural things, which are used to not pay attention.

Great minds, the most ardent seekers of the mysteries of being, such as Einstein, unraveled the exact meaning of the golden division. However, further than an infinite number of digits after zero, no one has advanced yet ... So what are the conclusions to be drawn to us? Just those about whom the wisdom of the ages reaffirms: nothing is perfect. But the ideal should be sought for the sake of creating a higher beauty, revealing the secrets of this world and our consciousness with you.

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