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ZPRR - what is it? ACD and ACh. Treatment of children with acute respiratory syndrome

According to inexorable statistics, the percentage of children diagnosed with CRDD increases approximately two-fold every year. What is it, do not everyone know. And meanwhile, the abbreviation of PPR is simply deciphered - the delay of psycho-speech development. In addition to this deviation, children have two other, designated ZRR (delayed speech development) and ZPR (delayed mental development). All three in most cases are interconnected and interdependent. Not every dad and mom attached serious importance to the fact that their child barely utters individual words, when his peers are already talking with might and main with sentences. Many parents are sure: the time will come and their baby will "talk". Knowing all the nuances of the ZPRR, what it is, what is caused, how to overcome it, and why to do it, will help to avoid mistakes and correct the situation in time. After all, speech communication among people, and especially among our youngest citizens, is directly connected with adaptation in the society, self-realization, achievement of certain successes, and, in general, with a full life.

Norms of psycho-speech development

To help answer the questions of "PPRR - what is it? And when it is, and when everything is in order?", We will give a scale of normal development of a child up to 7 years. It should be noted that psycho-speech development is a whole complex of skills and abilities. In addition to the simple reproduction of sounds, this includes the correct pronunciation of words and their logical use, the binding of individual words into sentences, the use without errors of verbs in time, and pronouns (I, he, me, you and so on), the ability to express fairly and reasonably Their thoughts and desires. Diagnosis of CRDD should be made at the age of approximately 5 years. The table below will help parents to find out what and at what age their baby should be able to.

Child Development Rates
Age Skills
0-1 (month)

Emotional reaction of the baby to the appeal to him (to the affectionate - a smile or any manifestation of joy, sharp and severe possible crying, sobbing, facial expressions or frustration).

1-3 (month)

Walking, babbling, and towards the end of 3 months - the pronunciation of individual, simple sounds.

3-6 (month)

First, involuntary, and afterwards deliberately combining sounds into sound combinations, the kid should be interested in what he does, listen to the new sounds he creates, and closer to 6 months, more clearly pronounced individual light syllables (ba, ma, pa and so on Further).

6-9 (month)

Enough clear pronunciation of simple letter combinations and syllables, and closer to 9 months old children should begin to repeat for adults syllables and simple words (give, on). Also children should already understand the meanings of some words and expressions, for example, "this is my mother", "where is my father?", "" Meav "makes a cat," "gav" makes a dog "and so on.

1 year)

Meaningful pronunciation of the simplest words. Someone can have them only 2-3, someone 10-12, but they should already appear in the children's lexicon.

1-1.5 (years)

The child with pleasure goes on contact, enthusiastically plays, every day he learns something new. Being engaged in active children's activity, the kid quickly develops his vocabulary, which for the next 6 months should reach about 100 words. The child can already formulate the most simple sentences, such as "kisa meva-meva", "mother give". He still utters many words in a distorted way, does not pronounce all the sounds, where he is not understood, adds facial expressions and gestures to the speech, can come up with new words that do not exist in nature, but how and what he tries to say is clearly visible, That its development is proceeding normally.

1,5-3 (years)

The speech of the child becomes more distinct. Some children in 3 years can correctly pronounce almost all sounds, but more often there are problems with "p", "l", "h", "c", "h", "w" and "sh". Vocabulary in 3 years should grow to about 3000 words and already include "where", "because", "when", and, to use them you need to make sense.

3-5 (years)

Children correctly pronounce all or the vast majority of sounds, are good at combining words into meaningful sentences and compose short stories from them, describe the picture, answer the questions posed, not only "yes" or "no", but also more spatially, telling something From what happened to them for the day.

5-6 (yr)

Most children pronounce sounds without distortion, they are able to conduct a dialogue and clearly express their wishes.

6-7 (years)

The speech is correct and meaningful. The child should not have difficulties with the retelling of what he saw, the description of the picture. Many children at this age can read, count, solve simple problems on logic.

Deviations from these norms can become a reason for parents to consult a doctor for advice.

When you need to sound an alarm

The values of the above table are not absolute, there are no strict limits in this matter. Each person, and the kid too, is a person, the whole separate "universe", possessing peculiar only to it individual features. Therefore, all the above data can be adjusted in the plus-minus range, but by the age of 7 the development should be normal. However, a significant backlog from the norms often means not the individuality of the child, but the presence of a CRPD. Symptoms that confirm pathology:

  • At 3-4 months the baby does not react to the appeal of his parents, remains indifferent to the toys offered to him, does not respond with a smile to show love, tenderness and concern to him;
  • By 9 months there is no babbling, the kid does not pronounce individual syllables (some children, when they need something, can explain their desire by gestures, grunting and repeat any one, the most acceptable sound for them);
  • By the 1st year the child is quiet, taciturn, always serious, smiles a little, is heavily in contact;
  • By the 2nd year, the vocabulary of a person with a DSMP includes 10 words or so, the child does not repeat new words for adults, does not understand what others want from him, can not and does not try to make sentences even from two words, such as "Mama Dai" ;
  • To 2,5 years old the kid gets confused in the names of objects, can not quickly and correctly answer questions about the part of the body ("where is the spout?", "Where are the ears?"), Often does not want to fulfill what is required of him, Does not pay attention to the simplest requests;
  • The ZPRR at 3 years or later is manifested by the child's inability to formulate proposals independently, by not understanding the meaning of the fairy tales read to him, some babies begin to talk either very quickly, "swallowing" the endings of words, either too slowly, or keep silent, answer the questions posed by gestures, mimicry or, in general Do not react, or selectively repeat for an adult the words, do not know how to use a pot.

In addition to the shortcomings in speech development, the PPR can manifest itself in the following:

  • His mouth almost open;
  • Excessive saliva secretion;
  • aggressiveness;
  • Inattention;
  • Increased fatigue;
  • Weak memory;
  • Lag in physical development;
  • Lack of imagination;
  • Closedness.

The reasons for the developmental deviations

There are parents who doubt: ZPRR - what is it? Disease or not? However, scientists have long since understood this. The results of numerous studies have shown that delays in psycho-speech development are caused by disorders in the brain and in the central nervous system. They can be caused by various factors, some of which affect the baby even before it is born, and some occur in the first months of life. These include:

  • During pregnancy, infectious and other diseases carried by the expectant mother;
  • Births with complications (prolonged, rapid, premature, delayed);
  • Trauma at birth (cervical vertebrae, skull, CNS);
  • Severe infectious diseases in the first months of life;
  • Hypoxia in the womb;
  • Cervical cord umbilical cord cord ;
  • Some methods of upbringing (too bothersome guardianship, suppression of any initiative and independence shown by the child, cruel treatment with him, indifference of parents to their children, situations when they have been left to themselves almost all day, since infancy, and the care of parents is only in Feeding and changing diapers);
  • Mental traumas of infants in the early stages of their life.

Diseases that cause PID

The child's CRDD will almost certainly occur as concomitant, and in some cases also as one of the main symptoms in the following diseases:

  • Genetic, disturbing the structure of brain cells;
  • epilepsy;
  • Ischemia of the brain ;
  • Abnormalities of the central nervous system;
  • Mental illness;
  • Cerebral palsy;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • intracranial pressure;
  • brain tumor;
  • Leukodystrophy;
  • Infringement of the nerve of the cervical vertebrae;
  • Problems with the vessels of the brain;
  • Disturbed liquor dynamics.

In addition, it is often a companion of PID autism, the majority of physicians recognized as a disease of the nervous system, in which changes are observed in the areas of the brain. Associate these pathologies with mutations in genes and change in their interaction.

ACD and ACh

First, let's explain what AC is. In this case, this abbreviation means "autistic features". The number of autists in our society is growing every year. According to sociological and medical research, such people are about 3-5 per 1000 people, and those with autistic features are much more. Adult autistics lead a closed way of life, in most cases alone, often have difficulties in the social aspect. It is possible to notice both the PRD and ACh from the infancy, but often their first manifestations do not cause anxiety in parents, because the developmental lag is written off for age, and the AF for the characteristics of the baby's character. Sometimes it happens that some children with AC on the background of some backwardness from their peers are characterized by unusual talents that they do not possess, for example, the unique memorization of difficult words, numbers with a large number of figures, and so on. In addition, many autistic children surprise and touch their parents with a love for a certain, memorized ritual, for example, before eating, compulsory washing of hands with daily repetition of all actions to trifles, and the slightest deviations from the ritual are often perceived "in bayonets." In addition to preparing for food, it is often noted that such children have a ritual of preparing for sleep. Babies with AC do not throw toys, but add them in their chosen way, remaining not childly serious, perform a number of sequential actions with changing clothes and so on. Many parents are so uncharacteristic of their children's behavior not only does not worry, they even like it. PPR with autistic features becomes quite pronounced around the 3rd year. If you do not take measures during this period, an adult who has grown up will experience great difficulties in school, may become withdrawn from himself, move away from society or begin to manifest aggression towards those who are not like him who does not understand him or who in any way makes fun of him.

PID with autistic features: symptoms

It is possible to suspect that newborn babies have autistic features capable of causing a further developmental lag in the following:

  • A strong crying and an unjustifiably violent reaction to seemingly minor discomfort and irritants (moved the lamp, turned on the TV and so on);
  • A weak or completely absent reaction to strong stimuli (for example, an injection);
  • Mild motor movement (legs, arms, smile);
  • The manifestation of activity and interest directed only at the toy, with indifference to caring and communication with people.

The older these children become, the more vividly they manifest CPR with autistic traits. Symptoms of this disease at the age of 1-1.5 years:

  • There is no babbling;
  • Rarely and reluctantly react to the call by their name;
  • Avoid looking into the eyes of other people, which is especially noticeable when the baby learns to walk;
  • Expressing the desire by gestures, moreover, often make it a hand of the one who is next to them;
  • Do not show the pen, where, for example, mom, do not wave "goodbye";
  • Do not pronounce any syllables;
  • Heavily falling asleep and sleeping badly.

Symptoms in the age of 3 years:

  • Children rarely come alone to other children;
  • Avoid communication, preferring to play alone;
  • Do not react to the emotions of those who are next to him;
  • Do not understand what it means "to take turns with other children (for example, in a kindergarten)," are poorly oriented in the social situation around them.

PPR with autistic traits in this age range may manifest itself by the following abnormalities:

  • Small vocabulary;
  • Replacement of verbal requests for gesticulation;
  • A weak ability to combine those words that are already familiar;
  • Rare appeals to adults or other children with requests;
  • The inability or unwillingness to tell parents, for example, what was interesting today in kindergarten and the like;
  • Incorrect use of pronouns (to the question "how to call you?" The child answers "you call Sasha");
  • Inability to play games that require imagination, imagination;
  • Fatal attachment only to anything (toy, book, fairy tale, telecast);
  • Autoaggression (self-harm).

Older children diagnosed with CRDD and AF have difficulties with their studies, inattention to school and other tasks that are not interesting, aggression (because they are already punishing the child for bad grades).


The setting of the final diagnosis of CRPD is made on the basis of a comprehensive examination of the child. First of all, the attending physician must:

  • Clarify the data (make an anamnesis) about how the pregnancy was occurring, childbirth, what were the features of the first months of the child's life (infection, injuries and the like);
  • Analyze the behavior of the child on the basis of personal communication with him, check it for attention, the ability of logical thinking, remembering, understanding the questions asked, and so on (a child of 5 years does not only have logopaedic problems, but also inability to think logically, to solve the simplest tasks corresponding to his Age, navigate in terms of "faster-longer", "more-less" and the like, logically explain the compared quantities, colors, characteristics of objects familiar to him);
  • Conduct a clinical examination (examination with a neurologist, speech therapist, neuropsychologist);
  • In some cases, the doctor may refer the child to tests (chromosome tests, metabolic and genetic tests, and others);
  • Sometimes carry out differential computer diagnostics.

With an accurate diagnosis of CRDD, disability is usually given for 1-2 years. Establish it on the basis of the conclusion of the ITU (medical and social expertise). For more than 2 years, disability is not given for the reason that the concept of "delay" means a temporary phenomenon and assumes sooner or later the achievement of the norm. Therefore, at the end of the disability period, the children again have to undergo a commission and take a new opinion of the ITU.

The main methods of treatment

All doctors agree with the opinion: the earlier the treatment of PID is begun, the more favorable the prognosis will be.

Methods of treatment for each baby may differ. This directly depends on the reasons that caused the development delay. In all cases, an integrated approach is mandatory, because only logopedic exercises or tablets can achieve 100% success is impossible. Currently, treatment methods include:

1. Reflexotherapy by microcurrents. At the same time, minimal electric pulses are exposed to bioactive points and brain areas where violations are found, as well as those responsible for speech development, after which the work of the central nervous system is restored. The greatest effect of the method was observed in patients with hydrocephalus. A method is used before children reach the age of 6 months.

2. Drug therapy.

3. Logopedic classes, correction of diction and pronunciation.

4. Stimulant therapy.

5. Work with a psychologist, a psychotherapist.

In especially severe cases, treatment of PID includes the use of autoneurotreaty (introduction to the brain of nootropics) and microsurgery (additional vessels are added to the brain zones responsible for speech).

Excellent treatment results in Israel, Germany, China.

Additional Methods

Surprisingly good results are provided by treatment of CRDD in children by unconventional methods. These include:

  • Osteopathy (manual influence on the special points of the body, thus achieving a balance in the work of the nervous system, psyche, metabolism);
  • Medical horse riding (hippotherapy);
  • Swimming with dolphins (dolphin therapy);
  • The impact of a child, not music, smells (aromatherapy);
  • Multiple classes for logical thinking and motor skills (puzzles, lego), active games.

Parents should spend a lot of time and regularly with children who have seen a lag in psycho-speech development, using any available games, inventing fun, interesting and understandable tasks for the child.

Opinions of parents and doctors

Native children who have been diagnosed with CRDD, reviews about treatment, doctors' activities and disability are left different, depending on the outcome. In occasion of disability: many mums and daddies against that give it to the child who has not reached 3 years, and consider, that some backlog in speech development is quite surmountable, therefore it is not necessary to put a brand on the child. Also, many parents are against the referral of a child to specialized pre-school children's institutions, perhaps rightly believing that the backlog in the development will quickly disappear in the usual kindergarten. The only thing that every parent agrees with: lagging children need to be engaged a lot, it is necessary to apply to a speech therapist, if possible, to apply non-traditional treatment, which is very helpful, especially if there is also ACh in addition to APD.

A lot of grateful comments on the treatment of children in the Clinic of Restorative Neurology (Moscow), whose doctors truly perform miracles and help almost completely get rid of ZPRP, autism and other abnormalities.

Doctors about children with CRDD believe that the development gap, not caused by serious diseases (cerebral palsy, Down's syndrome and others), can be completely reduced to zero if the treatment is started on time.

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