
Yastva is ... Etymology, semantics and modern use of the word

Modern schoolchildren, having met the word "food" in classical literature, will ask what it is. This lexical unit is almost entirely out of use, still sometimes remaining in fairy tales and bylins. So "food" - what is this?

Definition and synonyms

In the old days, food was called food, a treat that brought people energy, gave them life. Now this word is considered obsolete. He has many synonyms, some of which also have long been found only in written speech. Among them: poison, brashly, hasty, howl, hedgehog. There are more habitual options: food, food, dish, food, food, food. The most universal and stylistically neutral in this case will be the last word.

The meaning of the word "yastva", as a rule, all the same implies an exquisite treat, and not the usual everyday food. So, perhaps, that's why this word is most often found in the description of feasts, weddings and other celebrations.

Spelling and Orthoepy

When writing essays and dictations, quite often an unfortunate mistake occurs - the pupils insert the letter "c" after the "I". Someone even utters a word in this way. However, given the etymology of this word, it is easy to understand that there is no "in" at the beginning. But since in modern Russian there are no single-root words for this lexical unit, this is not obvious.

By the way, food is a plural form. However, it is easy to guess that this word is used most often. After all, "yastvo" is just one tasty dish, and what holiday does it cost without a rich choice of dishes? Even the settled expression of "food on the table" - it is in the plural - indicates that the celebrations were held on a grand scale.

History of the term

It is believed that this word came from the verb "yasti" - eat, which was transformed into a modern "is." In some Slavic languages, lexical units related to the term "food" are still preserved, and, as a rule, they all refer to the process of nutrition in one way or another.

However, in addition to the task of physical saturation, the process of eating should bring certain pleasure from the taste of food. And, perhaps, "food" - a word that fully reflects the attitude of our ancestors to food.

Since the time of paganism, it was believed that a joint meal brought people together to the point that they could consider each other as relatives. The laws of hospitality allowed visitors who dined at home to rely on protection and any help from the owners. In return, the person himself, accepted so cordially, would not dare to harm the family. So the custom that prescribes bread and salt to guests is a literal peace treaty between them and the masters. Therefore, refusing to eat was not accepted, and even now it is considered impolite.

Now the old laws of hospitality practically do not work, and lush banquets
Almost no one is happy. The food is abundant, and the quivering attitude towards it gradually disappears. Food ceases to be a symbol of well-being, so that the old words are replaced by others reflecting this new order.

Use in modern language

In the literature of our time this word practically does not occur, except in historical novels for the transmission of the atmosphere and in fairy tales that adults are still reading to their children, as well as in proverbs and sayings. Now "meals" - this is an outdated term, replaced by more neutral words from the extensive list of synonyms mentioned earlier. But while it does not go into oblivion. For example, it was this word that was chosen to translate the title of the book by the French writer Andre Gide, Nourritures terrestres (1897). So its official name in Russian is "Yasstva terrestrial".

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