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Why kidneys are called rudimentary shoots: features of structure and origin

An organ is a part of a plant that occupies a certain position, is characterized by a certain structure and performs certain functions. One of them is the kidney. Despite its small size, it performs many important functions. Why the kidney is called a rudimentary shoot, briefly tell us in our article.

The structure of the kidney

This organ represents the future plant. Why is the kidney called the rudimentary shoots system? It's all about her structure. At the base of the kidney is a rudimentary stem that goes into the cone of growth. Here are the cells of the educational tissue - meristems. With the onset of a favorable period, they intensively divide, causing the development of escape.

Treat any kidney. You will see that it can be brown, brown or gray, and on the outside it is covered with dry scales. This is a modified leaf that protects the future escape from damage. An additional barrier from adverse environmental conditions is the resin, which is secreted by renal scales. In some plants, they are covered with thick fluff to protect them from temperature drop and lack of moisture.

Thus, the kidney consists of a stem with short internodes (distance between leaves) and leaves. At first glance, this can and do not believe, because all these parts of the plant are modified. That's why the kidneys are called rudimentary shoots.

A variety of kidneys

Seed shoots are classified according to certain characteristics. One of them is the character of the arrangement on the stem. Depending on this, the kidneys are lateral and apical. The first are on the sides of the stem, most often in the axils of the leaves. But there are exceptions to this rule. For example, in Kalanchoe, the kidneys are located at the edge of the leaf blade. And raspberry - on the roots and underground part of the stems. Such kidneys are called subordinate.

Why the kidneys are called rudimentary shoots, we have already found out. Now let's look at their views on the features of the structure.

Vegetative bud

This type of kidney on the embryonic stem contains the rudiments of leaves. In the spring, when the duration of daylight hours increases, they begin to develop first. Why the kidneys are called rudimentary shoots also explains the fact that they feed at their expense. The vegetative rudimentary shoot forms leaves. It is in these organs of plants that the process of photosynthesis is carried out . It is especially necessary in the spring, when deciduous trees "come to life" after the winter period. For the development of leaves, flowers, fruits and root system, energy is needed. Autotrophs form it independently, using the chemical bonds of organic compounds, in particular glucose monosaccharide. This substance is formed in the green plastids of chloroplasts in the presence of water, solar energy and carbon dioxide. This is the main reason, explaining why the kidney can be called an embryonic shoot.

Generative kidney

Considering the rudimentary shoots of woody plants, you can see that not all of them are the same size. Those that are larger are generative kidneys. Of them, flowers develop. But most of the kidneys on the plant are mixed. They simultaneously have rudiments and flowers, and leaves.

Why can the kidney be called a rudimentary shoot? Another reason is that, in addition to feeding, the shoot escapes the growth processes of plant organisms.

In spring, apical buds start to swell, new shoots start to appear from them. And during the entire favorable period the plant increases in size.

Conditions of kidney development

Development is another reason that explains why the kidneys are called embryonic shoots. Heat, moisture and solar energy are the main conditions, in the presence of which the kidneys begin to develop. The cells of the educational tissue intensively divide, pushing apart the scales. The internodes lengthen, resulting in a young shoot, on which are green leaves. Over time, the scales die, as the need for their functions is no longer necessary.

If the plant grows in a temperate climatic zone, in the winter the development of its kidneys ceases. In the spring, it resumes. Some kidneys may be at rest for several years. This is a kind of reserve plant. They are called sleeping. If the apical rudimentary shoot is damaged, they begin to develop, forming new stems with leaves.

Viability of the kidneys is the main condition for the implementation of the life cycle. The development of leaves that carry out photosynthesis and gas exchange, flowers - the organs of sexual reproduction, and young shoots - these are the most important functions of these parts of plants, without which their growth and development are simply impossible.

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