
Why are plastic bottles not worth using twice?

Usually people are not used to thinking long if they need a second time to use plastic bottles. You also need to drink plenty of water, besides it's eco-friendly! And what harm can there be from an ordinary plastic bottle of water, right?

And here not! Experts say that water in such plastic bottles can do more harm to your body than good.


For this, you can thank biphenol A (known as BPA), a chemical used for the production of plastics. The problem is that this harmful chemical can leach out in the water and lead to a rapid growth of dangerous bacteria in the cracks of the bottle. And the health consequences will be quite serious.

Certain chemicals found in plastic bottles can adversely affect all body systems. For example, they affect ovulation and increase the risk of hormonal problems in women, such as endometriosis, polycystic ovaries and breast cancer.

Results of the study

These are not simple assumptions. Scientists have long proven the danger of re-using plastic containers. For example, in a study conducted by Treadmill Reviews, scientists tested the water bottles used by athletes during the week, and found that the number of bacteria averaged 900,000 colony-forming units per centimeter square. For comparison: this is more, we are sitting on the toilet. In addition, 60 percent of these microbes can cause various diseases.

If you want to drink water every day that would be beneficial to the body, you should give up the idea of reusing plastic bottles. It is better to throw them out immediately after you have finished the drink with which you bought them. In addition, you can buy a plastic bottle without BPA, glass or stainless steel. This will not only do no harm to your health, but will also be beneficial to the environment.

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