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Who is Ivan Fedorov? Biography of Ivan Fedorov briefly

Who is Ivan Fedorov, knows, perhaps, today every schoolboy. From textbooks on the history of children know that the first Russian printed book was created by this person. They also know that he was a contemporary of Ivan the Terrible and a very enlightened person by the standards of that era. But many interesting facts from the life of this legendary person in the literature are not presented. As well as how thorny was the creative path of the Russian first printer.

The first books in Russia

The ancestors of modern Russians met the first book with love and great honor. But who is Ivan Fedorov, the inhabitants of Russia then still did not know. After all, the prototype of the modern edition appeared long before the birth of this man. In the early Middle Ages, books were not printed, but were copied. Did it specially trained people - copyists. The work of these specialists was difficult, and labor productivity did not exceed four pages a day.

In the middle of the XV century, the German Johann Gutenberg invented moving letters for printing. This invention was the impetus to the origin of publishing in Europe. But the first Moscow printing house, and it was created in the middle of the 16th century, operated exclusively on a state basis. Ivan the Terrible himself ordered to build a separate building for these purposes, in which, according to the alleged data, Ivan Fedorov worked. The printer first briefed compatriots about printed products, publishing only two books in Moscow. Soon he was forced to leave his native land. A new, progressive method did not suit the scribes. And this is not surprising, because the creation of a printing press deprived them of their main source of income.

In exile

The first booksellers in Russia did not arouse sympathy not only among professional scribes, but also among the ministers of the church. The latter saw in the innovative method a heretical motive. As a result of the plot, the building of the printing house, located on Nikolskaya Street, was burned. However, there is another version, according to which the clergymen had nothing to do with this fire. This phenomenon in those days in wooden Moscow happened regularly. And the masters did not dare to ask another terrible loan from the terrible tsar for the construction of a new printing house.

The biography of Ivan Fedorov is full of mysteries . In short, it can be said that many years of the first Russian printer did not take place in Moscow, but in a foreign land. First Fedorov went to the Lithuanian principality, then - to Lviv, where he could safely open his own workshop.


Biography Ivan Fedorov has a lot of blank spots. Presumably, he received education in Krakow. However, the university did not find any information confirming the training of the Russian printer for typographic art.

Fedorov was familiar with the basics of Western European printing. But for the publication of books in Russia should be created letters, based on the traditions of Russian writing. Above his first book, Fedorov worked for a whole year. Help in this matter was rendered to him by his companion Peter Mstislavets. The book was called "The Apostle". The font in this work of typography was extremely pretentious and resembled a manuscript. Each paragraph began with a large red letter, which was executed in a complex ornate style. In this book, the author's references to Greek and Venetian patterns were also present.

In the new edition was outlined the biography of Ivan Fedorov. In short, the first printer described his studies. According to him, a certain Danish master taught him the book art.

The Chapel

It is not known to this day whether the first printer's information about his education is reliable. The life of Ivan Fedorov is full of mysteries due to the prescription of the years. But, undoubtedly, this man owned all the specialties involved in the printing house of that time. The famous Russian first printer performed the functions of an engraver, compositor, and independently produced fonts.

About this art the author of the first Russian books wrote as a gift sent down from above. His works, as a rule, had a spiritual content. Therefore it is not surprising that the second edition of Fedorov and Mstislavets was a collection of prayers. "The chapel" was one of the first examples of educational literature. According to this book, which had a pocket format, children were taught literacy for many years.

Biography Ivan Fedorov briefly indicates his activities in Russia. "The chapel" became the second and last book published in the Moscow printing house. But Fedorov did not lose his desire for book art to the end of his days.


The path of a great personality is always complex and thorny. The history of the first book printer is a striking example. Biography of Ivan Fedorov is rich in sad events. A lot of difficulties awaited him in life. But being in exile, he no less persistently continued the creation of book creations. Settled in the principality of Lithuania, Fedorov was able to continue the work of his life. Together with Hetman Grigory Khodkevich, he managed to release the Teacher's Gospel.


Ivan Fedorov's biography and his creative path are connected with such names as Grigory Khodkevich, Peter Mstislavets. These people at different times were associates of this great man in the printing business. "Psalter" - a book that Fedorov released already independently. By that time, Khodkevich had ceased to show interest in the printing house because of his old age. Mstislavets moved to Vilna at the invitation of his Lithuanian counterparts.

"Apostle": Lviv

Who is Ivan Fedorov, in Lviv knew every enlightened person. In Ukraine, there was an acute shortage of the printed word. Wandering through the cities and countries for many years, Fedorov found a temporary shelter here and, thanks to influential noble people, was able to found a workshop. In this city, a new "Apostle" was published. Although the local population needed enlightenment, the printing house was soon ruined.

In the foreword of works that were released abroad, Ivan Fedorov briefly told readers about the persecution of book printers by the Moscow church.


On the question of who Ivan Fedorov is, it is impossible to give a monosyllabic answer. This person is a bright figure of his time, he is the creator of the Russian font, the publisher of the first book. Everyone familiar "Alphabet" saw the light thanks to this outstanding personality.

Based on historical data and monuments of Russian printed art, you can create an approximate description of Ivan Fedorov. He was an incredibly hardworking and hard-working person. Until the last days of his life, he did not stop acting not only to equip another printing house, but even planned to cast a real army cannon. Unfortunately, his plans were not destined to come true due to his sudden death.


The last workshop of Fedorov was in Ostrog. In the organization of this printing house he was assisted by a local prince, whose residence was known in the district as a cultural and educational center. For the workshop, a high tower was allocated to the book-maker, located on the river bank. Here the master managed to publish about five books. The first East Slavic Bible became the last and largest edition of the Russian first printer. Its circulation exceeded a thousand copies, which at that time was a significant indicator.

The preparation of the edition of the Bible, which was called "Ostrozhskaya", included the production and drawing of letters, presented in five new fonts. A lot of mistakes contained in the copy, sent by Ivan the Terrible, slowed down the process of creating this book. For editing, analogies were required in foreign languages.

Despite his restless fervor and incredible diligence, the pioneer of the Russian publishing business died in complete poverty. He was buried in a foreign land, and two centuries after his death, the tombstone from his grave disappeared without a trace.

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