
Where is Transnistria on the map? In the geographical center of Europe!

Transnistria is not on the world map, as the republic is not recognized, and de jure is a part of Moldova. And this is one of the many pages of the people who have been looking for their place in history for centuries.

An ancient, long-suffering country

The age of the remnants of the ancient settlements of people on this territory is a million years old. Judging by the primitiveness of the stone processing method, the discoveries of archeology made in 2011-2012 can be attributed to the disappearance of Olduvai culture (originated about 2.7 million years ago, disappeared one million years ago).

In ancient times, these territories passed from hand to hand - the tyragates (the tribe, named after the snow-white city of Tire, built on the island of the Dniester), the Pechenegs lived there. Later the lands were inhabited by Slavic tribes, which, in turn, were pressed by nomadic Turks. Part of the territory at one time owned even the khan's Ukraine.

Where is Transnistria on the map? It is located between Moldova and Ukraine. Transnistria, at the cost of its citizens' lives, won the right to be an independent but unrecognized republic.

Boundaries, changeable, like the outlines of the moon

Transdniestria at different times consistently and fragmentarily was an integral part of more than 10 states and entities. Why did this happen? When answering this question, just remember where Transnistria is on the map. Not exactly in the center, but also not on the outskirts of Europe, which used to be called a patchwork quilt. The formation of the European Union does not change anything - he himself actively contributes to the fragmentation of large states. If we turn to the geographical concept of Europe, that is, to take into account the territory to the Urals, then the self-proclaimed republic is almost in its center.

Blessed country

Where is Transnistria on the map? It stretched a long narrow strip from the south-east to the north-west along the left bank of the Dniester, which flows into the Black Sea. The extreme southern point of the republic is sixty-seven kilometers from the sea, forty of which account for the share of the Dniester estuary. I must say that 80% of the territory of the republic is chernozem, in addition, there is a very mild climate, that is, the country has rich agroclimatic resources that allow growing a large number of various fruits and vegetables, harvesting twice a year. Despite such grace, the industry is actively developing in the republic.

All this suggests that Transnistria is self-sufficient. Here are the most valuable vineyards. The country just does not have to interfere with its development. And this is exactly what happens, and everything depends to the full extent on where the Transdniestria is on the map, because the borders with the neighbors are completely closed, which does not contribute to its rapid development.

Not lucky with neighbors

This republic has no access to the sea. It is in the full sense of the word squeezed between enemies. The Kyiv authorities were never friends of this country, they in every possible way interfered with its relations with Russia. The people won the right to choose the future in a bloody conflict, which began after the adoption of the Transdnestr and Gagauzia Independence Act.

The political map has not yet been printed, where Transdniestria is painted in the colors of the Russian Federation, but already in 2006 a referendum was held in the country, in which 97.2% of the population voted to join this great country. And in 2013, in the first reading, the Supreme Council approved the supremacy of the Russian legislation on the territory of the republic. Transnistria has its own attributes of power - it is a coat of arms, a hymn, a flag. It has its own currency and a professional army, and all this does not apply to Moldova, whose elite is asleep and sees itself as part of Romania.

History does not teach anything

Interestingly, in all the recurring stories, the peoples of Donbas and Lugansk, South Ossetia, Abkhazia and Transnistria do not want to see or hear anything about their neighbors, they are constantly offering to disperse amicably, like the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Countries in which the self-proclaimed republics have been previously included in the power of political intrigues, obsessed with narcissism, can not imagine, as one can not not want to hear about them. Folk wisdom like "You can not be forced to love" - not for them. But the time is not far off when the map of Moldova and Transnistria will not represent the region of a unitary state, and the border between these republics will be state.

Why does history teach nothing? Why are the slogans, known to fail, already proven themselves from the worst part, from one hot spot creep into another? Is it not clear that these cheap stencils only unite thousands of thousands of people, turning them from an amorphous mass into a single winning nation? And that you can never make any prohibitions forget your language?

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