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"Boston" Bunin: a summary and analysis of the work

Bunin Ivan Alekseevich turns in emigration to the past, which he creates in a transformed form. About how great is the thrust of this writer to his countrymen, how strong and deep is his love for the Motherland, testifies to the story called "Kosci". It deals with the peasants of the Ryazan land, their work, singing during the mowing, which takes for the soul. A very lyrical work is the "Koszhes" Bunin. We will present a brief summary below.

What is the main charm of this story for the author?

Not only in the marvelous singing of the peasants. It consisted in the fact that both the narrator and the peasants were the children of their Motherland, and all were together, everyone was calm, good, although they did not understand these feelings clearly, because they should not be understood. There was one more (not realized at that time) charm: Motherland, their common home was Russia, and only her soul could sing just as the bones in the birch forest responded to any sigh. We will tell you more about this in detail when we describe the brief content of Bunin's work "Kosci".

What did Ivan Alekseevich write about in emigration?

It should be especially noted that all of Bunin's works relating to the emigrant period are built (with rare exception) in Russian material. Ivan Alekseevich recalled the homeland, its villages and fields, noblemen and peasants, nature in foreign lands. The writer knew well the Russian nobleman and peasant, he had a rich supply of memories and observations related to Russia. About the West, alien to him, he could not write and never found a second home in France. Bunin remained faithful to the traditions of Russian classical literature and continued in his work, trying to solve the questions of love, life, the future of the world.

Feeling of doom, thickening of time

He, as before, shifts death and life, horror and joy, despair and hope. But earlier never in his works with such sharpness did not appear the sense of doom and frailty of everything: power, glory, happiness, beauty - as in creations of the emigrant period. Russia was irrepressible from the writer, no matter how far away he was. But this was a pushed-back country, not the one that had started earlier at the window that opens into the garden; It was and at the same time as if it did not exist. In response to doubt and pain in the image of our country, it began to appear more and more clearly that Russian, which should have gone from the past, that could not have disappeared. Sometimes, in the grip of a particularly heavy sense of remoteness from their Motherland, Bunin was visited by various illuminating thoughts, but the horizon remained gloomy.

The bright side of the creativity of the emigrant period

However, Bunin was not always discouraged. The summary ("Kosci", 1921) proves that he, on the contrary, began to see more than perhaps earlier, when everything seemed obvious to him and not requiring approval. He now broke out the words that he had previously held in himself, not pronounced - they poured out transparently, freely, evenly. It is hard to imagine anything more enlightened than the work "The Boys" Bunin. The summary does not convey all its features and moods, but even from it it can be concluded that this story is a view from afar, with all its inherent characteristics. The work itself is seemingly insignificant: in the birch forest come the Orlovians who came from the Ryazan land, sing and mow. But Bunin again managed to discern in a single moment a distant and immense, connected with all of Russia. Filled with a small space and turned a bright lake, and not a story. And in this lake reflected a great hail.

The thought of the uneasy, tragic fate of our country is permeated with all Bunin's work of the emigrant period.

The summary of the work "Kosci"

The narrator remembers how he walked along the road, and near her in the young birch forest sang and mowed the braids. These events took place a long time ago. The life that everyone lived at that time will never return.

"There were fields around," Bunin writes. The summary ("Kosci") opens with a description of nature. A large old road, riddled with ruts, led to an endless distance. The sun was gradually tilting to the west, the herd of sheep was gray ahead. On the boundary was an old shepherd with a pack. It seemed that there was no time in this forgotten (perhaps blessed) country. And the braids all went and went, and at the same time they sang among the silence. Just as freely and easily they were answered by a birch forest, which is noted in the work "The Koszhes" of Bunin. We continue the summary of the description of the peasants.


They were Ryazan, non-local, passed through these lands, moving to places more fertile. Friendly and carefree, unburdened, they loved work. Their clothes were more kind than those of the locals. So you can describe the peasants, covering briefly IA Bunin's story "Kosci."

The author traveled a week ago on horseback and watched as they mowed in the near forest. Sweetly drunk from the jars of pure spring water, the guys cheerfully ran to the workplace. And then the narrator observed how they had supped: sat around an extinct fire, took out pieces of something pink from cast iron. Getting closer, he realized with horror that these people were eating mushroom-fly agarics. And they only chuckled: "They are sweet, like chicken."

The Song of the Costs

The Koscens sang now: "Forgive me, forgive me, my dear friend!" Slowly they moved through the forest. And the narrator, along with his companion, listened to them, standing still, realizing that he would never forget this evening before the evening. He realized that it was impossible to understand what the charm of this song is. This is what Bunin IA discusses further. Brief content ("Kosci") will not convey the whole drama of the work, but we note that the charm was in everything: both in the sound of the birch forest, and in the fact that this song did not exist separately, itself On its own, but was inextricably linked with the feelings and thoughts of the narrator and his companion, as well as with the feelings and thoughts of the Ryazan skates themselves. It was felt in her that a person does not know about his talents and powers and is so naive in this ignorance that it is only worth sighing a bit, as the forest immediately responds to this song.

What else was her charm, despite all hopelessness? It was concluded that a person did not believe in this hopelessness. He spoke, lamenting himself that all the ways to him were ordered. But they do not cry and do not express in the song of their sorrow those who really do not have anywhere else the way-roads. Pelos in it, that happiness has set, the night with its dark wilderness surrounds from all sides. And how close a person was to a man with this wilderness, with its magic powers and virginity. Everywhere there was for him a lodging for the night, shelter, intercession of someone whispering someone's voice: "Morning is wiser, do not grieve, sleep peacefully, nothing is impossible." The man from all troubles was rescued by animals and birds of the forest, wise, beautiful princesses and even Baba Yaga. For him there were stealth caps, carpet-planes, hidden treasures, flowing milk rivers, and from the spell of death there were keys with living water. The merciful God forgave hot, sharp knives for all the remote whistles.

In this song there was one more thing - that both listeners and these Ryazan muzhiks knew well at heart. In those days they were infinitely happy, but now this time is irretrievably, infinitely far away.

A fairy tale passed, as everything has its own time. God's forgiveness has come to an end. Thus, Bunin Ivan Alekseevich ("Kosci") finishes his work. Brief content, of course, can not convey the entire charm of the artistic text. This particularly applies to works depicting thoughts and feelings. Completely imbued with them is possible only after reading the full content. The "Kosci" (Bunin IA) is a work of small size, so you can always turn to it - it will not take long.

Idealized image of the motherland

In the work written in 1921 there is an idealized image of the Motherland, which was once, and which will never be again. We hope that you managed to understand this by reading the brief contents of the story of I. A. Bunin "Kosci". The author reflects in this work a great love for Russia. At the beginning of the narrative, he depicted a picture of Russian nature, surprisingly poetic. These are fields, the backwoods of primordial, middle Russia. The pre-evening time of one of the June days. The big old road, which is overgrown with ant, is riddled with ruts, traces of life of grandfathers and fathers, goes into the distance ...

In this description, the reader finds all the attributes of Russia in pre-revolutionary years. The road is one of the favorite symbols of our Motherland, a reminder of the connection of generations, of ancestors, and the loss of ideas about the existence of time is also associated with it. Then we are presented with a description of the braids that sing the song, where the blood relationship with the native land was reflected. It causes admiration among listeners.

Bitterness of loss

All this could have caused the readers of the work only the best feelings, had it not been for the narrative that preceded the narration that it was an eternally long time since the life that at that time lived will never return. The work "Boston" Bunin, the brief content of which was presented to you, reflects the complex feelings that were in the emigre time of the writer's soul. The severance of communication with the homeland is always experienced hard. It is doubly difficult if one realizes that it can not be returned in any way - the old country no longer exists. A retelling of Bunin's work "Kosci" displays this.

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