
"Where eyes look" (phraseology): meaning, synonyms, tonality

How can you express the utmost degree of indifference as to where to go? Very simply: "I'll go where my eyes look." We will analyze this phraseology today.


Since there is no specific source of expression, we can say that it arose from the man's surprise at the endlessness of the world. All four sides are free and you can go anywhere: left to right, backward or straight. The whole world belongs to man. Unquestionably the expression "where the eyes look". Phraseology does not hide the riddle in itself.

Go anywhere from grief

Usually people do not go on a journey for nothing. There is always a reason, for example, grief. There are often cases when children run away from home, because it is no longer possible to live there. Parents are always arguing, cursing the child blames himself. Then one day he decides to change everything and leaves, where his eyes look. Phraseology assumes the meaning of "anywhere", "it does not matter in which direction to go, most importantly - the movement."

It is clear that the topic is not very gay, but tramps are those who live by the principle: "The whole world is my home". And they always keep their way somewhere, while they have no definite purpose. The most interesting: people get used to living like this and pulling them out of the street is very difficult. They do not understand the advantages of property, the beauty of palaces and apartments. The tramps are freebirds who embody the principle "I go where my eyes look". Phraseologicalism is associated with some in some people with freedom of expression and movement.

Phraseology and Romanticism

Lovers also sin that they do not dismantle roads when they are in good, elevated mood. For example, you can refer to the third part of Robert Zemeckis' masterpiece "Back to the Future".

The moment when Doc Emmett Brown confessed his love to Clara, he walked all night long. If someone asked him, and where he was, the scientist would hardly have found an answer. A gray-haired researcher, too, was walking in a romantic mood where his eyes are looking (the meaning of phraseology was clarified and explained a little earlier).

In other words, you need an excuse to indulge in a meaningless reeling back and forth. In a normal, calm state, a person will not leave the house.


So, we can summarize, replace phraseology with the following phrases:

  1. Anyway, where.
  2. No matter where.
  3. On all four sides.
  4. To be aroused.
  5. To breathe.

Naturally, in each case of use, verbs are added: go, run, go, swim, fly. "Where the eyes are looking" (phraseology), a synonym for which to pick up fairly simply, suggests that a person does not have a difference where to move. This is the main thing that must be remembered in the creative search for analogs.

The tone of expression

Naturally, the expression in question can only be used in the circle of close friends. If in an unfamiliar company a person is asked:
- Where are you going?

- Where eyes are looking (the meaning of phraseology does not require an explanation already, now we are sorting out the tonality).

The people around him, not knowing him close, might think that something had happened to him, or he suddenly went mad. Why suddenly such speech expression?

You should always choose words very carefully and think about who and what the person is talking about. Otherwise, one can not avoid embarrassment. In general, the phrase "where the eyes are looking" (phraseology) is easy to find a synonym, knowing the meaning. If nothing comes to mind a brief one, you can replace it with the whole sentence: "Friends, something is not right for me, I'll leave for a while, I need to walk." There are a lot of options.

If you properly work your head, then with honor you can get out any even the most unpleasant situation. The main thing is not to despair and study tirelessly the Russian language and literature. Great and mighty is always useful and everywhere. Even if a person decides to go where his eyes look, he also needs to ask the way, and along the way one can find good people, friends and stop thinking about the bad.

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