
What to do with increased pressure, first detected

In the first place in terms of mortality among the population, heart attacks and strokes rapidly erupt, the cause of which is hypertension or increased blood pressure. Not always leading to death, hypertension nevertheless entails a number of complications, such as atherosclerosis, which can also lead to unfortunate consequences.

Hypertension is a condition where the level of blood pressure in a person exceeds the threshold of 140 by 90 millimeters of mercury during the month. Most cases of hypertension are called essential, or primary arterial, hypertension. This is a separate diagnosis, and not a symptom of any disease, and what to do with increased pressure of this type, a specialist - cardiologist or therapist knows.

There are many reasons for increasing blood pressure : stress, hormonal problems, kidney disease, and genetic predisposition. Curing hypertension is completely impossible, you have to constantly take drugs that will reduce blood pressure and keep it at a constant level. In addition to drug therapy, it is necessary to adhere to a diet that provides for the exclusion of black chocolate, coffee, strong tea and reduced salt intake.

In order to understand what to do with increased pressure at home, it is worthwhile to understand the factors that lead to the development of hypertension. In the first place among the causes comes the genetic factor, he is the culprit of the disease in about thirty percent of cases. So, if the human ancestors suffered from hypertensive disease, especially in the female line, or died from heart attacks or strokes, then it is necessary to constantly monitor the level of blood pressure and at the slightest violations immediately seek help from a specialist.

An important role in the prevention of hypertension is played by the right way of life. It is worth controlling your weight, which is more, the faster will promote the development of high blood pressure. The main causes of hypertension - age, overweight, etc. - in older age can play a decisive role in the development of high blood pressure.

There are many ways to do with increased blood pressure to reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes. First of all, it is necessary to constantly combine medication and non-drug therapy. Non-drug therapy provides for a complete change in the lifestyle of a person and the complete elimination of factors contributing to increased blood pressure. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol and foods that have caffeine in hypertension, in addition to this, it is worth completely giving up smoking. In addition, there is a special diet that limits the content of animal fats and salt.

People with excessive body weight should strive to reduce it, this will help normalize the level of blood pressure. If the mass is reduced by only five kilograms, the pressure will decrease by ten millimeters of mercury. Also, from what to do with increased pressure, it is worth noting an adequate level of physical activity. Useful for swimming, cycling, walking. And the load should be daily and last at least half an hour.

Drug therapy requires dose selection individually for everyone, and constant monitoring by the attending physician will help correct and timely correct treatment.

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