
Red moles on the body

Modern people are not surprised either by the brown or red birthmarks on the body, and the famous "fly" on the face is even considered attractive. But in ancient times the birthmark was a phenomenon undesirable, indicating a curse on God or prophesying the blows of fate.

What is a birthmark?

This skin, pigmented formation, clearly limited and clearly visible. In themselves, moles are not something ugly or pathological and in certain areas of the body may even seem quite harmless and cute. They gradually form on the skin for several years and appear most often on the face, trunk, arms and legs, representing small nodules or flat dots of brown color. These birthmarks are also called the borderline birthmark.

But true birthmarks are a potential threat to human health, and they look, for the most part, ugly, because they have a dark color, irregular shape and large sizes. In addition, these spots are not so easy to remove even in a surgical hospital. Birthmarks appear as a result of various developmental disorders in the local area of the skin and consist of pathological, so-called nevus cells, which contain melanocytes or melanosomes. Spots come in a variety of sizes, color shades and shapes and are located not only on the skin, but also on the mucous membranes and even on the conjunctiva of the eyes.

Another kind of birthmarks is called strawberry hemangioma and really resembles a forest berry. These dark red birthmarks on the body are rather convex, soft. Their sizes are also varied - from a tiny grain to impressive formations. Appearance Red moles on the body is associated, first of all, with the peculiarities of intrauterine development of the fetus, since such spots are formed from underdeveloped vessels, for any reason separated from the main vascular bed. In practically every tenth newborn, such hemangiomas already exist or appear during the first days after birth. But they disappear on their own in 6-10 years, so they try not to disturb or treat them. The spot gradually turns pale, becomes more flat, and then dissolves completely. But, of course, if such red moles on the body begin to grow, change color or shape, or interfere with the normal functioning of the body, then consult a dermatologist for the removal of such formations.

There is also such a really rare species of moles, like hemangioma cavernous . It occurs in about 1% of newborns. This spot is formed from large and mature sections of the vessels and "sprouts" even into the deeper layers of the skin. It looks a little like a strawberry hemangioma, but these bluish-red moles on the body are rather loose and do not have a clear outline. Spot during the first year of life of the child increases in size, and then ceases to grow and by 10-12 years disappears without a trace, or leaving behind a thin scar.

The next kind of birthmark is a stork bite. These are pinkish-orange spots that appear on the face of a baby up to two years old. They are located on the forehead, eyelids, around the mouth or nose and can be clearly seen only during the crying of the child. Such birthmarks are almost invisible and do not carry a cosmetic problem in adulthood.

There is also a kind of birthmark of red color - a fire nevus or, in another way, a wine spot. These spots are formed from the expanded capillaries and remain with the person for life, not disappearing and not changing color. At the moment, the interfering nevus can be removed with a laser.

Often there are also Mongolian and several types of coffee birthmark spots.

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