Food and drinkCooking tips

What to Cook For Dinner Fast And Tasty

This question is often asked themselves millions of housewives. Indeed, what to cook for dinner quickly and tasty so that all members of the family like it? In fact, there are a lot of answers to this question. And, what should be noted, those times when a man was considered to be an earner of food, and a woman as a mistress, have sunk into oblivion. Today a woman and a man can perfectly prepare a dinner. And, undoubtedly, the first thing that comes to modern masters in the head, when the question arises what to prepare for dinner quickly and deliciously, it's sandwiches. Indeed, these foods can be very diverse, tasty and nutritious. For sandwiches, you can put everything that is in your refrigerator. In the event that you are the enemy of eating "dry", then an excellent alternative to sandwiches are hot sandwiches. Not less tasty and very quickly you can cook pizza at home. However, for this purpose it is best to already have a ready-made dough. If you have such a dough, then the question is, what to cook for dinner quickly and simply disappears by itself. In pizza, you can also put almost everything that is in your refrigerator.

In the same case, if no sandwiches can replace a full dinner, so as not to rack your brains, what to cook for dinner quickly and delicious, it is best to cook meat. Some mistresses may wonder: to cook meat for dinner, you need to have time. Therefore, such a dinner can not be called quick and simple. In fact, this is far from the case. In order to quickly cook meat for dinner, you need to know a few secrets. The first secret is cutting meat. In order for it to cook quickly, it is necessary to cut it thinly and finely. The second secret is the marinade. For example, meat or chicken fillet can be pre-marinated in a microwave oven in soy sauce or lemon juice. For cooking it will be enough to just put this dish in the microwave and select the desired mode for cooking this meat.

If meat is not your main dish, then the question of what to cook for dinner quickly and easily can be solved in a different way. In this case, you can cook pasta for dinner or some porridge. Modern pasta products are boiled very quickly. And in order to give them some piquancy, you can cook different sauces. By the way, porridge or pasta can become a great side dish for such a quick dinner.

From well-known pasta, for example, you can quickly cook a very tasty dish, called a pasta with mushrooms. To do this, boil half a kilo of pasta. Take grams of four hundred fresh mushrooms, thoroughly wash them, cut into small cubes and fry in a pan in sufficient oil. Take two or three onions, finely chop them and also fry in a pan. After that, add the fried mushrooms to the onion, finely chopped greens, pepper, salt. Take a deep frying pan, oil it with oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. After this, put a layer of pasta, top a layer of mushrooms with onions and again cover with a layer of pasta. From above all this construction sprinkle with grated cheese, put a little butter and pour a mixture of milk and eggs. Then put the frying pan in the oven. In five to seven minutes, a very tasty and fairly simple dish will be ready.

Well, for those who prefer more refined dishes, while deciding the question: what to cook for dinner quickly and delicious, you can adopt some specific recipes, for example, you can cook fish baked in the oven. And if you pre-pile the dumplings or cook cabbage rolls, then such a dinner will really be cooked in a matter of minutes. And do not forget about salads. They can be cooked quickly, and the benefits from them are simply enormous.

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