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What is the normal weight of the fetus at 32 weeks gestation?

By the 32nd week of pregnancy a child can take a stable position in the uterus, gradually getting ready for his birth. During this period, the perturbations are no longer as active as they were before. It is due to the fact that there is less and less room in my mother's stomach.

Gestational age

Every woman with the approach of long-awaited birth begins to count the days before their onset. However, not all mothers fully understand the exact date of their stay. 32 weeks of the traditional lunar cycle can be equated to 7 months - this will be correct. However, in medicine this approach to counting is not used. The obstetric month includes 28 days. Consequently, 32 weeks of pregnancy mean that the mother is at 8 months old. Such a term will be indicated in the card with ultrasound and in the records of doctors.

Do not confuse obstetric and conventional lunar month. Doctors always put the period of pregnancy and the approximate date of birth according to their calendar. Therefore, before the birth of a baby there are exactly 2 obstetric months.

The weight of the child at 32 weeks

By this time, the fruit can already reach a mass of up to 2000 g, but not in all cases this is a good sign. According to experts, the weight of the fetus in 32 weeks of pregnancy, the norm of which should be within 1800 g, depends on various factors.

If during the last trimester my mother became very ill and resorted to taking antibiotics, it is worth waiting for small deviations. In this case, the weight of the fetus at 32 weeks (the norm) will be 1600-1700 g. Such a deviation is not critical for the child, since there is still plenty of time to set the optimal body weight. However, Mom should take care of nutrition and vitamin supplements.

It is worth noting: if a woman has a large figure and lush forms, then the weight of the fruit (32 weeks), whose norm can range from 1800 to 2100 g, will be appropriate. If the mother itself is thin and small, then her child may be slightly less than usual. It's all in the order of things. The weight of the fetus depends on the physiology of the mother.

Also in this aspect, the hormonal background of a woman also plays an important role. If its level is deviated from the norm, then the body weight of the embryo will differ from the recommended weight in 1800. The development and growth of the baby is influenced by the mother's way of life: her bad habits, hygiene, nutrition, regimen.

In addition, experts note some deviations from the norm in the case when pregnancy occurs at a very early age (32 weeks): the weight of the fetus is not likely to exceed the level of 1400 g, the spine may be less than 35 cm, and the limbs are inactive. This applies to cases when conception occurs in girls under 15 years of age.

Development of the fetus in 32 weeks

At this time, the growth of the baby can reach up to 43 cm, and its weight can be in the range of 1700-1900. At 32 weeks the child is already turned upside down, and his legs are restrained in the ribs of the mother. Beginning with the 8 midwinter month, fetal movements can give the future woman in childbirth considerable discomfort.

At this time, the baby is already fully formed. Now he even has his own regime of wakefulness and sleep. It is worth noting: the closer to childbirth, the longer the child is in a calm state. According to statistics, he sleeps up to 90% of the time. From the point of view of physiology, by the 32nd week of pregnancy the baby is already proportional. His legs and arms became plump, wrinkles were smoothed out, the skin became elastic. It so happened that by this time in the abdomen of the mother very little space, so the child is forced to stay in the embryo position. For this reason, neonates often have curved rounded legs, but in the near future they will straighten themselves.

At the 32nd week the fetus practically finished developing. The only organ that continues to mature is light. The cerebral cortex is already covered with convolutions, the cycles of activity are formed, as are the nervous reflexes. In the case of premature birth, the child will be able to react emotionally to the environment. By this time, the organs of sight allow him to see relatively well, and the pupils dilate and narrow, depending on the brightness of the light.

Pregnant weight at week 32

Throughout the term, a woman rapidly gaining weight. To grieve this fact is not necessary, however it is important to distinguish the normal weight from excessive, excessive. By the end of pregnancy, the increase to the total body weight should not exceed 16-17 kg.

As for 32-33 weeks, the weight of the fetus is already quite large. Therefore, the mother will still recover. So, by this time, the optimal weight gain for a pregnant woman is 12 kg. Naturally, everything depends on the original constitution of a woman. In general, a normal increase in 32 weeks will be from 10 to 15 kg of weight. If there are deviations in this indicator, then it is necessary to take care of changing the diet. First and foremost, it is the nutrition of the mother that has a direct impact on her figure and the development of the fetus, so it is not recommended to overeat. It is better to eat in small portions, but more often. Also in the diet should include more protein (poultry or rabbit). Nutritionists often prescribe to future mothers an increase in the daily dose of fish and dairy products.

Belly at week 32

Many women complain of severe irritation and dry skin in the ribs. This is due to the fact that the weight of the fetus in 32 weeks of pregnancy is already significant for the mother's body. Under its weight, the skin can even crack. The most commonly observed stretch marks. All this leads to severe discomfort in the abdomen.

Stretch marks and cracks in the first place are formed under the navel and on the hips, and then appear at the ribs and on the back. The more the baby grows, the more the skin will be irritated, but you do not need to get hung up on it. To help pregnant women will serve a variety of moisturizing and tightening gels and creams.

Feelings at week 32

Discomfort at this time is limited not only to the skin. When the pregnancy is 32 weeks, the weight of the fetus plays an important role in placing the internal organs of the expectant mother. The heavier the baby, the greater the pressure on the kidneys and bladder. It often happens that the internal organs of a woman are subject to temporary deformation, and also shift to the side. If the weight of the fetus is 32 weeks higher than normal, the mother begins to experience pressure on the diaphragm and lungs, hence shortness of breath and a high need for constant fresh air. Also, at this time, the uterus begins to press on the stomach and intestines, so constipation and attacks of heartburn are likely. One of the most delicate and common problems in pregnant women in the last trimester is hemorrhoids, which can worsen right up until the birth.

The norm of ultrasound in 32 weeks

By the end of the 8 midwifery month, prospective mothers should do a routine ultrasound. On ultrasound, the first thing to assess the overall development of the child, as well as the placenta.

This is the penultimate planned examination before the birth of the baby. During it, the weight of the fetus is evaluated (32 weeks - the norm is within 1.8 kg), height (40-43 cm), dimensions of the extremities and internal organs. All pathologies are detected on earlier ultrasound, and now the general condition of the child and his position inside the womb are examined.

By this time, the baby should be in the womb with his head down, so that later the birth can take place without incident and operations. If the child is turned incorrectly, the gynecologist recommends that the mother perform special exercises daily. This will help bring the baby into the head presentation if the average weight of the fetus is 32 weeks. The norm in this situation is up to 1.8 kg. If the weight of the fetus is 32 weeks 1600 g or less, then special exercises are not necessary, since the child is small and will be able to turn over more than once before delivery. What is worse is the situation, if a kid has scored too much by this time. If the weight of the fetus in 32 weeks is more than 2 kg, and the child is upside down, then it is necessary to resort to the help of special medicines, which are prescribed only by the attending physician. Otherwise, a woman during childbirth will need a procedure such as a caesarean section. To make definitive conclusions on ultrasonography on this term it is not necessary, as ahead of still the whole 2 months.

32 week: early childbirth

By this time of pregnancy, the child's survival potential is extremely high. Therefore, do not be afraid, if at the 32nd week of a sudden fights began. As practice shows, most of the injuries at birth in the early stages of the baby is due to an oversight of doctors, so it is very important to choose good midwives.

If the weight of the fetus at 32 weeks reaches the norm, then worry about the consequences are not worth it. At this age the child is able to survive and with a weight of 1.5 kg. If the weight of the fetus at 32 weeks is much higher than normal, then you need to prepare for difficult births, which can result in surgery. In any case, it all depends on the qualifications of the medical staff.

What to be afraid of

The main thing about which it is necessary to worry the future mothers - about not getting sick. At this time, even a minor infection or virus can lead to a miscarriage. Fortunately, all the organs of the baby are already formed, so the disease will not affect their development. The most dangerous diseases that can lead to an undesirable outcome are placental insufficiency, late toxicosis and water scarcity.

Useful recommendations

1. At 32 weeks of pregnancy, you can not spend a long time lying on your back or one side.

2. It is not recommended to eat sharp and fried foods.

3. In case of disease, it is necessary to take a course of phytopreparations.

4. On the night of the baby in the stomach, you can iron and sing to him lullabies, so that he prepares to sleep and begins to get used to the correct regime.

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