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What is the climate in Japan? What softens the climate of Japan?

Japan is a beautiful country, many even call it fabulous. Ancient traditions and culture, fantastic landscapes ... The climate is also unique in Japan. Thanks to the latter, this country is different from the whole world.

Seasons in Japan

The climatic year in this state is clearly divided into four seasons. Ask about that in this unusual? Just each of the four season has its own specific features.

And it is important to know, for example, tourists or fishermen and seafarers. The best time to visit Japan is spring and autumn. Next you will find out why. In general, the inhabitants of this country since ancient times divide the year into twenty-four seasons, each of which has its name and color scale.

Japan's climate description

Since the state is very stretched from north to south, this could not but affect the weather. Rather, in the climate. An important factor is the fact that Japan is an island nation. And therefore in the winter it is blown by the monsoon from the mainland. The latter can bring Siberian frosts to the island. This is especially true for the north of the country. There is snow throughout the whole winter. Precipitation in general for the island is very characteristic, thanks to the winds. And they fall very abundantly, including in winter. For the most part, this applies to the islands of Honshu and Hokkaido, where the Hida mountains become on the way to the winds. By the way, the slopes of the latter are much drier on the part of the Pacific Ocean.

Spring begins in March, when the trees are in blossom. The first to blossom plums, followed by peaches. But all the Japanese are eagerly awaiting when cherry blossoms (cherry blossoms) will blossom. This is a real holiday for the country, which begins in late March. And not cherry blossoms simultaneously. This holiday is like walking around the country. In any case, you can enjoy it no more than two weeks.

In the summer, the monsoon is already blowing towards the mainland. His influence is not so obvious, and mainly affects the south-east of the country. But the peak of summer precipitation, the so-called "plum rains," is associated with it. The summer begins quickly enough, with warm and even hot days. And then the rainy season and tropical typhoons opens. Autumn begins in Japan in September, and ends in November. It is believed that this is the most beautiful time of the year for the country. For this period, there are many national holidays, including the rice festival. The weather at this time is the most favorable: the rains are coming to an end, and the heat is waning. Nature changes its color from green to yellow-gold.

If you describe the climate of Japan by months, then you can select the cold period - December, January and February. Then follows a warm and beautiful spring: March, April and May. Summer months are very hot and humid - June, July, August. Classical autumn lasts from September to November.


In the southern part of Japan, the climate is subtropical. And every year she is attacked by hurricanes. This is mainly in the summer and early autumn. Over a season in the archipelago, up to thirty typhoons are formed, the wind speed in the epicenter of which can reach sixty meters per second.

Of these, an average of four can gain the strength of a hurricane. They climb north to the Japanese islands. Happened in the history of the country and hurricanes with devastating consequences. In any case, almost every year for Japan, they are a natural disaster with floods and forced displacement of people.

Incidentally, this is from the Japanese word "typhus" (which means "tropical cyclone") formed the international "typhoon". This unfavorable season ends for the Japanese in September.


This is the most northern island of Japan, the climate there is relatively severe. The thermometer's column in winter falls far below zero and sometimes reaches even minus forty. In general, the climate of this island is considered moderate: typical for it are hot summer and classic snowy winter. Precipitation here drops to three hundred millimeters during the cold season. So in January the snow goes almost every day. As already mentioned above, the main reason is the continental monsoon. In the spring, there are often frosts. Summer is mostly warm. The air warms up to thirty degrees and above, but on average the thermometer is held at plus twenty-five to twenty-six Celsius. However, it often rains. In the city of Sapporo, for example, up to three hundred days a year.


On the largest island of Japan, the climate is much milder than in Hokkaido. Winter is shorter here, but snowfalls also happen here, and quite often and by the amount of precipitation do not differ much from the northern ones. The latter, of course, is surprising for subtropical latitudes. Nevertheless, it is quite warm here in winter. The temperature in rare cases falls below zero at night. And in the afternoon it keeps on quite a comfortable mark in five - six degrees with a plus. Spring comes very soon. And already in early April you can see the symbol of Japan - the blooming cherry blossom. At this time, the temperature on the street rises above fifteen degrees. Summer is read from "plum rains". This is the period when the monsoon brings abundant precipitation to the island. The most favorable time for planting rice.

With a strong humidity, the temperature exceeds the 30-degree mark by day, and at nights it rarely drops to twenty. On the coast, of course, it is easier - here the unusual climate of Japan softens the fresh sea breeze. And the monsoon weakens only by the fall. Then the rains end. The heat subsides, and, perhaps, the most pleasant time for the inhabitants and guests of the island is the time of the year.

Ryukyu and Okinawa

Despite the fact that these islands are remote from the main archipelago, the monsoon has a strong influence on the climate here. However, unlike the rest of Japan, it's not cold in winter. And for months like January and February, the temperature during this period is on average thirteen degrees at night and fifteen in the afternoon. Which is quite comfortable. In summer, the air warms up to plus thirty in the afternoon and rarely falls below twenty-five at night. There is also increased humidity. The fresh sea breeze softens this climate a little.

Current Kuroshio and other factors

In conclusion, let us again say that it affects the climate of Japan. First of all, it is, of course, the winds. Winter and summer monsoons bring a lot of moisture to the country. They affect the temperature regime in winter and summer.

An important role is also played by the location of the archipelago: it is strongly stretched from north to south, and is also close to the zone of formation of tropical typhoons. What softens the climate of Japan is the warm current of Kuroshio. There are, however, also Tsushima, as well as Oyashio. The latter, on the contrary, cools the eastern coast of the country. But the current Kuroshio makes the climate of Japan hot and humid. It washes the southern banks of the archipelago.

Well, now you know what kind of climate in Japan and when it is best to visit this country.

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