
What is the best spray for a cold and nasal congestion?

Every person during the course of his life often has to come across a cold. It appears for various reasons. Rhinitis may be an independent pathology or symptom of the disease. Most often, rhinitis has a viral origin. Less often pathology becomes bacterial in nature. Sometimes it appears because of allergies. Refer to the doctor to determine the cause of the ailment. Only then you will be able to choose an effective spray from the common cold and nasal congestion. The list of the best drugs will be presented to your review in today's article.

A bit about the cold

Rhinitis can have acute or chronic course. If the snot does not pass more than two weeks, then this is a second option. As you already know, medicine divides the runny nose into bacterial, viral, allergic, medicamentous, atrophic and so on. In each situation, a separate drug is needed. There are several stages of development of rhinitis:

  • Reflex (lasts only a few hours and is manifested by sneezing, dryness in the nose, burning);
  • Catarrhal (lasts 3-5 days and has severe symptoms of the disease in the form of nasal congestion, hyperemia, abundant secretion);
  • Recovery (occurs on average 5-7 days) or complication in the form of bacterial infection (requires enhanced treatment).

Let's consider, what spray from a rhinitis and zalozhennosti a nose will be effective in this or that case. Always remember that self-medication can lead to unpleasant consequences. Therefore, for the selection of an effective drug it is better to consult a doctor (otorhinolaryngologist or therapist).

Viral rhinitis and its treatment

What will help with colds from cold and stuffiness? Spray, which provides antiviral and immunomodulatory action, is prescribed at the earliest stages of the disease. As soon as you feel itching and scratching in your nose, you sneeze or feel swelling of the mucous membranes - immediately start using an antiviral spray. From a cold and nasal congestion it will help quickly enough, as not to allow the disease to progress. What medications are more popular today?

"Grippferon", "Genferon", "Nasoferon" are inducers of interferon. They contain alpha interferons that do not interact with the virus. The medication boosts one's own immunity, allowing the body to cope with pathology on its own. The safety of these medicines allows them to be used by pregnant and lactating women, as well as infants from the first days of life. Compositions are sold without a prescription. They are not addictive.

"Derinat" - a spray from a cold and nasal congestion. This medication is unique, since besides the antiviral and immunomodulating action it also has a regenerating effect. The healing of inflamed tissues helps to reduce puffiness, which, in turn, facilitates breathing. Nasal medicine is also acceptable for use by infants and expectant mothers. It is safe for long-term use and can be used for the prevention.

Complex preparations based on sea water

Will the drug on the basis of sea water (spray) from the cold and stuffiness? Such medications are considered safe, they are suitable for long-term use. The most popular trade names for the drugs are "Akvmaris", "Dolphin", "Akvalor", "Physiomer", "Humer", "Rinostop". The composition of all medicines includes an isotonic solution of sterile sea water. It is known that all the described medicines can be replaced with a conventional sodium chloride solution.

How do these funds work? The medicines wash the nasal passages, moisten the mucous membranes, improve the breathing of the person and save him from crusts in the nose. Also, the drugs are effective against the common cold and nasal congestion. Spray (any of the mentioned) has salt in its composition. It draws out excess fluid from swollen tissues. Due to this, the hyperemia decreases. When washing the nasal passages, excess mucus and pathogenic microorganisms are also removed. All this contributes to an early recovery and a gradual decrease in the secretion secretion.

Vasoconstrictors: decongestants

It is believed that the best sprays from the common cold and nasal congestion are immediate. Preparations quickly remove puffiness due to narrowing of blood vessels. After a few seconds after application, the person starts to breathe normally. The action of vasoconstrictive drugs lasts from 2-3 to 8-12 hours. Much depends on the active substance. How to choose a remedy for a cold and nasal congestion (spray)?

  • "Galazolin", "Otrivin", "Snoop". They have in their composition the active substance xylometazoline. The effect of the application is maintained for 8 hours.
  • "Nazivin", "Nazol", "Knoxprey". The composition of medicines includes oxymetazoline. Such tools last about 12 hours.
  • "Sanorin", "Naphthyzin" retain their effectiveness for 4-6 hours. The main component of the drugs is naphazoline.
  • "Tizin Xylo" includes tetrisolin. Works for 4 hours.

All these medicines are not used for more than five days. The optimal treatment period is three days. If the compounds are used for a long time, then they can become addicted to them. Please note that not every spray from the common cold and nasal stuffiness for children can be used. Many medications have a restriction of up to a year, two or six years. When using such medicines, try to be careful. Do not use them thoughtlessly. Before applying the medication on the nasal mucosa - rinse it. In the afternoon, use a short-acting vasoconstrictor. At night, you can apply a stronger medicine. Discard the nasal spray immediately after you breathe normally. Remember that these drugs do not heal. They only relieve the symptoms of rhinitis and at the time facilitate breathing.


What is the use of a spray from nasal congestion? Without a runny nose, the presence of edema is often the result of improper use of vasoconstrictive medications. At the same time from doctors you can hear the diagnosis of "medicamentous rhinitis". For its correction, corticosteroids are used. These are hormonal nasal sprays that facilitate breathing. Note that all drugs begin to act after a while. Do not wait for the momentary effect.

The most popular corticosteroid nasal drugs are Avamis, Nazonex, and Tafen. You can buy them in a pharmacy without a prescription. But one should not use them thoughtlessly. The appointment of the drug should be done by a doctor. Corticosteroid spray from nasal congestion (without a runny nose or with it - not so important) is used for a long time. The drug is withdrawn gradually. The maximum effect from the application is achieved on 2-4 days. Also, similar formulations are prescribed to treat allergies and an acute respiratory infection in the nose.

The unique "Rinofluimucil"

What else can you get a spray from the cold and stuffiness of the nose? The list of the best continues the drug based on acetylcysteine. Its trade name is "Rinofluimucil". Nasal spray removes swelling, which improves breathing and normalizes the patient's overall well-being. Also, the drug has an anti-inflammatory effect that speeds up the healing process. The drug has a mucolytic effect. It dilutes the thick mucus that accumulates in the sinuses of the nose. If the congestion is caused by this factor, then other described drugs may be powerless.

Effective spray from the runny nose and nasal congestion "Rinofluimacil" is used no more than one week. It is prescribed for acute and chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis. It is important that you can use this medicine only after three years. Reviews about this nasal agent are different. Many consumers say that at the beginning of its use, the runny nose becomes worse: the amount of mucus to be separated increases. But this does not mean that the medication does not help you. The medicine, as is known, has a mucolytic effect. Due to it, the secret is diluted and output. This action prevents further inflammation and attachment of the bacterial flora.

In the case of a bacterial infection

What is the most effective of the common cold and nasal congestion? Spray with antibacterial action is used when confirming the corresponding infection. On the bacterial cold, the following symptoms are reported: green snot, severe puffiness and stuffiness. Often, all this is accompanied by a pulsation in the frontal lobe.

To remove the swelling and eliminate bacterial rhinitis, you must use the drug Polidex. This is a good remedy for a cold and nasal congestion - a spray. It includes an antibacterial component and phenylephrine. The latter, in turn, contributes to the narrowing of the vessels and the normalization of the mucous membrane of the nose. The use of the drug lasts from 5-7 to 10 days. Children up to 3 years of a spray from the rhinitis of Polidex are contraindicated. Also, the medicine is not assigned to future mothers and lactating women.

The reviews say that the Polidex spray allows you to "kill two birds with one stone." During therapy, you get an antibacterial effect, and also provide symptomatic treatment. Phenylephrine removes congestion, itching, burning in the nose. This component has antihistamine action.

Allergic nasal congestion

What are the best sprays from a runny nose and nasal congestion? If the swelling and separation of mucus is caused by an allergic reaction, then it is necessary to consult a doctor. With the help of simple laboratory tests the doctor will find out the cause of your malaise. Starting from this, further therapy is prescribed. Most often prescribed antihistamines for oral and intramuscular use. But there are situations in which a person can not take them. Then doctors give preference to nasal drops and sprays. How to remove the stuffiness of the nose and eliminate the runny nose with allergies?

"Sanorin-Aneralgine" includes in its composition naphazoline, which has a vasoconstrictive effect and has a short-acting effect. Also in the preparation there is antazolin - an antihistamine substance. After application to the mucous membranes comes the maximum effect. It is important that the drug can be used only for five days. If during this time there has not come an improvement, then it is worthwhile to repeatedly apply to the doctors for treatment correction.

"Vibrocil" is another tool for treating congestion and an allergic rhinitis. The composition of the drug includes phenylephrine and dimethindene maleate. This spray can be used for children, but only from the age of six. The medication perfectly removes the stuffy nose and refreshes the breath. It removes all the symptoms of an allergic reaction, including a plentiful separation of mucus. The vasoconstrictor effect is denied by phenylephrine. The second component, dimentindene maleate, blocks the work of histamine receptors without affecting the activity of the ciliated epithelium of the nasal mucosa.

Corticosteroids are also used in the treatment of allergic rhinitis and congestion. The list of preparations is presented to your attention above. It is worth remembering that only one nasal spray is not enough. Certainly, the compositions will facilitate breathing. But they will not fix the problem without your efforts. When allergic rhinitis is necessary to eliminate the source of irritation.

Herbal ingredients for catarrh and obstruction

To treat swelling in the nose and eliminate snot, you can choose preparations based on vegetable oils. These include "Pinosol". There is such a medication on average 300 rubles. According to the reviews, it helps well from a cold and nasal congestion. Spray cheap (analog with the same action) - this is the drug "Pinovit". The composition of the drugs is approximately the same. They include vegetable oils: mountain pine, peppermint, eucalyptus. Also, there is thymol and vitamin E. If the runny nose is caused by getting used to vasoconstrictive drops or it is an atrophic rhinitis, then these drugs will be among the best. They do not affect the vessels of the mucous surface, and, therefore, do not cause habituation. Medications refresh and facilitate breathing, soften the mucous membrane, eliminate crusts, promote the healing of damaged areas.

The use of sprays "Pinosol" and "Pinovit" is contraindicated in allergic rhinitis and stuffiness. In this case, your actions will only worsen your well-being. It is also forbidden to use a medicine in the form of a spray in children under 2 years old. It is important that the medicines described can be prescribed during pregnancy. If the future mother does not have allergies to any component component, she can safely use a herbal preparation that will help with a cold and nasal congestion.

Spray: reviews of preparations for the treatment of a cold

If you turn to consumers, you can hear a wide variety of opinions about medicines. Doctors can not give feedback on the described means in the complex, since they are all intended for different cases.

According to medical opinion, the most safe are sprays based on sea water. They partially remove the edema and clean the nasal mucosa. But the effect of such drugs does not always justify the consumer's expectations. If the congestion of the nose is strong and is caused by the expansion of the vessels, then cleansers based on sea water may seem useless. In this situation, it is advisable to use vasoconstrictive sprays. With allergies, they can also be used, but only for a limited time. If the reaction is caused by a strong stimulus, which constantly has to contact, then you should give preference to glucocorticosteroids.

Antiviral and antibacterial compounds are used in the infectious process caused by the action of microorganisms. It is better to determine it by the doctor, since it is very difficult to put the correct diagnosis on your own. Vegetable formulations are in great demand among pregnant and lactating women. Newly-minted and future mummies say that such drugs are effective and safe. Use them can be a long time (in contrast to vasoconstrictor sprays).

additional information

Often consumers ask themselves the question: what should I choose for the treatment of a runny nose and stuffiness? What is the superiority of sprays? Can I use them for children?

Sprays for treating a runny nose and eliminating nasal congestion have an advantage over drugs in the form of drops. Spray nozzle allows you to irrigate the mucous membrane smoothly. Small droplets fall even in the most inaccessible areas. This is a significant advantage of the spray before the drops. The advantage of many drugs is that the active ingredient is not practically absorbed into the bloodstream. It works locally. It is worth noting that many drugs in the form of sprays are prohibited for use in children. For example, vasoconstrictor compounds are contraindicated up to a year (and some up to six years). Antiviral drugs can be used from birth, whereas antibiotics are prescribed from 2-3 years.

The question of the safety of the use of sprays in infants remains controversial. Children of the first three years of life have a special structure of the ear passage. The tube connecting the nose and ears is short and wide. If you inject the medicine under pressure (spraying the medication), the active substance, along with pathogens, will enter the Eustachian canal. The consequence of such treatment will be otitis. As a result, you will not only help the baby cope with the common cold, but also worsen the condition of the child. Do not self-medicate. Be sure to consult a doctor before applying a nasal spray.


From the article you learned how to choose a spray from the common cold and nasal congestion. Reviews and a review of the drugs are presented to your attention. If you use the composition yourself, be careful. The lack of effect for three days should encourage you to show yourself to the doctor. You need to consult a doctor in the following cases:

  • If a headache or shoots in the ear;
  • The mucus secreted from the nose has purulent impurities (green or yellow);
  • There is nasal bleeding;
  • The symptoms of the disease increased (sneezing, lacrimation);
  • The body temperature rises;
  • There is a sore throat;
  • There is a flow of snot on the back of the throat (often accompanied by a night obsessive cough);
  • The nose is laid out in such a way that even vasoconstrictive drugs do not help.

All these signs indicate that the medication you have chosen is not suitable for treatment. Therefore, its further use is inexpedient. With severe congestion and runny nose, an otorhinolaryngologist will help you. All the best, breathe freely!

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