Food and drinkWines and spirits

What is mescal? What is the difference between mescal and tequila?

Without alcoholic drinks, no triumph is unthinkable. Why from time immemorial they have become an indispensable attribute of the holidays - it is unknown. Perhaps, because they give spree, good mood, help to relax. Even in ancient Greece, the gods enjoyed wines and considered them to be the best earthly nectar. And today this tradition has not lost its relevance. But only the assortment of alcoholic liquids has significantly expanded. In addition to wine, people prefer vodka, martini, whiskey and other overseas products. True, there are some among them that require some knowledge, in order to be used. For example, mezcal, tequila. Not all people have even heard such names, but what they are like, and how to drink them, and even more so do not know.

What is mescal?

Mescal is a traditional Mexican alcoholic beverage. His fortress reaches sometimes 43 degrees. Mescal is called a senior relative of tequila, which appeared much later, although in the modern world is much more widely known.

Some experts distinguish tequila as one of the subspecies of mescal. But it is not so. Yes, drinks have external resemblances, but still there is a difference between them, the same as between rye whiskey and Scotch scotch, cognac and brandy. Mescal gave the world conquistadors from Spain, who used distillation for local wines.

How to make a product

What is mescal, more or less understood. But all the same it is interesting, from what so unique drink consists. It, like tequila, is made from plants belonging to the genus Agave. But for the last kind of liquid, only one grade is used - the blue agave, whereas for the mescal, five classes of a cultural agave are required. Do not disdain and the addition of wild varieties.

For the production of mescal, the cores of the plant are harvested. Then they are steamed for two or three days in special conical stoves made of stone. These furnaces are laid in pits dug in the ground. On the surface of charcoal, the cores of fruits are laid out, on top they are covered with several layers of palm fibers and sprinkled with soil. Thanks to the manipulation, the final product acquires the aroma of smoke. Agave kernels for cooking tequila are steamed in autoclaves or in furnaces of terrestrial location.

The extracted juice from the agave is fermented for three days without adding sugar to it. Once upon a time, mescal was subjected to distillation once. But since the 60s of the last century the drink began to be distilled twice. If you compare mezcal and tequila, the first has a more acute smell and taste. Based on the above information, you can orient in the difference between these two drinks and know exactly what distinguishes mescal from tequila.

Varieties of mescal

Mescal is divided into three varieties. They can be found in any Mexican store.

  1. Young mezcal, or hoven. This drink is a white shade, that is, transparent. It is aged for six months. Hoven is the most common form of mezcal.
  2. What is mescal? And this is also a calm variety, or a repo . The term of its endurance reaches one year. The final product acquires a golden light yellow tone.
  3. The old mezcal, or Aniejo. Can be aged for about three years, but not less than 14 months. This product is painted in an amber deep shade.

In addition to the represented mezcal species, there are still beverages in which all kinds of additives are put. So, various herbs, honey, fruit are used. The color of such aperitifs can also be very diverse, ranging from pink to black.

Caterpillar mezcal not spoil

Mescal with a caterpillar in someone can cause disgust, and someone is just crazy about such an exotic drink. Since the middle of the last century, the manufacturers of the aperitif began to decorate the packaging of their products with all sorts of curiosities. Classical mezcal variety is poured into square bottles. To the neck of bottles of most brands of the drink attach a bag in which there is salt, mixed with dried and ground caterpillars. But worms are selected only those that live in the stems of the agave.

This salt is used for the use of mescal. The spiraled caterpillar of the butterfly Bombix agavis is put in a bottle. A living worm has a red tinge in life, but it quickly loses its color in the drink. Gusano rojo, or red worm, lives in the core of the fruits of the agave, and therefore is the best. Gusano de oro, or white worm, prefers to live in the leaves of the agave and is considered not so "prestigious".

Exposing magic

Many gourmets believe that mezcal with a worm is a medicinal or magical drink. They believe that a caterpillar placed in a liquid gives it miraculous properties. But all this is absolutely not so. Mescal with a worm was invented solely as an advertising move. Manufacturers thus tried to get even more customers into their ranks. Is not an insect and an aphrodisiac. On the labels of bottles it is always indicated that a "surprise" waits inside the consumer.

With a pear is also very tasty

Mescal with a pear is no less popular than a drink with a caterpillar. Divino Joven Mezcal is the only brand of alcohol in the bottle that contains the fruit. The fruit gives the aperitif a unique flavor and original delicate aroma. This species was celebrated many times at various contests organized for drinks made from agave. Mescal with a pear is made using an amazing technology, thanks to which the fruit is grown and stored right in the bottle.

Proper use of mescal

What is mescal, described above, now we will learn how to drink this old drink correctly. So, the liquor you are going to drink should be at room temperature. You can drink it in two ways: the first - sipping the liquid, savoring each of its drops.

The second method involves spilling into small narrow piles of agave beverage. Then you should prepare the salt and lime. The seasoning is poured into the palm of your hand, and the citrus is cut into pieces. With a single volley, the mescal is drunk, then the salt dissolves from the palm and the lime is eaten. This method is quite unusual, but very common, so applying it, you will not cause surprise to others.

But there is another way to absorb mezcal. It is just that it can provoke misunderstandings. But some fans of thrill are using it. In a thin glass, pour two centimeters mescal, and on top of the same tonic. Then we cover the glass with a hand and strongly slam it against the table so that bubbles appear in the cocktail. Then we drink everything with a volley.

Some interesting facts

Sometimes buyers come across bottles with mescal, inside which float small hard lumps. Inexperienced consumers may think that the goods are overdue. But this is not so, and even vice versa: this drink is unfiltered and has the most intense smell and taste.

And still there is an opinion that different types of mescal are identical with each other. To be convinced of the falsity of such an assertion, try at least two different varieties of the drink. After that, you will find that they differ not only in flavor and aroma, but also in color, as each manufacturer uses its secrets of manufacture. Bon appetit, that is feast!

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