HealthDiseases and Conditions

What is deformed arthrosis of the knee joint?

Deformed arthrosis of the knee joint is a disease caused by degenerative dystrophic changes in tissues. Most often this disease affects older people. Children and adolescents suffer them seldom, and usually as a result of getting injured.


The causes of this disease to medicine are still unknown, but it is commonly believed that the deformed arthrosis of the knee joint most often affects people:

  • With a hereditary predisposition to the disease;
  • Suffered a trauma or joint damage;
  • Leading an unhealthy lifestyle;
  • Often experiencing physical stress.

It should be noted that women entering the phase of menopause are more prone to this ailment than men.

Symptoms of deforming arthrosis of the knee joint

The main problem of diagnosing deforming arthrosis of the knee joint is its gradual development. It is very important to recognize the disease in time and start its treatment, otherwise it can become a serious problem for a person, up to the restriction of the walking function. Minor pain occurs when bending the knee, climbing the ladder and exercise. The joint begins to swell, crunch and creak when moving. As arthrosis develops, the pain sensations increase. This disease is diagnosed by a doctor, he also prescribes treatment, which in many respects will depend on the degree of deforming arthrosis.

Degrees of disease

The first degree of gonarthrosis is characterized by an almost asymptomatic course. Only on an x-ray you can find small sizes of osteophytes (bone growth). However, even a specialist can not always correctly diagnose the disease at this stage.

The second degree of the disease is more pronounced: a more pronounced osteophyte on the x-ray and joint pain. Sometimes inflammation occurs in the joint area.

The third degree of the disease is characterized by a pronounced osteophyte, some narrowing of the joint gap, clearly visible on the x-ray, and the presence of synovial fluid in the joint. Deformed arthrosis of the knee joint of the third stage is diagnosed without much difficulty, however, its treatment should be started immediately.

The fourth degree of gonarthrosis differs even more painful sensations, the joint slit is considerably narrowed, often the patient can have sclerosis of the subchondral bone.

Deforming arthrosis of joints: treatment

The treatment regimen for gonarthrosis includes a number of measures aimed at reducing pain, improving blood circulation, removing edema, strengthening the muscular framework and improving the mobility of the joint. For this, the patient is prescribed a complex therapy consisting of drug treatment, physiotherapy and exercise therapy. Usually, patients with a diagnosis of "deformed knee arthrosis" are prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs such as drugs "Indomethacin" and "Diclofenac." They help relieve the pain and swelling of the affected area. Also for this purpose, various ointments and creams are used, which, however, are unlikely to help patients with stage 3-4 disease. As for exercise therapy, the daily exercises for the joint are assigned to the patient individually.

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