Self improvementPsychology

What is cruelty? Causes of the occurrence, the main types and ways to combat cruelty

We often complain about how cruel the world is to us. Our censure is attacked by the malicious opinions of colleagues, the aggression coming from adolescents, the ruthless attitude of well-to-do officials to the people downstairs on the social ladder. What is cruelty? How to deal with it? The answer to these difficult questions will be sought not only in the reality surrounding us, but also in the depths of our own consciousness.

Characteristics of the concept

General psychology describes in detail what cruelty is. According to experts, this desire, ability and opportunity to cause pain and suffering to people, animals, nature. A person in a fit of rage can pounce with his fists not only on the interlocutor, but also on ordinary household items: he breaks furniture, smashes vases, destroys equipment. You will say that it is impossible to be cruel to inanimate things. Yes, it's kind of like that. But in this case, a splash of negative emotions has an indirect character. In this way, the individual does not cruelly deal with things, but with the person who bought them, spent the money he earned, lovingly arranged the home.

The most common form of cruelty is childish. First, it arises because of ignorance: the kid does not understand that, mutilating a cat, he brings her pain. Over time, education and age give fruits, the child develops compassion, empathy, the ability to empathize. In this case, cruelty is easily eliminated. If the baby deliberately injures the living organism and gets pleasure from it, the help of psychologists is simply necessary.


We are not born evil people. Such people become, having gone through a serious trauma or stress. Usually this happens in childhood, when a weak psyche can not cope with deep feelings. Watching the conflicts and assault in the family, the kid becomes bitter, becomes aggressive. There can be several reasons: he copies the behavior of the one who hurts, or sympathizes with the victim and shows anger towards the whole human race because of the sufferings suffered by a loved one.

Special cruelty can develop in a teenager because of his selfishness: he is hurt by the fact that his houses are not noticed, they do not praise at school, they do not sing out in the yard as a leader. Unable to earn a reputation in a different way, he applies violence against peers and relatives. Interestingly, but attacks of anger cause also some unpleasant smells, for example tobacco. They can also be caused by mental disorders, somatic diseases, social factors, love experiences, inferiority complexes, and even watching militants who demonstrate rigidity and ruthlessness.

Basic views

What is cruelty and why it arises, we have already figured out. Now let's highlight the main forms that it acquires in the process of contact of an evil person with the surrounding world:

  • Physical. Such cruelty is violence, the use of physical force, the infliction of bodily injuries and injuries.
  • Indirect. It looks like evil jokes, gossip, curses, which essentially spoil the life of another person, bring him pain and trouble.
  • Irritability. The state is "on the brink", when negative feelings are ready to show up at the slightest comment of the interlocutor, gesture, look.
  • Negativism. Cruelty is "spite". It manifests itself in the form of senseless aggressive acts aimed at crushing the established canons and traditions.

A cruel attitude towards people manifests itself in the form of threats, curses, swearing, calling. In this case, anger is verbal. It is essentially similar to indirect, only unlike it has an open form.

How to help the victim

People's cruelty is a feeling that arises under certain circumstances. Not always and not with everyone. Circumstances develop in such a way that a favorable soil is created for the germination of the root of evil. Usually victims become people who are insecure, who constantly doubt and experience, have an underestimated self-esteem. Such people are convinced that they deserve to be criticized or battered. They, like a magnet, attract the brutal people who want to bring down on their heads a whole set of various offenses.

If a person can not get out of this state himself, relatives and relatives should help him. The potential victim must be explained that she is an individual, a person. And no one has the right to call and beat her, to mock her. A man needs to be made to understand that the offender is himself bound by a multitude of complexes, which he hides behind an aggressive aggression. Simultaneously, all ways to overcome the victim's complex should be aimed at increasing self-esteem and convincing her of her own success.

Other ways to protect

Those who suffered from cruelty need to take urgent measures. First, enroll in a martial arts school. Having studied the methods of self-defense, the victim will be able to apply them in practice - on his abuser. Some experts say that it is not worth responding aggressively to aggression. But some psychologists are still convinced that the change of behavior introduces a cruel man into a stupor. He does not expect such pressure and retreats.

Secondly, you need to seek help. If aggressive behavior comes from children, then talk to their parents and educators. When cruelty is shown by an adult person, then the law enforcement agencies will provide substantial support : they will not only protect you from the offender, but also determine the punishment if his actions are particularly violent. In the case of verbal cruelty, one can simply ignore unpleasant words or answer them with humor - the opponent will soon get tired of wasting his energy and he will find another object for claims.

What is cruelty? This phenomenon, which is completely eradicable. The most important weapon in the fight against aggression directed towards you is your firmness, confidence, equanimity, competent actions and the ability to stand up for yourself.

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