HealthDiseases and Conditions

What is an empty and deformed fetal egg?

The fetal egg is the embryo and its membranes in the first stage of genesis. This significant start begins from the moment of the union of male and female sex cells - the sperm and the egg. During this time, the tandem of two sex cells becomes a full-fledged new organism.

A fruiting egg is constantly experiencing some kind of metamorphosis. After the fusion of the maternal and paternal cells, a zygote is formed, which is divided. The process of division and transformation does not stop. After seven days the fetal egg reaches the uterus and is attached to it, plunging into the thickness of the endometrium. Until then, the vital activity of the embryo is completely ensured by the substances obtained by the ovule from the follicle, in which it ripened. To strengthen the uterus, the egg is covered with villi, which grow into a loose endometrium. In this place begins the formation of the placenta. After the fetal egg is attached, it is fed by the placenta from the mother's body.

At the time when the introduction into the uterine layer occurred, the fetal egg continues to grow actively. It can already be distinguished by ultrasound. As a rule, with a particularly coveted pregnancy, ultrasound is done after a delay of the monthly, although by the rules the first uzi is done between the tenth and twelfth weeks. If a tiny education (about five millimeters in diameter) the doctor can consider, then the fact of pregnancy is established accurately.

Unfortunately, not always the beginning of pregnancy is accompanied by positive news from doctors. Sometimes it happens that an empty fetal egg is visualized - an egg without an embryo. Usually, ultrasound can detect this as early as the fifth week - approximately at the time of the first treatment on suspicion of a delay in menstruation. If there is any doubt, a repeated ultrasound is given after the time, which confirms or refutes the diagnosis. It is best to make an ultrasound transvaginal sensor to obtain more reliable data. Future moms should not be upset in advance - in a significant number of cases the embryo is in the fetal egg, and the heartbeat is already auditioned. If the embryo was not able to see up to seven weeks, a diagnosis is made - anembryony and scraping is done.

Anembrionia is in fact an early death of the fetus, so doctors sometimes use the term frozen pregnancy. At the same time, the fetus itself exists, but does not correspond to its size, the table of which can easily be found on the Internet. Usually her mums are engaged in the search for a wait-and-see diagnosis, but women should take into account the reference dates and many other parameters. Therefore, in this case it is better to trust doctors.

The mechanism of anembryony is that the fetus is normal, but the germ cells do not divide. But nevertheless, as if by inertia, the egg shells continue to grow, although more slowly. Women at this time can feel all the signs of pregnancy, so the news of the dead becomes a thunder from the blue. Despite the negative result, one should not fall into despair - this does not mean that subsequent pregnancies will end either. After a dead pregnancy, women normally get pregnant and give birth to healthy babies.

If a deformed fetal egg is diagnosed, this indicates a threat of miscarriage. Most often the egg resembles beans, stretched along. The main cause of deformity is hypertension of the uterus. If there is a heart palpitating in such a fruitful egg, doctors always try to save the life of the embryo and keep the pregnancy. In this case, complete rest, preparations that relieve tonus and relaxing muscles (no-shpa, magnesium B6, dyufaston, papaverine, dicinone) are prescribed.

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