
What is acne?

What acne can not sometimes explain to those who are sick. Acne is nothing more than an inflammation of the sebaceous glands. This disease is almost the most common in the world. By itself, it is not at all dangerous. The truth is that it is capable of causing a lot of psychological discomfort in many people. Yes, there can indeed be a lot of problems from it. Shame, embarrassment, complexes - it's all familiar to a person with acne. It is unlikely that there will be any other non-dangerous disease in the world that causes as many unpleasant emotions and feelings.

What is acne?

Most of the disease manifests on the face. Often it can be observed on the back and upper half of the chest. In other words, it appears where there are large sebaceous glands. At the base of the acne the inflammatory process gradually begins. With it, pus is produced. Sooner or later a purulent vesicle will open, its contents will be on the surface, where it forms a slide. After healing, scars remain blue. Acne can be very painful.

Many who do not know how to deal with acne try to squeeze them out. This is strictly prohibited. The reason is that this way you can mutilate yourself for life.

To understand what acne is and how to deal with it, you need to study the causes of the appearance. The main ones are:
- hormonal changes;
- microorganisms;
- accumulation of dead skin cells;
- increased activity of the sebaceous glands;
- Inflammation of the skin;
Anabolic steroids;
- heredity and other.

During puberty, teenagers have acne vulgaris. They may not disappear even up to thirty years.
The cause may be polycystic ovary or Cushing's. Often, the disease worsens in women with menopause. This is due to a lack of estradiol.
There is reason to believe that acne is formed in those who consume too much dairy products. Also, the danger can come from seafood and carbohydrate food.

How to treat acne

There are four main areas of treatment:
- hormonal influence;
- anti-inflammatory process;
- destruction of bacteria;
- destruction of dead cells.

To remove the outer layers of the skin, you can use a liquid scrub, abrasive materials. Chemicals can also be used.
Antibiotics and bactericides have long proven themselves as a good way to get rid of acne. In the mild form of the disease, the administration of drugs based on benzoyl peroxide is recommended. Do not just forget that the use of this kind of drugs can easily cause the skin to dry out. The consequences can be attributed still redness and irritation. Triclosan is not as effective, but it is more safe. Heavy forms of acne are treated with trimethoprim, erythromycin, styemycin, clindamycin. Hormonal therapy is more suitable for women. In most cases, combined drugs are used: estrogen and cyproterone, or estrogen and progestogen.

With phototherapy, special lamps are used. A neodymium laser can be used . They can sterilize the foci of inflammation. It's pretty effective.

Preventive measures

- there is only healthy and fresh food;
- Avoid exposure to ultraviolet light;
- move more;
- avoid stress;
- keep the skin clean.

Many believe that frequent washing will help protect the skin from acne. This is a big mistake. In fact, when washing, a person only stimulates the activity of the sebaceous glands. Yes - you need to keep your skin clean, but you need to do everything in moderation. Of folk remedies, you can recommend lemon juice. Add it to the water, and then use it for washing. The skin from this will become drier.

We hope that the article helped you understand what acne is and how to fight with this disease.

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