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The most accurate clock in the world is quantum

Time, in spite of the fact that scientists still can not completely unravel its true essence, still has its own units of measurement established by mankind. And a device for calculation, called a clock. What are their varieties, what are the most accurate watches in the world? This will be discussed in our today's material.

What are the most accurate watches in the world?

They are considered atomic - they have scanty small errors, which can only reach a second for a billion years. The second, not less honorable, pedestal wins a quartz watch. They fall behind in a month or rush forward only for 10-15 seconds. But the mechanical is not the most accurate clock in the world. They need all the time to start and fail, and here the errors are of a completely different order.

The most accurate atomic clock in the world

As already mentioned, atomic devices for qualitative measurement of time are so scrupulous that their errors can be compared with measurements of the diameter of our planet exactly to each microparticle. Undoubtedly, there are no exact mechanisms for such an average person in everyday existence as such. Such are used by researchers from science for carrying out various experiments, where an ultimate calculation is required. They provide opportunities for people to check the "time course" in various areas of the globe or to conduct experiments that support the general theory of relativity, as well as other physical theories and hypotheses.

Paris standard

What are the most accurate watches in the world? It is customary to consider them Parisian, belonging to the Institute of Time. This device - the so-called standard of time, is used to compare people around the world. By the way, in fact it is not exactly like the "walkers" in the traditional sense of the word, but it resembles the most precise device of the most complicated construction, where the quantum principle lies at the basis, and the main idea is the calculation of space-time by means of particle oscillations with errors equal to only 1 Second for 1000 years.

Even more accurate

What are the most accurate watches in the world today? In the current reality, scientists have invented a device that is 100 thousand times more accurate than the Parisian standard. Its error is one second by 3.7 billion years! A group of physicists from the United States is responsible for the product of this technique. It is already the second version of devices for time, built on quantum logic, where information processing is carried out by a method similar to, for example, quantum computers.

Assistance in research

The newest quantum devices not only set other standards in the measurement of such a magnitude as time, but also help researchers in many countries resolve certain issues related to physical constants such as the speed of a light beam in a vacuum or the Planck constant. The increasing accuracy of measurements is favorable for scientists, they hope to track the time dilation caused by gravity. And one of the technology companies in the US plans to launch even a serial quantum clock for everyday use. True, how high will their primary cost be?

Operating principle

Atomic clocks are also called quantum, because they function on the basis of processes that occur at molecular levels. To create high-precision instruments, not all atoms are taken: usually the use of calcium and iodine, cesium and rubidium, and also of hydrogen molecules is characteristic. At the moment, the most accurate mechanisms for calculating time on the basis of Ytibery, they were produced by the Americans. In the work of equipment involved more than 10 thousand atoms, and this provides excellent accuracy. By the way, the predecessors-record holders had an error of "just" by 100 million per second, which, you will agree, is also a considerable period.

Precise quartz ...

When choosing household "walkers" for daily use, of course, atomic devices should not be taken into account. Of everyday households, the world's finest watches are quartz watches, which also have a number of advantages compared to mechanical ones: they do not require a plant, they work with crystals. Their errors in the course of an average of 15 seconds per month (mechanical can usually lag for such an amount of time per day). And the most accurate wristwatch in the world of all quartz, according to many experts, the company Citizen - "Chronomaster." They can have an error of only 5 seconds per year. At cost, they are quite expensive - within 4 thousand euros. On the second step of the imaginary pedestal of Longines (10 seconds per year). They are already much cheaper - about 1000 euros.

... and mechanical

Most mechanical instruments for measuring time, as a rule, are not very accurate. However, one of the devices still boasts. Watches made in the 20th century for the Copenhagen City Hall have a huge mechanism of 14 thousand elements. Due to the complex design, as well as the rather slow functionality of their errors in measurements - a second for every 600 years.

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