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What do proverbs teach? Proverbs about friendship, work, homeland, good and evil

Proverbs occupy an important place in the culture of any people of the world. Originating in ancient times, they always carried in themselves wisdom and centuries-old experience. These linguistic phrases, rhythmic and laconic, full of deep meaning, accompany us throughout life. What do proverbs teach? Let's try to get to the bottom of the truth.

general characteristics

Proverbs - a genre of folklore, reflecting the spiritual condition of ordinary people from the people, carrying the knowledge they have accumulated. They are decorated in short sentences. Proverbs are inherent:

  • Rhythmic coloring.
  • Beautiful sound.
  • A sharp expression of thought.
  • Instruction, instruction and humor.

The essence of proverbs is to convey to the future generations the experience gained. Therefore, developing intellectually and spiritually, the people changed their sayings. Proverbs were improved, new words were added to them, carrying a completely different meaning. Many of them are borrowed from works: Russian folk tales, the Bible, fables, ballads, legends and epics.

Interestingly, the first proverbs appeared long before our era. They were common in Israel, Egypt, Greece and the Roman Empire. Ancient philosopher Aristotle became the first person who managed to classify them and generalize them in one edition.

Proverbs about friendship

They teach us that a friend is not a thing that is easy to replace. A real comrade is a man experienced in joy and sorrow. He always comes to the rescue, will stand his shoulder, give a hand. And even if new acquaintances and friends have appeared on the horizon, they will never replace a true friend that accompanies you all your life. For example, this idea is expressed in such a proverb: "An old friend is better than the new two."

Being a real companion is hard work. Such people are ready to give without receiving anything in return. They are unselfish and reliable. They need to be valued: if due to betrayal or strong resentment a close person turns away from you, it is impossible to return it. Buy for money or other material wealth his love and respect is impossible.

Proverbs of friendship say that without true comrades, existence loses its colors. It is better to live without a penny to the soul, but surrounded by loyal companions and companions. For example: "Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends," "Friendship is power," "A man without friends is a falcon without flight."

About work

The Russian people have always been hardworking. Field and cattle, machines and machines, mines and workings are what have become a part of the lives of many ordinary people from the remote area, workers and peasants. Therefore, they transformed their accumulated life experience into winged expressions: "No water flows under a lying stone," "Patience and work will peretrut." They teach us not to be lazy, but on the contrary, to try to achieve maximum results in your profession. Because only hard, productive work is a pledge of material prosperity and prosperity. Proverbs about work bring to us centuries-old wisdom: any case, even draft, must be respected. Regardless of what a person does, he deserves praise and recognition, if, of course, this occupation is not immoral, does not harm society and has no criminal connotation.

The work of others must be valued. And most, taking up work, do not rush. Because only diligence, diligence and attention help to do something really useful and beautiful, quality and durable: "Hurry twice does one thing", "Measure seven times - cut once".

About the Motherland

What do proverbs teach in which the native home is mentioned, the fatherland? Of course, love them, appreciate and respect them. Man does not choose his family and the land on which he was born. Therefore, whatever your country - poor, unrecognized or oppressed - it can not be forgotten, betrayed, sold for money. This is what proverbs say: "Take care of the land of your motherland, as your beloved mother," "Thin that bird that nests its dirty nest."

In folk sayings it is shown that a united nation is a force capable of resisting external threats, internal conflicts, economic and political crises. Only by combining their efforts, people can withstand the hard trials: "When the people are one, it is invincible."

Proverbs say: even when staying in a foreign land, a person reaches out to his roots. No foreign goods will replace him with customs and traditions, loved since childhood, and dining in a restaurant with delicacies, he will remember with nostalgia grandmother's cheesecake and mother's pancakes. For example: "Someone else's side is a stepmother", "Overseas is warmer, but we are lighter".

About good and evil

Being educated, moral and honest - that's what the proverbs teach. They often mention that a person should keep a clear conscience and good intentions in spite of different temptations and unforeseen circumstances: "Follow good - go up the hill, read evil - fall into the abyss."

If there are people around who have a dark soul and bad intentions, one must be tolerant towards them. Their lives will be punished without your participation, everything will be rewarded with a hundredfold: "Good to grow, grow thin in the holes," "Woe to the one who does good to no one."

Despite the cruel reality, one must always remain positive and open. Folk wisdom says: "Good deeds live for two centuries". Therefore, you need to go the way on earth so that you are remembered only with love and respect. That's what the proverbs teach about good and evil. They encourage us to adhere to moral principles and moral criteria.

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