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What distinguishes the Chinese from the Japanese: teach external differences

Quite often people make attempts to determine the nationality of the interlocutor by its appearance, some features characteristic of the natives of this particular country. And very often such "characteristics" become something like stereotypes, resulting in such beliefs as "all Irish redheads" or statements in the spirit of "an Italian-typical slit between the front teeth." But at the same time, many residents of the countries of Europe are absolutely unable to distinguish a resident of one Asian country from another, for them "all Asians - one person, do not understand who he is, a Chinese or a Japanese, than they differ at least?". At the same time, the inhabitants of Asia distinguish themselves with almost absolute accuracy, although there are exceptions, since a number of certain differences still exist.

National diversity and unity

When talking about the differences between one nation and another, one should at least look at the history of the countries under discussion. And immediately the fact that China is a country that is not monolithic in its ethnic composition will pop up, and the inhabitants of Beijing and, for example, Taiwan will be significantly different from each other. At the same time, Japan is a mono-national country, and the Japanese are more or less similar to each other. However, there are some characteristic features that will help answer the question: "What is the difference between the Chinese and the Japanese?"

Characteristic external features

Standing next to the Chinese and Japanese to distinguish from each other is not so difficult, as it may seem at first glance. The Japanese, as a rule, are higher than the Chinese by an average of a dozen centimeters, and this difference is very palpable and immediately catches the eye. Of all Asians, the Japanese are the most light-skinned (and the Chinese skin really has a yellowish shade, because of which Chinese women do not like to sunbathe), they have more extended faces (as, indeed, Koreans).

The eyes of the Japanese and Chinese are also different. In the first, they have a wider incision, and the second have a pronounced single eyelid (by the way, in South Korea, nearby, plastic surgery is practiced, thanks to which a "European" double eyelid is so popular with Asian women of fashion who are ready for any tricks ). In addition, the Japanese have a more subtle and outstanding nose, and while the Chinese, it is rather flat. The hair of the Japanese is softer than that of the Chinese, and the vegetation on their face is also less.

Personal care

The differences between the Chinese and the Japanese are also noticeable in the way they relate to their own appearance. It is believed that the Japanese are very worried about what they think about people around them, very worried about their reputation. They are much more concerned about their appearance, in contrast to all the same Chinese. The skin of Japanese women, in contrast to the skin of Chinese women, is almost always much more well-groomed, they can give a little less attention to their clothes, but the hairstyle and makeup will always be carefully thought out. Chinese women are more likely to be reproached for lack of sense of style, wrong combination of colors in clothes, lack of make-up, lack of hair.

For example, quite often on the street you can meet a Chinese woman dressed in a home suit, or even in pajamas. Japanese will never allow herself such a thing. The Japanese as a whole prefer a better quality of clothing, often - well-known brands.

Many often note the Japanese love of stockings with displeasure, they say, they emphasize the curvature of the feet of Japanese women. There is an opinion that Japanese feet are somewhat short and crooked, whereas in Chinese they are quite long and straight. And the calf muscles of the latter are not so large and developed.


What is the difference between the Chinese and Japanese except for appearance, so it's a manner of behavior. There is such half-joking advice: if you have met a group of Asian tourists and do not know who they are, then look at their behavior. If they make a noise - then it's the Chinese, and if they quietly take photos and view the sights, then the Japanese. But in every joke, as you know, only a joke, and this expression is also able to tell how to distinguish a Chinese from a Japanese.

Due to the established cultural characteristics, including the characteristics of education, the Chinese are very noisy and impulsive when compared with the same Japanese, who, on the contrary, are taught modesty and delicacy from their earliest childhood. Therefore, many Chinese people in public places do what no Japanese will allow themselves, for example, they talk loudly and emotionally, spit at their feet without the slightest shadow of embarrassment.


Summarizing the above, we can conclude that there are quite a lot of things that can be used to understand how the Chinese differ from the Japanese, especially if you practice in it. Or have the opportunity to communicate with both, and with others live. It is enough to remember some external differences, for example, in the structure of the face, skin color, manner of dressing, and to learn the most characteristic features of the behavior of a nation (although not putting this set of features into the rank of absolute truth, remembering that they are only general regulations).

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