
Ways how beautiful to tie a headscarf on your head

On cold autumn days, you need to protect your throat and ears. In the summer heat should protect the head from overheating, and hair - from exposure to ultraviolet light. It is not always possible to find a hat, panama or cap that will not only protect, but also emphasize the individuality and style. In addition, all these hats can ruin a long-lasting complex hairdo.

In all these cases, an excellent alternative will be kerchiefs and scarves that can not only protect the head and hair, but also give the image a complete look, emphasize the dignity of the exterior or, conversely, hide its shortcomings.

How beautiful to tie a headscarf in the form of a bandage?

Before putting on a handkerchief, it needs to be straightened, and then folded so that a strip of 5 cm in width is formed. Then the resulting bandage is laid along the hair line so that its middle coincides with the middle of the forehead. The ends of the kerchief are tied on the back of the head in a tight knot. The strip should hold well on the head and not crawl.

This option will be an excellent way to protect your ears from the cold in cool weather or complete your image on a hot summer day.

How beautiful to tie a headscarf in a classic way?

The kerchief is folded diagonally, laid in a fold on the forehead (closer to the eyebrow line). Then the ends of the kerchief knot at the nape of the neck, and folds straighten. Despite the fact that this method is old enough, it is perfectly suitable for thin silk shawls of various colors, which in the summer heat will replace other headgear. It is suitable for women of any age.

How beautiful to tie a headscarf on a head eight?

Handkerchiefs, tied in this way, can be seen in movies of the beginning of the last century. To make the figure eight, you need a decorative buckle. A handkerchief folded with a bandage is placed on the neck under the hair, the ends are lowered onto the chest, and then passed through the hole in the buckle. The dressing is lifted on the head (buckle in front). The ends are tightened so that the kerchief is snug against the head, then tied behind under the hair.

How beautiful to tie a headscarf to make a turban?

This is a very effective way, capable of giving the style some mystery of the East. The head is covered with a handkerchief, then the ends are crossed on the back of the head and knotted. From one free end make a loop and stretch through the knot, through another loop that is obtained, the other end is pulled out. Both ends are well tightened, and then tucked under the fabric assemblies to hide them.

You can use another option. In this case, both ends are connected with a pin on the back of the head, then each of the ends is twisted. As a result, long rollers are produced, which wrap around the head. The ends of the rollers are hidden under the kerchief assembly.

How beautiful it is to tie a handkerchief in a peasant way

Despite the fact that the method is rather old, it remains relevant even now. The handkerchief is folded diagonally, stacked on the head to make the ends hang, then wrapped around the neck and tied behind. The handkerchief thus tied looks fashionable and expensive. It can be used for both summer silk scarves, and for winter woolen scarves or scarves.

Whichever method you choose, the headpiece will look very original and interesting. The way it is beautiful to tie a headscarf will not be a problem for you anymore . Do not be afraid to experiment!

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