HealthAlternative Medicine

Useful properties of rhubarb: the main aspects

Today, the beneficial properties of rhubarb are known in many countries around the world. The native land of this plant is Northern Mongolia and Siberia, and the range of its wild species is limited mainly to geographical regions of Asia. Knowing the useful properties of rhubarb, it began to be cultivated in China for another 3 thousand years BC. On the world, this delicacy was sold by Arab merchants.

Rhubarb is a herbaceous perennial plant of the buckwheat family. It can be of two types: medicinal and vegetable. The leaves are large, oval or round, petiolate, converge in the basal rosette, the edges are corrugated or smooth. Useful properties of rhubarb are reflected in cooking and medicine. For this purpose, petioles and fleshy rhizomes of the plant go.

Useful properties of rhubarb are due to the substances contained in it. In particular, in its rhizome, petioles there is a wide range of vitamins: A, B, E, C, K. Its parts contain pectins, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium, selenium, manganese, zinc, copper. Thanks to organic acids (oxalic, chryphonic, malic), rhubarb has medicinal properties. It contains starch, resins, tannins. Consuming products from it, you can not be afraid for your figure, this is a fairly low-calorie plant.

Of course, a special recognition of rhubarb is found in cooking. The number of dishes that can be cooked from it is very high: it is compote, pies, jam, jams, jelly, jelly, kvass, juice. It can also serve as a part of the garnish, where the main component is rice. Rhubarb is the starting material for the preparation of a variety of medicines for both folk and official medicine. Contained in its roots, chrysarobin is used in the manufacture of medicines for psoriasis. Rhubarb powder is used as an astringent and anti-inflammatory agent, used to improve appetite and normalize the digestive system. It is also used in the treatment of catarrh of the stomach and intestines, dyspepsia, and also to obtain choleretic effect.

If you increase the dose of rhubarb powder, it becomes a delicate laxative. In this case, it can be used for intestinal atony and constipation (chronic). Rhubarb promotes softening of the stool, which helps with hemorrhoids and anal fissures. In folk medicine, this plant is used for anemia, tuberculosis, gall bladder diseases, digestive system disorders. The effectiveness of drugs from it is lost with prolonged use, so they should be alternated with drugs on a different basis.

Like any drug, it has a dual effect on the body and rhubarb. Useful properties, contraindications - all this is his. In particular, when using products and preparations from it, one should not forget that it is better to avoid large doses during pregnancy, rheumatism, gout, diabetes, cholecystitis, predisposition to diarrhea, bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract (including those caused by hemorrhoids), bladder inflammations, stones In the kidneys.

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