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Tincture of nettle on vodka: application, medicinal properties, contraindications

Among all possible herbaceous plants, for sure, every nettle is known to be dioecious. Who among us is not burned, hitting in its thickets, or did not enjoy the taste of cooked from her cabbage soup! But not only in cooking, it has become indispensable. Since ancient times it has been used as an unsurpassed medicinal product that can heal most of the known diseases.

Many people for medical purposes use such a tool as tincture of nettle on vodka. Its application, as well as ways of correct preparation are described in many sources. Yes, and the feedback of patients who were able to get rid of those considered incurable diseases, say a lot. This tool is able to help with diseases of both internal organs and external covers of the human body.

Useful properties of nettle and its composition as a medicinal raw material

Nettle treatment is very effective for a number of diseases, since it has a unique composition.

  • Only 100 grams of the plant contains a very large vitamin series, in which there are vitamins of group B, C, E, K, as well as 5.4 g of carbohydrates, 3.1 g of fiber, 3.7 g of protein and 0.5 g of fat . Among the trace elements in the composition there are such necessary for the body, as chlorine, copper, phosphorus, zinc, selenium, calcium and iron.
  • Cellulose and lignin in nettles help to eliminate various toxins from the body, and available beta-carotene helps to improve visual acuity.
  • There are also formic acid, tannins and some flavonoids in the nettle. In ancient times, in the absence of perfect medicine, from an imminent death in obtaining the strongest frostbite a man was saved by a blanket from the nettle, into which he was wrapped.

Due to this unique composition of the plant, the majority of folk healers recommend the tincture of nettle on vodka. Its application also does not cause any side effects. Even calcium, which is present in the composition and which can normally harm the kidneys, is found here in the form of a carbonate, which poses no threat, even if the tincture enters the body in very large quantities.

Possible contraindications for the use of products from the nettle

In spite of the many useful properties of this medicinal plant, the treatment with nettle can have a number of contraindications for the patient. It should not be used as a medicament to alcohol tincture of this plant to those people who have problems associated with blood coagulability, especially when it is elevated. This includes diseases such as thrombophlebitis, varicose veins and hypertension. It is also strictly forbidden nettle during pregnancy because of its ability to provoke premature birth. In all other cases, taking a plant that is infused with alcohol will only benefit the patient.

What diseases are subject to nettles?

From a magnificent plant with multivitamin properties, since ancient times medicines have been prepared, using as a basis for them medical alcohol. Many healers recommend that at home there is always a tincture of nettle on vodka. Its application becomes necessary in those cases when it is required to stop internal or external bleeding. In addition, the alcohol tincture of the medicinal plant is very effective in the following diseases:

• Urolithiasis disease.

• Stool disorders (constipation).

• Inflammation of the lungs and diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

• Diseases of the digestive tract.

• Diabetes.

• Diseases of the gallbladder.

• Anemia.

What else heals nettles, infused with vodka?

In addition, alcohol tincture, prepared from the plant, promotes the purification of blood, the removal of various toxic substances from the body, the elimination of the consequences of severe inflammatory processes. And this is not a complete list of physiological pathologies with which a medicinal plant can cope.

Nettle tincture on vodka has found application not only in the treatment of various diseases, but also as an excellent preventive remedy. Thanks to it, there is an excellent opportunity to prolong the periods of remission in case of many serious illnesses that are chronic.

Recipe for alcohol tincture from nettle

For the most part, alcoholic tinctures are prepared from a plant such as a nettle nettle. But it is best for them to take vodka, since in the presence of the same properties as alcohol, it, unlike it, is not capable of eliminating the curative substances available in this plant.

To get effective tincture of nettle, the instruction for its manufacture should be observed with precision, without any deviation from the prescription. It consists in the following:

  • It takes a liter capacity, which is placed 200 grams of dry nettle, and filled up with vodka to the top. Instead of alcohol, you should take it, so as not to cause a burn of the mucosa of the digestive organs and the larynx when using this medication internally.
  • The vessel with the resulting drug mixture should be covered with gauze to prevent dust, but at the same time it will not be an obstacle to the passage of oxygen. Within a day, this compound should be infused with light, and then it is removed to a dark, cool place for at least a week.
  • After this time, the nettle tincture should be filtered off, a thick foundation of nettle leaves squeezed and take the remedy before meals, for half an hour, one spoonful.

There are many more options for preparing a medicine from this plant. Therefore, those who are interested in how to make a tincture from the nettle, it will not be difficult to find the necessary recipe. Moreover, with proper preparation, it contributes to the cure of many diseases. Good properties of this tool showed in the treatment of bronchitis and neuritis, and also as a restorative drug.

Nettle tincture - unrivaled help to hair

Also, a medicinal product from this plant, prepared on the basis of alcohol, is used in the treatment of external covers of the human body. With various skin diseases and as a great tool for improving the structure of the hair, a nettle tincture was used. The recipe for its preparation is simple enough and consists in the following:

  • It is necessary to take 100 g of dry grass and a half liter of vodka. Both prepared components are mixed in an empty tightly closed container.
  • Next, the prepared mixture is thoroughly mixed by shaking and retracted to a dark place. The temperature mode in it should be within 20 degrees.
  • The drug is infused under these conditions for 9 days.

At the end of this period, the product is ready for use. In order to have a positive effect, it should be rubbed into the roots of the hair, which must be dry, and then spread along the entire length. Once this procedure is completed, a cellophane bag is put on the head, and a towel is wound on top. Walking is worth at least 40 minutes, and then, in order to remove the remnants of the product, the usual washing of the head is done.

Effect of nettle tincture for hair

Nettle tincture, which will be used to treat hair, can also be prepared on the basis of ordinary vodka. The desired effect of the use of this drug will be noticeable in the coming weeks. It is promoted by such properties of curative tincture, as a strong warming up and, accordingly, expansion of hair bulbs. And when they are in this state, the drug enzymes contained in the nettle are much easier to get inside. Expressed the results are that hair loss will stop due to the fact that their roots will be significantly strengthened. Also, because of the heat stimulation of the bulbs, the hair begins to grow much faster.

The leaves of the nettle, infused with vodka, also help with early baldness. They should also be rubbed into the roots. But to this prescription with special care should be treated blondes, since the nettle, which is infused with an alcohol base, usually gives the hair a greenish tinge.

What is the correct preparation of nettle for?

To ensure that this unique in its properties medicinal raw materials went only for good, it should be harvested in the right way. After all, only with the appropriate preparation of medicinal plants for further use, as well as storage of tincture of the roots of nettle, its stems and leaves, can provide the necessary help for many diseases. Especially in cases where the patient for a number of reasons are contraindicated in conventional medicines. In addition, only raw materials prepared according to all rules will not undergo rot and decomposition.

The rules for collecting and drying the plant

The main rules of procurement are the following:

  • The best medicine is that which is prepared by own hands, and not bought in a pharmacy.
  • The time of collection of stems and leaves is summer, from June to August, as it is during this period that the plant is in a flowering phase and its ground part contains the largest amount of nutrients.
  • The roots should be harvested in May, choosing the most powerful plants for this purpose.
  • Drying of this drug should be carried out in a shaded, well ventilated room.
  • The best way to do this is when the nettle is laid out on a sheet of paper with a thin layer and turns regularly. In a suspended state, drying the plant is highly discouraged.

The roots and leaves of nettle have long been recognized by traditional medicine as a remedy, especially when they are properly dried and stored appropriately.

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