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The story "The Dog's Heart": a characteristic of Sharikov. Sharik and Sharikov: comparative characteristics

In 1925, as a response to the events taking place in the country, M. Bulgakov's satirical novel "The Heart of a Dog" appeared. And although the publication of the work in the journal Nedra was originally intended, it was published only in 1987. Why did it happen so? Let's try to answer this question by analyzing the image of the main character, Sharik-Polygraph Polygraphovich.

Summary of the story "The Heart of a Dog"

The characterization of Sharikov and what he became as a result of the experiment is an important point for understanding the idea of the work. Moscow professor Preobrazhensky together with his assistant Bormental conceived to determine whether pituitary transplantation facilitates the rejuvenation of the organism. The experiment was decided on a dog. Donor was the deceased lumpen Chugunkin. To the amazement of the professor, the pituitary gland not only took root, but also contributed to the transformation of a good dog into a human (or rather, an anthropomorphic creature). The process of his "formation" is the basis of the story, which M. Bulgakov wrote, "The Heart of a Dog." Sharikov, whose characterization is given below, is remarkably similar to Clim. And not only outwardly, but also in the way of mind and manners. In addition, the new masters of life in the person of Shvonder quickly explained to Sharikov what rights he had in society and in the professor's house. As a result, the real devil burst into the quiet, familiar world of Preobrazhensky. First the petty hooliganism of Polygraph Poligrafovich, then the attempt to seize living space, and finally the open threat of Bormental's life, caused the professor to conduct a reverse operation. And very soon an innocuous dog once again lived in his apartment. This is the summary of the story "Dog Heart".

Characterization Sharikov begins with a description of the life of a homeless dog, picked up by a professor on the street.

Street dog life

At the beginning of the work the writer depicts winter Petersburg through the perception of his homeless dog. Frozen and thin. Dirty, wrinkled wool. One side is strongly burned - boiled with boiling water. This is the future Sharikov. The dog's heart - the characteristic of the animal shows that he was kinder than the one who turned out later - responded to the sausage, and the dog obediently went after the professor.

The world for Sharik consisted of hungry and well-fed. The first were evil and tried to harm others. For the most part, they were "the lackeys of life," and the dog did not like them, calling themselves "human cleansings." The second, which the professor immediately took, was considered less dangerous: they were not afraid of anyone, and therefore did not kick others. So originally was Sharikov.

"The Dog's Heart": Characteristics of the Dog "Home"

For a week in the house of Preobrazhensky, the ball changed beyond recognition. He recovered and turned into a handsome man. At first the dog treated everyone with disbelief and was still thinking about what they wanted from him. He understood that he was not likely to be sheltered for nothing. But over time he was so used to a satisfying and warm life that his mind became dull. Now Sharik was just happy and was ready to demolish everything, if only he was not sent to the street.

Professor respected the dog - it was he who took him to himself. He loved the cook, since her possessions were associated with him with the very center of the paradise in which he found himself. Zina perceived as a servant, who she really was. And Bormental, who was bitten by his leg, called "tapped" - the doctor had nothing to do with his well-being. And although the dog evokes the reader's sympathy, already now you can see some traits, which then will characterize the characteristic of Sharikov. In the story "The Heart of a Dog", those who instantly believed the new government and hoped to get out of poverty and "become everything" are initially identified. In the same way, Sharik exchanged freedom for food and warmth - he even began to wear a collar, which distinguished him among other dogs on the street, with pride. A full life made him a dog, ready to please the owner in every way.

Clim Chugunkin

Before talking about Polygraph Polygraphovich Sharikov (he chose the name himself, and the name was inherited), it is necessary to note who his donor was. Clim is a typical lumpen. He was young, but outwardly badly built. He had three convictions, however, on all justified, the second time, by the way, - thanks to proletarian origin. He died from a knife blow. He did not have a profession, he earned by playing balalaika in taverns. Drunkenness, cursing, negligence, bad taste in everything, immoral behavior, open parasitism - these features of Klim will be fully manifested in the image of Polygraph Polygraphovich, which is proved by the characterization of Sharikov in the story "The Dog's Heart."

The transformation of a dog into a human

Between the two operations, no more than three months passed. Dr. Bormental describes in detail all those changes, external and internal, that occurred with the dog after the operation. As a result of humanization, a monster emerged, inheriting the habits and beliefs of its "parents". Here is a brief description of Sharikov, the canine heart in which coexisted with the part of the proletarian brain.

Polygraph Polygraphovich had an unpleasant appearance. Constantly swore and swore. From Klim he was given a passion for the balalaika, and playing it from morning till night, he did not think about the rest of the others. He had a predilection for alcohol, cigarettes, seeds. For all the time and has not accustomed to order. From the dog inherited a love for delicious food and hatred of cats, laziness and a sense of self-preservation. And if the dog could still be influenced somehow, then Polygraph Polygraphovich considered his life at another's expense quite natural - such thoughts are summed up by Sharik and Sharikov.

"Dog Heart" shows how selfish and unprincipled was the main character, who realized how easy it is to get everything he wants. This opinion only strengthened when he acquired new acquaintances.

The role of Shvonder in the "formation" of Sharikov

The professor and his assistant tried in vain to accustom the creature that they had created, to order, observance of etiquette, etc., but Sharikov was insolent before his eyes and did not see any barriers before him. A special role in this played Shvonder. As chairman of the house committee, he had long ceased to love the intelligent Preobrazhensky already for the fact that the professor lived in a seven-room apartment and kept his old views on the world. Now he decided to use Sharikov in his fight. According to his naivshivaniyu Polygraph Polygraphovich proclaimed himself a labor element and demanded to allocate the square meters due to him. Then he brought Vasnetsov to the apartment, where he intended to marry. Finally, not without help from Shvonder, he concocted a lying denunciation on the professor.

The same chairman of the house committee arranged Sharikov to the post. And already yesterday's dog, dressed in a leather jacket, began to catch cats and dogs, experiencing pleasure from it.

And again the ball

However, everything has a limit. When Sharikov attacked Bormental with a pistol, the professor and the doctor, who understood each other without words, again began the operation. The monster, born of a combination of slavish consciousness, Sharik's adaptability and aggressiveness and rudeness of Klim, was destroyed. A few days later an innocuous sweet dog once again lived in the apartment. A failed medical and biological experiment marked a very disturbing writer's social and moral problem, which Sharik and Sharikov helped to understand. Comparative characteristics ("The Heart of a Dog," according to V. Sakharov, "Satire is Smart and Hot") shows how dangerous it is to invade the realm of natural human and social relations. It is the depth of the meaning of the work that caused the story that the heroes' cheerful transformations for many decades fell under the ban of the authorities.

The meaning of the story

"The Heart of a Dog" - a characteristic of Sharikov's confirmation of this - describes a dangerous social phenomenon that originated in the Soviet Union after the revolution. People like the protagonist often came to power and destroyed by their actions the best that has developed in human society for centuries. Life at another's expense, denunciation, contempt for educated intelligent people - these and similar phenomena became in the twenties the norm of life.

One more important point should be noted. Experiment Preobrazhensky - is an intervention in the natural processes of nature, which again proves in the story "The Heart of a Dog" characteristic of Sharikov. The professor understands this after all that has happened and decides to correct his mistake. However, in real life, everything is much more complicated. And the attempt to change society by revolutionary violent means is initially doomed to failure. That is why the work does not lose its relevance to this day, being a warning for contemporaries and descendants.

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