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The image of Raskolnikov in the novel "Crime and Punishment"

A deep philosophical message lies at the heart of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment. The image of Raskolnikov (the main character) is very complex and contradictory. Its whole essence unfolds gradually, from the first chapter to the last. Therefore, it will be more expedient to consider the formation and transformation of the image in parts of the novel.

Part one

In this part, which consists of seven chapters, we get acquainted with the main character. At the very beginning of the work the author describes the external characteristics of Rodion Romanovich. He is handsome, thin and slim, dark-Russian, his height is above average, he has beautiful dark eyes. And then the emphasis is on the excessively distressing situation. Dostoevsky writes that Rodion is dressed in absolute rags, in which another person would be very ashamed to walk down the street.

Then the initial image of Raskolnikov begins to form. He is obsessed with a crazy idea that completely swallowed him. A man thinks about whether he will be able to decide on a crime "for the good of mankind." And when Rodion began to doubt his decision, he went to the tavern, where his anxious thoughts left him.

He gets acquainted with Marmeladov, his wife and children. Rodion learns of his daughter Sonia, who went to the panel so that the family does not die of hunger. A letter from her mother, in which she writes about the situation with Dunya, infuriates him. These facts reinforce the idea of accomplishing the plan.

The image of Raskolnikov contrasts sharply with the image of his comrade Razumikhin. He, too, is poor, but completely differently perceives the hardships of fate.

This part describes the dream of Rodion, which is based on memories from childhood. Here we see a little boy who sympathizes and empathizes with the horse killed by the owner. But the cute image of Raskolnikov, a child who is very upset because of the death of the animal, dissipates like a dream. A cold-blooded and thoroughly thought-out murderer appears before us. At the time of committing a crime, he experiences dizziness, his hands become weak for a moment. However, he swings and kills the old woman, and then accidentally entered Lizaveta. After that, he was seized with fear. With every minute in Rodion grew disgust because of the crime.

Part two

In this part, the image of Raskolnikov continues to form. He is terribly afraid that he will be suspected, and carefully conceals the evidence. He is not interested in stolen money. Rodion hates everything around and is annoyed by the fact that he went deliberately to such an ugly and mean thing.

Being at home, he begins to rave. This continues for four days. When Razumikhin and Zosimov speak of murder, Rodion becomes even worse. The arrival of Luzhin further aggravates his well-being. He remembers his sister and mother. Despite the general weakness, Rodion Raskolnikov (whose image is already somewhat looming) boldly expresses everything that thinks about this vile person.

Meeting and talking with Zametov emphasize how Raskolnikov suffers in his soul. As if in a fit, he makes the interlocutor think that he himself committed the murder. And then very quietly asks: "What if I'm the old woman and killed Lizaveta?" Zametov does not take these words seriously, comparing Raskolnikov with the madman.

The main character thinks about suicide. He returns to the crime scene.

Rodion Raskolnikov sees Marmeladov squashed by horses. Its image is revealed from yet another side. He is a kind and not greedy person. He is ready to give the last to help the family of the deceased, whom he was barely familiar with. Rodion is not a believer, but now he asks Sonya to pray for him.

Part Three

Raskolnikov meets with his mother and sister. At first glance, it may seem that it is cold and excessively cruel to them. However, the thought of a committed crime does not leave him for a second. He is so tormented and begins to hate himself that he is unbearably with his "clean" and "bright" relatives. Therefore, the image of Raskolnikov (the essay is presented through the prism of all chapters) is very complex and internally contradictory.

He invites Sonia, introduces her to her mother and Dunya. Her humiliation amazes him, Rodion becomes very sorry for the poor girl.

In this part, there is a conversation with the investigator Porfiry Petrovich, in which Raskolnikov's theory is revealed . He tries to prove that for the sake of something great, any sacrifice can be committed. In his opinion, people are divided into ordinary and extraordinary. The first one gives such a definition: "louse", or "trembling creature". He compares the second with Napoleon.

Upon returning home, Rodion again weakens. He understands that conscience does not allow him to forget about the murder. Raskolnikov decides that he himself is a "louse." All these thoughts and feelings complement the image of Rodion Raskolnikov.


Another contrast to the main character is Svidrigailov. This is an overly self-interested, cunning, ugly person, who turned out to be not here by chance. Raskolnikov immediately feels that this is an unpleasant person. But Svidrigailov seems to Rodion strange, since he does not know his main goal.

In this part, the image of Rodion Raskolnikov acquires new facets. He struggles with all his strength for the honor and dignity of his sister. Despite the protests, he achieves his, and leads Luzhin to clean water. He is glad that his mother and Dunya are opening their eyes to this vile man, whom he immediately recognized.

He needed a visit to Sonia, like air. He does not understand how this unfortunate girl won his trust. But Rodion decided that she should listen to him.

Interrogation of Porfiry Petrovich shows that at the right moment Rodion can be quirky. He does not confess to the crime he committed, but the investigator has only conjectures, there are not enough facts.

Part Five

We continue to consider the great work further. The image of Raskolnikov is supplemented with new colors. Rodion Romanovich comes to a wake to Katerina Ivanovna, where, through Luzhin's fault, a ridiculous situation with Sonechka happens. Lebezyatnikov and Raskolnikov save an innocent girl, who slandered this ignoble man.

Rodion Raskolnikov admits Sonya that it was he who committed the crime. The man again talks about his theory, which the girl does her best to understand. He asks the question to himself: "Am I trembling creature or have the right ...". Sonia does not understand how he decided on this. The girl says that Rodion must atone for his guilt and accept suffering. However, Raskolnikov believes that he has nothing to repent of.

The Complete Opposites

Again, the figure of Raskolnikov is contrasted with Svidrigailov. Abominable acts, the desire to possess Dunya at any cost, cause disgust. Raskolnikov, despite the crime committed, seems much more noble and honest. It is possible to characterize him as a true or strongly entangled, doomed person who has strayed from his path.

Raskolnikov comes to his mother and says goodbye to her. The man finally tells her how much he loves her.

Sonia had a reason to appear in the life of Rodion. It was she who persuaded him to come with the guilt. Raskolnikov comes to the station and leads everyone astonished by his frank confession.


The finale is striking in its suddenness. It would seem that everything is so clear: a crime is a punishment. However ... Here the transformation of the image, about which it was announced at the beginning, takes place.

Raskolnikov received eight years of hard labor. Sonia followed him to Siberia, where she saw her lover at the gates at the gates on holidays.

He behaves with the girl very rudely, but gradually gets used to her visits. Rodion falls ill with wounded pride. The offender blames himself for confessing. Raskolnikov repeatedly asks himself why he did not commit suicide, like Svidrigailov. Rodion nearly died at the hands of convicts. But it was not destiny for him to leave this world. He was waiting for the resurrection.

On the next date with Sonya, he realizes that he loves her. This is the girl who was able to turn his inner world. Rodion is ready to wait another seven years of hard labor. Now he has someone to live for. Thanks to Sonya, he felt as if he had risen. And convicts began to treat him differently. For a long time, under his pillow, he had a book from Sonya - the Gospel. And now the thought flashed: "Can not her beliefs be now mine? Her feelings, her aspirations, at least ... ".


Each, of course, will write an essay on the theme "The image of Raskolnikov" in his own way. But the attentive reader can not miss the main idea. External emphasis is placed on crime and subsequent punishment. And the whole novel is full of life situations and philosophical reflections. The main characters of the book, like people in real life, contrast sharply with each other. Everyone has their own thoughts and experiences, their own destiny. A somewhat veiled idea is faith in God. Perhaps Raskolnikov would not have committed a crime if he had not thought only of his theory, but was guided by something higher.

And another idea that comes to the surface at the end of the novel is that love can resurrect the human soul.

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