
The order of teething in children

The appearance of teeth in children, unfortunately, does not always proceed normally. Most often the baby's mood changes, he cries, he is capricious. And the worry of the baby is so strong that the parents simply do not know what to do and where to run. This is a difficult period for crumbs, and parents need to know how to behave in this situation.

The order of teething in children

Most often the teeth appear in the child begin to 6 months. By the year there are usually 8 of them. The order of eruption of teeth is affected by heredity, as well as the nutrition of the child. In the table below, only the average time for their eruption. You need to rely on it, but do not take it as a standard.

The order of eruption of milk teeth

1. The first incisors, located on the lower jaw - to 6-9 months.

2. The first incisors, located on the upper jaw - by 7-10 months.

3. The second incisors (otherwise, lateral), located on the lower jaw - to 9-12 months.

4. The second incisors, located on the upper jaw - by 9-12 months.

5. The first radical, located on the upper jaw - to 12-18 months.

6. The first radical, located on the lower jaw - by 13-19 months.

7. Fangs at the top - to 16-20 months.

8. Fangs below - to 17-22 months.

9. The second root, located on the lower jaw - to 20-33 months.

10. The second radical, located on the upper jaw - to 24-36 months.

Until recently, it was believed that if a baby's teeth erupt later than the deadline, then he must have rickets. This is completely wrong. During the research it was proved that the later appearance of teeth in children is quite normal. Also the disadvantage is not the wrong order of teething in babies. Problems with the "incorrect position" of the teeth will stop as soon as the first 16 pieces appear, because when the baby starts chewing, the teeth are rubbing between themselves and they themselves get in place.

Problems for concern

Parents need to be alerted if the teeth:

1. Appear later than the period of more than 2 months.

2. Tear out 1-2 months before the due time.

3. Is already at the birth of the baby.

4. Grow outside the dentition.

5. Throat is not in the order in which it is necessary, or when some do not appear at all.

6. They are not properly formed by themselves.

If you have the above described cases, you should consult your doctor.

The process and order of teething can be accompanied by increased temperature, diarrhea, rashes on the skin, and the occurrence of seizures (extremely rare). In addition, the crumbs begin to drool, it gnaws everything, it sleeps badly and eats, etc.

What actions to take

The most important thing that a child needs during this period is caress and care. The remaining methods of assistance include:

1. Using a variety of teethers, which alleviate the child's suffering.

2. Massage the gums. To do this, you need to wind on the finger gauze cloth, moisten in cold water and gently massage the gums.

3. Use of drugs that freeze pain and relieve inflammation of the gums. Just do not forget to consult a doctor. You can also use drugs on a homeopathic basis.

Parents need to know the order of teething from their baby, as well as from a young age to teach him to take care of oral health. Proper nutrition of the child, hygiene, visits to the dentist, early training of the child to the toothbrush and pasta will help him for a long time to keep the smile beautiful, the teeth are healthy, and the mood is magnificent.

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