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The most interesting short facts: a list, description and features

There is a lot of interesting things in the world. We do not know much about it. And this is an occasion to get to know our world a little closer. The beginning of this can be interesting short facts that can surprise many.

Man is the main mystery of nature

This is really so. Man - an amazing creature, endowed with a powerful mind, and its qualities, can be stated with confidence, not fully disclosed. But there are interesting short facts about our body that can surprise.

So, for example, the only part of the body that does not have blood supply is the cornea. She receives oxygen directly from the air.

The capacity of the human brain is more than 4 terabytes. The nervous impulse coming from it moves at a speed of 274 km / h. And the brain also generates much more electrical impulses during the day than all the mobile phones in the world.

Even in the human body contains so much sulfur, which would be enough to destroy all the fleas on an ordinary street dog. Of the fat accumulated in the average body, you could make 7 ordinary pieces of soap. And carbon would be enough to make 900 pencils.

Some statistics

It is worth continuing to list interesting short facts about a person. In general, people are unique creatures with their own characteristics. Few people know, but women's hearts beat faster than men's. A right-handed people, according to statistics, live an average of 9 years longer than the left-hander. And about 2/3 of people with a kiss tilt their head to the right side.

It is also interesting that we forget about 90% of dreams. But by the end of their lives each of us remembers about 150 trillion bits of all kinds of information.

It is known that in the spring the respiration rate is about 1/3 higher than in the autumn. 80% of the heat of our body goes out of the head, the total length of the blood vessels is 100,000 kilometers, and the number of enzymes that work in our body is seven hundred. And people are the only creatures on the planet who can sleep on their backs. And to go into sleep, they need an average of 7 minutes.

All this is amazing! Some interesting short facts seem unrealistic. Which proves once again - people are unusual creatures, though seemingly familiar.

About children

The child is a small man, but he distinguishes something from an adult. And this proves some interesting facts about children - short, but not least from this amazing.

So, for example, the average 4-year-old child sets 450 questions per day. And at about the same age, he begins to realize himself as a person of a particular gender and behave in accordance with his belonging.

Very few people know, but newborns have a natural reflex, consisting in the ability to swim. After a couple of months, he disappears, "forgotten", so the children are forced to later learn it again.

By the way, it's quite easy to find out if a child has self-consciousness. It is enough to draw a point on his forehead. And then put it in front of the mirror. If the child began to rub his forehead, trying to get rid of the label, then he already possesses self-consciousness and realized that something is wrong with his appearance. The kid just started to touch the mirror, like everything that comes in his way? So, so far, self-consciousness has not been developed.

Finally, another interesting fact: when a child of the Indian tribe Navajo for the first time in his life laughs - then in the family they arrange a celebration. A person who makes a child laugh, treat.

About feathered friends

Well, a man may be an amazing creature, but not the only one that provokes interest. Take, for example, birds. Is not it amazing that they can fly? However, few people think about this. There are other interesting facts about birds (short ones).

Reality, for example, is known for the case when the feathered female has carried an unusual egg. Inside it was found 9 yolks! But it is much more surprising how large the eggs were borne by epiornis - already extinct birds from Madagascar. The weight of one was 7.5-8 kg!

The temperature of the bird body is 7-8 degrees higher than that of a person. As the birds do not sweat, ¾ of the air they inhale is used for cooling. Even more interesting is that bird feathers weigh more than its skeleton.

The fastest feathered creature in the world is peregrine falcon. Its maximum speed is 320 km / h.

And yet very few people know, but in the world there are poisonous birds. There are six species altogether, mostly the Pythoha thrush flycatchers living in New Guinea. On their body is contained the most powerful poison in the world, called batrachotoxin. But its number is not capable of killing a person. Maximum to cause an attack of cough.

Cats and cats

These are the favorites of many of us. And so it's just necessary to tell the most interesting short facts about cats.

On average, this creature spends 2/3 days sleeping. The duration of the cat's life is 15 years. So, fluffy pets sleep for 10 years!

Due to the peculiarity of claw growth, a cat can not descend from a tree upside down. He can only "back off".

Cats produce about 100 different sounds. For the manifestation of emotions, by the way, they have the same parts of the brain as in humans. And they are fast animals! The maximum speed is 50 km / h.

By the way, does anyone know how the cats appeared? There is an interesting Jewish legend: supposedly Noah prayed to the Lord that he helped protect the food on the ark from the rats. What did God do? He made the lion sneeze. And from that jumped the cat, who subsequently defended the food.

And yet, everyone knows that in Egypt there was a whole cult of cats. But very few people know how strong he was. So, for example, when the domestic cat was dying - its owners mourned the pet and shaved the eyebrows in a sign of sorrow. A funeral was held, a wake. And the cat was embalmed. Then put in a family tomb or a cemetery. Not surprisingly, in 1888, more than 300,000 mummified cats were found. And it's only in the cemeteries.

About our smaller brothers

It is worth noting the attention and other short interesting facts about animals - not only about birds and cats.

For example, a goldfish memory has a length of 3 seconds. The hen has about 190-200 eggs a year. And only a brood of shark-hammer can be at once 30-40 sharks.

It is also useful to know that a unique pink dolphin lives in the river called Amazon . And in the south-eastern part of Asia - the largest night butterfly in the world with a wingspan of 30 centimeters. It is called Attacus Atlas.

And, by the way, about the size. The largest living creature in the world is the blue whale. The length of his body is 33 meters, and the mass is more than 150 tons.


Megacities also need to be touched by attention, telling interesting facts about everything. Short information can make you think! For example, the famous Central Park in New York is twice as big as the Principality of Monaco.

The smallest town in the world is Hum, located in Croatia. He even entered the Guinness Book of Records, thanks to his status. In 2001, the number of residents there was 17 people.

The most stylish city in the world is London. The most expensive is Swiss Zurich. The most criminal is Sudad Juarez, who is in Mexico.

Below all the cities on the planet is Neve Zohar. This is in Israel. It is located below 395 meters from the sea level. And the most "high" metropolis is in Peru, in the Andes. This is La Rinconada, located at an altitude of 5.1 km above sea level.

What else is worth knowing?

There are many other interesting facts from life. Briefly it is necessary to tell only about some.

If you believe statistics, 2 people out of 5 marry their first love. And for kissing, on average, people spend about 2 weeks of time in their entire life.

Men throughout their existence spend about 3,350 hours on shaving, during which an average of 8.4 meters of bristles is removed.

Each of us shares his birthday with another twenty million inhabitants of the Earth. And one person out of 500 is heterochromic.

By the way, very few people know, but at any time on Earth about 0.7% of the population is in a state of intoxication.

And finally - a fact about our country. It will be useful for everyone to remember that Russia is the only state in the world, washed by 12 seas.

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