
The medicinal preparation "Termopsol". Instructions for use

Quite often, and folk, and official medicine appeals for help to medicinal plants. And we, when we have a choice, with great pleasure choose not synthetic drugs, but those that are made on the basis of plants. Therefore, when we or our child is coughing up a cough, we buy a drug "Termopsol" in the pharmacy, the instruction for its use indicates its plant origin. Tablets with thermopsis from cough have been used for many years and are still very popular. And the reason lies in the fact that they actually help.

Grass thermopsis of laccent, with which this preparation is made, has an excellent expectorant effect. This plant can be used for patients of all age groups. The alkaloids contained in it (cytisine, anagyrine, methylcytisine, pachycarpine thermopsidin and thermopsin) exert a stimulating effect on the center, which is responsible for human respiration, and in addition it increases the secretion of the bronchial glands and almost does not irritate the receptors of the gastric mucosa. A sodium bicarbonate, which is a part of the tablets, only contributes to a significant decrease in the viscosity of phlegm. Therefore the preparation "Termopsol" made on the basis of dry powder of thermopsis powder can also be taken for children.

The medicinal preparation "Termopsol" refers to a group of combined agents with expectorant action. Therefore, if a patient has a severe cough with hard-to-separate sputum when a bronchitis or tracheitis occurs, the doctor can prescribe to him "Termopsol", the instruction for which states that the pill should be drunk as part of a complex therapy.

This cough remedy is available in the form of greenish-gray tablets with separate dark impregnations.

The medicine is taken inside for three to five days, one tablet three times a day. And adults at one time should not eat more than 0.1 g (in terms of thermopsis). But all the same it is better, when the daily dose and to adults, and especially children will be calculated by the doctor. In order to improve the dilution and separation of phlegm, the patient is advised to have a warm and plentiful drink.

When taking medication, the patient may experience severe nausea, since in large doses, thermopsis has an excitatory effect on the vomiting centers.

In addition, not everyone can take the cough remedy Termopsol. Instructions for use indicate that it is categorically contraindicated in patients with a duodenal ulcer or stomach ulcer. It is not prescribed for people with increased sensitivity to thermopsis and other constituent components of this drug, for example, potato starch or talcum.

With the simultaneous administration of the drug with other medicines, too, you must be careful. So, for example, various adsorbents and enveloping and astringent drugs can reduce the effect of tablets "Termopsol". Its use with drugs containing codeine and other cough suppressants is also contraindicated, since this will only reduce the separation of sputum.

Dry, cool, sheltered from the light and inaccessible to small children, the place is best for storing the medicinal product "Termopsol". Instructions for use indicate that the drug is dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription. Naturally, this should not be an occasion for self-medication, and the drug can be taken only after consulting a doctor who can prescribe it, given the age and condition of the patient. The medicine is stored no more than four years and after the period indicated on the package, it should not be used.

And we must remember for ever that independent treatment, even with herbal medicine, can cause irreparable harm to your health!

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