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The largest islands of the Pacific Ocean. Volcanic Islands of the Pacific

The islands of the Pacific Ocean are more than 25 thousand small lands that are scattered across the expanses of the giant water area. It can be said that this number exceeds the number of pieces of land in all other oceans combined. Conditionally considered geographic objects can be divided into the following categories: "lonely" islands, continental lands and archipelagos. Also they are classified by origin, geological structure, seismic features. Below we will consider which islands in the Pacific Ocean fall into one category or another.

What is famous for the Pacific Ocean

All small lands that are within the largest ocean on our planet, are considered the most attractive for tourists and explorers of exotic fauna and flora. The fact is that most of them are loners, of volcanic origin. All of them are located mainly in tropical latitudes, because there is always summer, and a large amount of precipitation generates lush vegetation. Also, all the solitary islands of the Pacific Ocean are surrounded by coral reefs, which gather around them an uncountable number of beautiful fish and other inhabitants of the sea.

Coral islands

By the name of this group of islands you can understand what kind of origin they have. Such land grows literally on corals, which accumulate in one place and thus form a unique flora and fauna. But such a history of occurrence is very superficial, and if you dig into the depths of history, you can find out that the basis for such land areas was once the active volcanoes of the Pacific Ocean. The islands formed around the mouth of the volcano. How did this happen? After the volcano died down, he literally overgrew with corals. After this hole is formed lagoon, which is considered the main attraction of such an island.

Volcanic Islands of the Pacific

Small earths of this type are formed as follows: an active volcano, which is located on the ocean floor, gradually rises to its surface, pulling part of the land behind it. Gradually, this land is covered with lush vegetation, there are emerging exotic species of fauna, reptiles and insects appear. From the water side, these territories are overgrown with corals, in which fish and unusual marine life are planted. So gradually the island is formed, in the center of which there is an active volcano. Such lands are seismically unstable, at any moment there may be an eruption. In addition, the island is constantly being washed away by surrounding waves. Confirmation of this is constantly emerging around the new lagoons. With the passage of millennia, such lands go under the water.

Mainland Islands

This term denotes land located in open waters, which were previously part of a certain continent. It should be noted that the continents can still exist. In this case, the island is in close proximity to its "parent". But there are very lonely areas of land of similar origin, remote from continental land for significant distances. This indicates that previously a nearby continent was located near them, which is no longer on the surface. The Pacific islands that are of continental origin are New Zealand, other small lands of Oceania, as well as most of the geographical sites that make up Polynesia and Melanesia.

Seismic situation of the Pacific basin

The Pacific itself forms a volcanic fire ring within which the maximum number of active volcanoes on Earth is concentrated. Some of them are under water, part of it comes to the surface in the form of islands. The fact is that this belt covers the coasts of well-known continents and archipelagoes. This is the west coast of the Americas, Japan, the Philippines, New Zealand, Hawaii, as well as all parts of the land that are in the north. Here are concentrated all the most powerful and powerful active volcanoes of the Pacific Ocean. The islands for them are the basis, regardless of whether there are cities, resorts, or whether it is a virgin territory. Among them are the Japanese islands, Hawaiian, Sunda, Galapagos, Marshall and many others. Also here can be attributed almost every single island in the Pacific, which is within the ring of fire.

The Largest Lands

It's time to sum up this material and clearly delineate by category all the lands that are in this water area. Now we will consider the largest islands of the Pacific Ocean. The largest land here is the island of New Guinea. It is located north of Australia and plays a transitional role between this continent and Asia. A little to the north and east is the next largest large island - Kalimantan. It is often referred to as Indonesia, although the territory is divided between different states. The Japanese islands Hokkaido, Kyushu, Honshu, Sikku are also very large here. They form an archipelago, but each of its components is a very large territorial unit. Another giant island in the Pacific Ocean is New Zealand. Refers to Oceania and is a separate sovereign state.

Archipelagoes consisting of "babes"

Perhaps the smallest and at the same time the most beautiful islands of the Pacific Ocean are Hawaii. The archipelago is located in the northern part of the water area and includes both very large land areas (the island of Maui) and very small islets. Many of them are covered by virgin forests, and access to them is closed to tourists. Also, a huge number of tiny lands are located in the Sunda archipelago. Like Hawaii, here you can meet as large islands - Bali, Java, Sulawesi - and so small that they simply can not be put on the map of the world. Among the archipelagoes of the Pacific Ocean, which consist of different in their area units, also includes Kurilsky. It is located on the border of the Sea of Okhotsk and oceanic waters.

A small conclusion

Almost the most exotic species of fish and animals reside in the waters of the largest ocean of our planet, and there are rather non-standard types of land. These are islands of different origins. They are individual in nature and appearance, constantly attract travelers and explorers. Of course, all the lands that are located in the Pacific Ocean are seismically unstable, as they enter the zone of the great fire ring. Almost everywhere here there are active volcanoes. Live is still the land itself in this region, which is constantly changing its outlines and absorbing existing land areas.

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