
The feat of the people in the Great Patriotic War. Pioneers heroes of WWII

The feat of the people in the Great Patriotic War is quite difficult to overestimate. Such a massive self-sacrifice, as the Soviet people showed in the famous world of history, is no more.

Losses of the Soviet people

At the present time, the question of how much a person died from the Soviet Union in the confrontation with Germany and its numerous allies during the Second World War has already been studied in detail. Now we are talking about about 26.6 million people.

It is worth noting that not all these people were soldiers. Most of them are civilians, who had to be in the occupied territory. The same figure included also those losses that arose as a result of increased mortality in the rest of the USSR during the war.

Combat feat of the Soviet people

The successes of the USSR are paid for by the blood of the soldiers of the Red Army. The number of dead servicemen during the Great Patriotic War is approximately 7 million people. This figure includes those losses that have arisen as a result of diseases, as well as various kinds of incidents. This included and shot soldiers (for desertion and stuff).

The combat feat of the people in the Great Patriotic War can also be estimated by the number of people who received the title of Heroes of the Soviet Union. Most of them are Russians and Ukrainians. In this case, there are both men and women - heroes of war. This list is made up of 11506 names. Many have received this title posthumously, having fulfilled their duty. Among them there are also pioneers - heroes of the Great Patriotic War, there were 4 of them:

  • Leonid Golikov;
  • Marat Kazey;
  • Valentine Kotik;
  • Zinaida Portnova.

All these pioneers, heroes of the Great Patriotic War, except for Leonid Golikov, received this high rank after the victory, when it became possible to sum up the activities of not only paramilitary units, but also the underground.

Civil Losses

The Great Patriotic War differs from the overwhelming majority of other major conflicts by the fact that the bulk of the victims were civil. That is, civilians died more than soldiers. If the number of military losses is about 7,000,000, and the total loss is 26,600,000, the number of civilians killed is almost 20 million.

The feat of the people in the Great Patriotic War is also characterized by the fact that the civilian population took part in it most directly. In doing so, it consisted of:

  • Guerrilla activities in the occupied territory;
  • Fortification works on the approaching front line during the offensive of the Wehrmacht army;
  • Continuous shock work in the interior of the country.

Significance of the victory of the Soviet people

At present, people are trying to minimize the feat of the people in the Great Patriotic War. Such a process is largely inhibited due to the abundance of documents that have survived, confirming its grandiose scale. Now the feat of the people in the Great Patriotic War has an important social, ideological and educational significance.

As for the social sphere, everything is very simple here. If there was no victory over fascism, then the world for billions of people would be quite different. The Wehrmacht had grandiose plans to destroy the unworthy, in their opinion, peoples and the settlement of the liberated territory by "true Aryans".

The ideological significance of victory lies in the fact that for many decades it has rallied the peoples that were part of the Soviet Union, making the country strong and capable of realizing almost any project.

The upbringing moment is determined by the fact that until now the younger generation with interest perceives information about the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers. Today every schoolboy learns from the textbooks how significant the feat of the people was. The participants of the Great Patriotic War are still invited to the educational institutions in order to convey to the representatives of the younger generation from the very first mouths how exactly the real sons and daughters of the Fatherland should come in difficult situations for them.

Labor feat

Consider that the victory in the most bloody war was extracted exclusively on the battle fronts, wrong. The fact is that without the heroic efforts of those who worked for the war machine of the Soviet Union deep in the rear of the country, there could not be any talk of a triumph of the Red Army. Men, women, old people and children, working on wear and tear, by the end of 1942 were able to establish the production of military equipment in the amount of 2 times that of the industry in Germany. And this is despite the fact that we yielded 3-4 times in terms of steel smelting.

The labor feat of the people in the Great Patriotic War is placed on a par with the military successes of the Red Army, also for the reason that the main military production was initially located on the western territory, which was captured in the first months of the conflict. Of course, something could be evacuated to the east, but not all, and before releasing equipment that could withstand the German war machine, it was necessary to properly train the workers.

Contribution of partisan underground

Especially the mass nature of the partisan movement was received on the territory of modern Belarus, Ukraine and Russia. By the end of 1941, the number of detachments operating in the rear of the invaders was about 2,000. With this initially the backbone of the guerrilla movement was the Red Army soldiers who were able to escape from the numerous "boilers" formed in the first months of the confrontation. Later, local residents joined the ranks of partisans, including women and children.

The contribution of the partisan underground to the overall victory is difficult to overestimate. The fact is that thanks to him the Wehrmacht lost to one million of its soldiers (in all, about 4.7 million servicemen were lost by Germany). In addition, it was disabled:

  • About 4,000 armored vehicles;
  • 65,000 cars;
  • 58 armored trains;
  • 110000 wagons and platforms.

As a result, a huge amount of equipment and soldiers the army of the Wehrmacht simply did not have time to transfer to the front. They were destroyed in the occupied territory.

The mass nature of the partisan movement is indirectly indicated by the fact that in 1943 the Soviet authorities were equated with the soldiers of the Red Army.

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