
The drug "Postinor": the action is aimed at preventing pregnancy

Many women, in order to rule out the possibility of unwanted pregnancy, often resort to the use of all kinds of hormonal drugs. One of them is postinor. This medical product is widely known among the means of emergency contraception and is used within 72 hours after the end of sexual intercourse. Today, about how the postinor acts, there is a lot of the most controversial rumors. We suggest a little understanding of the issue, so topical for some women.

So, as already known, postinor is a hormonal drug that blocks the natural process for the female body - ovulation. This tool is often used in cases where sexual intercourse was not planned and unprotected, and the probability of becoming pregnant is high. Postinor, whose action is to stop the movement of spermatozoa, includes levonorgestrel. It is a synthetically created analogue of the hormone of the yellow body, which is part of other drugs that are intended for planned contraception. But in this drug the dose of this hormone is much higher.

Produced in the form of two tablets, and the first of them is desirable to drink immediately after sexual contact (for a couple of hours). If only after two or three days to take postinor, its effectiveness is reduced more than twice, and on the fourth day it will already be simply useless. The second tablet should be drunk strictly 12 hours after the first one drank. Wash the pills with water.

Undoubtedly, any woman who is going to take this drug, is interested in how harmful it is and whether there are any side effects. Let's put it bluntly: Postinor is a potent hormonal substance, and it can really affect the body. Of course, all women are different, so the postinor has its own effect on everyone in different ways, depending on the state of the organism and on the individual tolerability of the components. The most common consequences caused by the use of these tablets include:

- dizziness,

- vomiting,

- nausea,

- failure of the menstrual cycle,

- stomach ache,

- all kinds of hormonal disorders.

The instructions for the drug show all of the above side effects. However, it is not uncommon for women after taking the drug to be concerned not only with them, but also with the abundant bleeding that is not indicated in the loose leaf, which arise in the early days, which have not stopped for a long time. In this case, it is necessary, without listening to anyone's advice, to immediately go to the hospital. From the right decision taken in time, it may depend not only on your health, but also on the life of your future children.

In addition, Postinor, whose action is still quite unsafe for the female body, has a number of rather serious contraindications. In no case it can not be used if you are breastfeeding. Also, this remedy should be avoided in diseases of the liver and kidneys, in diseases of the biliary tract, in thrombosis. It is worth to abandon him and those who have problems with the gallbladder, as well as survivors of Botkin's disease, better known as jaundice. During puberty, too, it is best not to eat postinor, its effect on the young organism has not been fully studied.

It is important to remember that this drug should not be included in your list of permanent contraceptives, because it is intended exclusively for extreme, emergency cases. It can not be taken more often than once a month, but still - the less often, the better. In addition, some women are strongly opposed to postinor, arguing that it not only stops sperm, but provokes a kind of miscarriage at the earliest possible date, if fertilization does happen. Therefore, when choosing contraceptives, it is worth paying attention to more sparing drugs without side effects, which practically will not cause hormonal failures.

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