
Medication for the heart - the right choice

The heart of man is not only a vital organ, it is the guardian of his true feelings. Deep experiences and problems of people have their reflection in various heart diseases. Therefore, the most important medicine for the heart is the care and love of close people, the ability to enjoy life. However, in most cases, and without medications for heart disease can not do.

Choice of medicines

To avoid undesirable consequences, acquiring the necessary medicine for the heart, it is very important to adhere to the recommendations of specialists. Often there are cases when a drug that is ideal for one person is completely contraindicated to another.

To date, the choice of drugs for the treatment of heart disease is very large. At the same time, not only medicines are used, but also herbal products - herbs and spices, bee products. The use of herbal products improves the nutrition of the heart, well complements the medication, reducing the dose of other medicines in the body, has a minimum of side effects. The course of treatment lasts, as a rule, at least two months.

Medical preparations

The medicine for the heart is consumed by the constant demand among the population - the drug "Riboxin". It is a cardiovascular medicine that promotes an increased supply of oxygen to the heart muscle. It is indispensable in strengthening the myocardium, it is used to normalize the rhythm of the heart, to improve the blood supply of the coronary vessels.

A remarkable drug based on magnesium and potassium compounds is the "Asparcum" remedy. It is positioned not only as a medicine for arrhythmia of the heart, contributing to the restoration of equilibrium in the heart muscle, but also improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract, increases the contractile function of skeletal muscles.

Homeopathic and phytopreparations

Medicines for plant diseases are effective in heart disease. One of them is hawthorn. Its effect is manifested in the expansion of the vessels of the heart and even in the improvement of the metabolism in it. Tincture of hawthorn often used as an auxiliary medicine for arrhythmia of the heart. When the hawthorn is taken, the frequency decreases and the force of the organ contractions increases. Admission of this drug leads to better lipid metabolism, lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood, normalizes sleep, relieves nervous tension.

Very often in practice, patients are prescribed a medicine for the heart - rhodiola rosea, which differs from other plant adaptogens in that it actively acts on the cardiac muscle. With its systematic admission in patients, the cardiac muscle contraction improves, which is a consequence of the development of energy processes at the cellular level. Rhodiola rosea is a deep tonic. The dose of the drug is prescribed individually, since it has a large stimulating effect on the central nervous system and can cause sleep disturbance.

To plant adaptogenes, possessing a delicate vasodilating property and positively influencing the work of the central organ of the circulatory system, include levzeya safflower. In patients with a constant intake of Leuzea safflower, the lumen of the blood channel increases, the rhythm of the heartbeats decreases and the contraction of the heart muscle increases.

Bee Products

As in the days of our grandparents, so today's beekeeping products are effectively complemented by drugs for heart disease. These include honey, flower pollen and propolis. An important role in this is the absence of allergic reactions to these products. In the form of tablets or tinctures, propolis increases blood circulation in the body, supports the walls of blood vessels, normalizes blood circulation in vascular diseases.

Flower pollen is an inimitable and perfect combination of biologically active substances and vitamins. It is indispensable in renewing heart exchange. As a rule, pollen is used with honey in the proportions from 1: 1 to 1: 5. Take the drug for one month, and after a three-month break, repeat the course of admission.

Lifestyle in heart disease

Every patient for himself should understand that no medicine for heart pain will act actively if there is no right way of life. At the same time, you do not have to overwork your body, it is more often to be outdoors. A day should drink at least one and a half liters of plain water, limit the use of alcohol. People suffering from obesity, you need to bring your weight back to normal. Also very useful are breathing exercises, hirudotherapy.

A complex of these actions with the use of various drugs will help improve the work of the heart. But do not forget that a complete restoration of health is impossible without persistence, persistence, patience, knowledge of the causes of the disease and the rules of recovery.

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