HealthDiseases and Conditions

The article tells about what are the signs of worms in humans

To prevent the development of diseases caused by the presence of helminths, people should carefully study the symptoms of this phenomenon.

Signs of the appearance of worms in humans

When localizing helminths in the intestinal tract of the human body, symptoms such as abdominal pain, upset stomach, constipation, frequent loose stools with watery impurities (under the action of hormone-like substances) are observed. The phenomena of flatulence, a decreased appetite in some cases can also indicate the existence of worms. Complications of the habitat of parasitic organisms in the intestinal tract can be the development of pancreatitis, gastritis.

Signs of worms in humans are manifested by irritability, weakness, memory impairment, sleep problems. This suggests that the presence of helminths affects the state of the nervous system. The person is in a depressed mood, quickly tired.

The presence of worms in a child's body is fraught with damage to the central nervous system. The child does not accept the teachers' explanations, while his parents can hear a dental screech during sleep. All these are signs of worms in people of all ages.

The presence of helminths is also detrimental to the immune system. They cause a weakening of the protective functions of the body, immunity. People who have worms become defenseless (due to ineffectiveness of the vaccine at the moment) before infections. There is a high risk of developing tuberculosis.

Signs of infection with worms in humans are also found on the skin. The manifestation of seborrhea, urticaria, papilloma, dermatitis in some cases indicate the presence of helminths in the body.

Parasitic organisms do not bypass the attention and respiratory tract. Even fever and cough can be considered as signs of worms. In humans, they can provoke such diseases as pneumonia, asthma. Very often, the cause of chronic currents of bronchitis, inflammation of the lungs is the parasites that live in the human body.

All of the above signs of worms in humans suggest an immediate examination in clinics. It is necessary to pass on the study cal. In large laboratories the probability of revealing parasites is much higher than in small ones.

When detecting worms medications, albendazole (nemesol), depriving helminth of mobility are prescribed, because of what it perishes.

There are also folk methods of breeding worms. Here are some of them:

  1. Bowel rinse with garlic infusion. In a glass of water chop the head of garlic, strain and put the enema once a day.
  2. Carrot juice is an excellent remedy for helminths.
  3. Boil the pomegranate crust in a glass of liquid. It should boil on fire for about two hours. Ready to drink the broth 3 times a day with meals.
  4. A crushed flaxseed, a glass of cool water, can also get rid of the worms.
  5. Grind the onion head. Fill it with alcohol solution. Let it brew for a week. Take a teaspoon of tincture three times a day.

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