
History of Informatics as a Science

Informatics is one of the youngest sciences. She studies the properties and patterns of information, the methods of using it in the life of a person.

The history of the development of informatics begins with the appearance of the first electronic computers in the late 40's - early 50's of the twentieth century. These were the first computers working on electron tubes. Closer to the 60th years, discrete semiconductor computers were invented. And in the mid-sixties there were machines equipped with integrated microcircuits.

The history of the development of information systems is most closely connected with the fact that it was always difficult for a person to make complex mathematical calculations in the mind or on paper. The inquisitive mind of people sought to automate computational processes by using the simplest accounts, the logarithmic ruler. And, finally, in 1642 Pascal created an eight-digit summing mechanism. In two centuries, Charles de Colmar perfected it to an arithmometer, which produced more complex mathematical operations in the form of multiplication and division. The accountant was delighted with this invention.

But actually the history of the development of information technology begins with the presentation of ideas that are the basis for modern computers in 1833 by an Englishman Charles Babbage. He first used punch cards, the holes of which served to transmit information. These were the first steps of programming.

The history of the development of information systems was continued in 1888 by an engineer from America, Herman Hollerith, who owns the authorship of the first electromechanical type computer. It was tested during the population census in 1890 and struck with its results and speed of calculation. If previously 500 employees were required to perform this amount of work, who piled over the figures seven years in a row, Hollerith, who distributed to each of the 43 assistants to the computer, coped with this volume of work for one month.

The history of the development of information technology is grateful to Hollerith for the fact that he founded a company that later became known as IBM and today is a giant of world computerization. Her colleagues, together with scientists from Harvard University in 1940, built the first electronic computer, which was called "Mark-1." This huge hulk was 35 tons, and the US military department acted as the customer of the computer. The machine computed in a binary system. For 300 multiplication actions and 5000 addition operations, she spent only one second. But the lamps quickly went out of order and this problem was solved by Bardeen, Brattein and Shockley - the inventors of semiconductor transistors.

Thus, the history of the development of computer science came to the time of a radical reduction in the size of computers and their next generation was significantly smaller. And the speed of computing abilities has increased 10 times.

Further, the entire history of the development of computer science in the world will be associated with the miniaturization of computers. And the American company DIGITAL EQUIPMENT, then the firm INTEL, is doing well in this respect. And in the mid-1970s, PCs of the famous APPLE company appeared.

The history of the development of informatics in our country begins with a small electronic computer (MCEM), which performed 50 operations per second. Its designer was Sergei Alexandrovich Lebedev. Her way was pretty thorny in our country. And today we no longer imagine a full life without the use of computers. And if you look back, the time has passed very little. So technical thought outstrips even time. PCs, laptops and netbooks are a special feature of the modern era.

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