Sports and FitnessWeight loss

"System 60": reviews. Diet of Ekaterina Mirimanova - system "Minus 60"

Do you want to lose weight? More than 90% of women all over the world will give an affirmative answer to this question, because, whatever the weight of the lady or the size of the clothes, she always finds herself overly obese. Almost everyone seems to think that one or two kilograms would be a good idea to lose. This thought becomes especially obtrusive after visiting a women's clothing store, when the outfit liked did not fit, and the huge mirror in the dressing room showed all the minuses of its own figure.

I can or can not

Few people believe that kilograms, which have long been adopted in the body, will be able to leave it irretrievably. Indeed, when you wear large clothes for many years, it's hard to believe that there is a chance to change. Many women are convinced that slenderness is an innate feature, and they simply were not lucky, after all, mom and grandmother were "in the body," where did they get the wasp waist. And stories about the wide bones and unsuccessful constitution of the body in our country are not uncommon. An excellent proof that these beliefs is nothing more than a myth is the "System 60". Ekaterina Mirimanova, her author, managed to lose half her weight in just one and a half years. At the same time, she did not introduce rigid restrictions into her diet, did not exhaust herself with physical loads and did not give up her usual way of life. She successfully shares her successful experience with all women.

A little about the author of the technique

As it was already said above, the power system "Minus 60" owes its appearance to Ekaterina Mirimanova. The author of the technique is not a professional in sports, a doctor or a nutritionist. She is a woman, not unlike millions of our compatriots.

And she, like many, was not lucky - all the eaten food did not leave the body without a trace, but left an indelible mark on the figure. Catherine says that, as long as she remembers herself, she has always been plump. After the birth of the child, in connection with the hormonal changes in the body and the changed way of life, the kilograms began to arrive at a double speed. As a result, the arrows stopped at the 120 kg mark. At that moment, Mirimanova realized that the edge of the abyss is already close and something needs to be changed urgently in herself and her life. She began to tirelessly try one method of losing weight after another and after 18 months of experiments achieved the expected result - dropped 60 kilograms. Getting rid of half your own weight is much more than a decisive act, is not it? She combined all her positive experience into a set of recommendations, now called "System 60". The responses of the followers speak of Mirimanov's method as an easy, simple and, most importantly, effective way of changing oneself.

Favorite system

The power system "Minus 60" has become a favorite way to get rid of the excess of your own body for many women. What is the secret of success? The main thing - "System 60" differs from many diets by the absence of strict rules, strict restrictions and radical prohibitions. Surprisingly, according to Mirimanova's recommendation, absolutely everything is allowed. Moreover, Catherine does not advise to exclude from the diet of her favorite foods, even if they are not at all dietary. The only thing - you can not milk chocolate.

Grateful followers of the system leave a lot of reviews on the website of Catherine, as well as profile blogs and forums. All without exception tell about their positive experience of losing weight and attach the appropriate photos (before and after). Each review is filled with joy from what happened with the figure of metamorphosis.

Followers of the method often write and talk about the wonderful psychological support that Mirimanova's books and publications have. To many, she helped not only lose weight, but also get rid of bad habits, even arrange a personal life.

Without sudden movements

"System 60" is based on the understanding that a sharp rejection of the habitual way of life, dietary constraints and large physical loads invariably lead to a breakdown. And he, in turn, will bring to nothing all previous efforts. You need to lose weight slowly and carefully.

Main recommendations

"System 60" Mirimanova is very loyal to everyone. Everything is allowed! Many will ask: why then does weight go away? The secret of the diet is to observe the following points:

  • Proper psychological preparation: you do not need to postpone the beginning of a new life for later. If you love yourself and want to change for the better, you need to begin decisive action now.
  • No need for radical changes - "System 60" is designed to rebuild all habits towards a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. You need to learn new gradually: to reduce the amount of food eaten at one time, to replace very high-calorie foods with lighter ones, but this is no less tasty.
  • Everyone eats time. Of course, everything is possible, but only at strictly certain hours.

Everything is simple enough, but each item requires a detailed discussion.

Food: reception rules

The main thing in the technique is not what you eat, but when exactly you do it. "System 60" allows you to eat any food before noon. But as soon as 12.00 hit, the following restrictions come into force:

  • Starting from lunch time, it is forbidden to eat any foods fried in oil. But you can eat food cooked on the grill.
  • In dishes consumed before two in the afternoon, you can add sour cream and mayonnaise.
  • However, it is worthwhile to combine products with caution. For example, a salad is ideal for meat, poultry or fish as a garnish, and it is better to eat "heavy" potatoes and pasta with vegetables.
  • The last meal should be at six in the evening, this rule must be strictly observed. To skip dinner or to transfer it to an earlier time is not recommended. At this time, you can eat only meat, or porridge with vegetables, or dairy products (cottage cheese, yogurt). For dinner, strictly prohibited potatoes, peas, mushrooms, eggplant, pumpkin.

That's all the rules. As you can see, there are no terrible prohibitions. And if you really wanted a cake in the evening, you just need to wait until morning.

What not to eat

Of course, according to Mirimanova's system, you can eat everything, except milk chocolate. That is, and sweet, and fried, and smoked. And if you need to lose a lot, you should still limit yourself to a meager diet. It is recommended to follow the principles of separate nutrition and not combine proteins with carbohydrates. The number of the latter in general should be minimized. However, all the restrictions must be done very carefully. The main thing is not to bring yourself to a psychological starvation and failure.

Advice to followers

Ekaterina Mirimanova wrote more than 20 books, in which the "Minus 60" system is described in detail (the menu for the correct diet, tips are given to followers).

The author of the method tirelessly repeats the following theses.

  1. Breakfast is very important. It triggers the metabolism in the body, gives energy and allows you to reduce the amount of servings in the afternoon.
  2. You can use any drinks. Sweet tea and coffee are allowed, but it's still necessary to gradually reduce the amount of sugar, replace it with fructose or more useful brown sugar. As a drink it is best to choose a dry wine.
  3. For sweet tooth remains the pleasure of breakfast. The system "Minus 60" allows practically nothing to refuse until 12.00. There is only one prohibition: milk chocolate. It must necessarily be replaced with black, but in this case it should be careful.
  4. White bread, potatoes and pasta are allowed only in the morning. Ideally, you should never combine them with protein products.
  5. "System 60" dinner recommends scheduling at 6 pm and no minute later. Of course, for those who go to bed at 2-3 am, and wake up at 11 am, the schedule can be shifted.
  6. Drink as necessary. "System 60" does not impose a certain amount of water, which must be absorbed during the day.
  7. Supper should be done as low-calorie and easily digestible.

Sport is the basis of a healthy lifestyle

Mirimanova's technique speaks about the need for daily physical exertion. And to do it every day, then useful exercises will become a good habit, will give cheerfulness to the whole body and energy to the muscles.

Ekaterina Mirimanova even developed her own small complex of exercises. All of them are very simple and will suit even people with excessively overweight. They include legs with legs, all known "kitty", body and leg lifts, jumps. The complex is designed so that in a short time the load is given to all muscle groups. According to Catherine, it's worth starting to practice at least a little bit, and the result will appear. In two weeks, hips and stomach will be tightened, and a month later the reflection in the mirror will bring a lot of joy. The author of the method recommends making your own photo at full height at the very beginning of the "weight loss" path. It will serve as an invariable and most reliable motivation.

Start using the technique recommended with restrictions in food, and only then proceed with physical exertion.

Weight loss and skin

Everyone who has ever dropped more than one kilogram knows perfectly well that the stretched skin does not go away anywhere. The body though becomes slim, but its surface is completely devoid of elasticity. And now imagine what happens to the skin of those who get rid of 20-30 kilograms (this is the weight that allows you to reset "System 60"). Reviews on this topic are very disappointing.

However, the author of the methodology has several useful tips in store:

  • To tone the skin, daily massage is very important.
  • Smoothes the surface of the skin and reduces the fat layer regular scrubbing with natural ground coffee. And tablets for coffee machines or brewed thickets will not bring the desired effect.
  • Mix only one pill mummy with any lotion, and the effect will surprise you. It accelerates the regeneration of the skin and promotes the almost complete disappearance of stretch marks.
  • Those who want to significantly reduce weight, it is important to carefully monitor the skin of the face and neck, it is recommended to buy a quality nourishing cream for the older age category.
  • Physical stress can help tone the muscles and tighten the skin.

Moral Aspects

Properly eating and developing physically is very important on the way to an ideal weight. But for most women, the main psychological component. The author of the method on my own example found out how hard it is to be fuller than your girlfriends, to buy not the clothes that you like, but the one that fit in size. It is very difficult to believe in yourself, to start and not turn off the planned path, and then get used to your new figure. Therefore, when Ekaterina Mirimanova achieved such a stunning result, she considered it her duty to share a positive experience with the rest of the women. The author has created her own page on the Internet and has written many books. They describe what "System 60" represents, reviews of already held followers, advice for those who have just begun to lose weight. By the way, among the books there are also works of art: "Ghost and I", "Faces". And a few culinary collections have been published, in which the recipes are best for the followers of the method.

"System 60" is not just a diet. This is a call to action, an opportunity to start a healthy lifestyle and leave your mistakes in the past. The main thing that Catherine Mirimanova is calling for is to start today, do not blame yourself for the weight gained, not to demand the impossible and not to rush anywhere. Certainly, motivation will not harm anyone, but one should not look for external stimuli, it is necessary to change exclusively for oneself.

For those who are afraid of change, does not have reliable support in the immediate environment, the method's author will always help in person. For greater efficiency, even a whole system of online training was created. After all, for the sake of this communication with other women, Ekaterina Mirimanova started her social activities.

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