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Sprayer knapsack: description, characteristics

Modern models of knapsack sprayers are distinguished by reliability, efficiency and high ergonomics. Such an apparatus can be considered not only as a garden assistant in the protection of plants from insects. If necessary, some models can be used as a tool for paint and varnish work. Compared with other types of sprayers, manual knapsack garden sprayers are more convenient to handle and less demanding in care. True, large areas of such a device do not serve, so there is no need to speak about wide universality.

Sprayer unit

The basic arrangement of such units provides for the presence of three mandatory components. This is a container that contains a chemical or other working fluid, a pumping mechanism and a spray channel itself. As for the tank, that is, the tank, it can have a different volume and is made from a wide range of materials. The most practical solution is polypropylene and its modifications. The material is light, durable and does not affect the contents. Also, the backpack sprayer contains one or another fluid delivery system. It can be a pump mechanism, a drive motor system and even a battery. Regardless of the tank and the pumping system, almost all models of sprayers have similar release devices for the working mixture, ie sprayers.

Main characteristics

The models are quite diverse, each parameter is of great importance in the process of work. For example, the capacity of a tank of modern knapsack sprayers varies on average from 5 to 25 liters. On the one hand, it may seem profitable to purchase the most capacious model, since it will have to be filled less frequently, but, on the other hand, it will be heavier. Do not forget that in the process of work the support of the unit will be the shoulders of the user. The mass is from 7 to 10 kg, which should also be taken into account. As practice shows those who use a backpack sprayer, 12 liter is enough to work on a private area of the average area. But there is another important characteristic - it's performance. It is determined by the volume of fluid discharge in 1 min. This indicator depends on the type of drive mechanism, but in the simplest models it varies from 0.7 to 1 l / m.

Varieties of models

As mentioned above, the principal difference between knapsack sprayers is the type of mechanism that provides spraying. There are three different approaches to implementing this part. The basic and traditional is the pump mechanism. Such an aggregate is activated by the pumping provided by the muscular effort. Back to back from physical exhaustion will help knapsack motor sprayer, working on gasoline fuel. These models have the highest performance and a decent spray radius. The advantages are attractive, but they will have to be paid for by exhaust from fuel processing, noise with vibrations and high cost of the sprayer itself. And this is not to mention the cost of refueling with gasoline, although such devices consume little. An alternative solution can be a battery sprayer. It also benefits from good performance, but, unlike the petrol model, it is environmentally safe, low-noise and less heavy. But its working time is limited by the capacity of the battery, so you should initially calculate the amount of one-time consumption, if there is no access to the mains on site.

Additional functions

In terms of the spraying system, manufacturers do not indulge in new technologies, but it is understandable. The existing principle of supplying liquid through nozzles with the possibility of adjustment is optimal and additional optional complications can only go to the detriment. Therefore, the main emphasis is on improving ergonomics. Many manufacturers are improving the design of the back of the device, providing it with special pads. Also, for ease of installation on a flat, level plane, the backpack sprayer is supplied with a special stand that can be removed to facilitate weight. Some models optionally include additional booms that extend the channel through which spraying is carried out.

Comments about Zhuk models

We can say, the basic solution, which is used by the majority of Russian gardeners and gardeners. The products of this brand attract attention with a simple design, an affordable price tag and unpretentious care. An example is the modification of Cicle OG-112, which has a capacity of 12 liters. Users of this sprayer note its reliability and modest mass, due to which acute physical fatigue is not observed even after a long use of the device. In addition, the knapsack sprayer "Beetle" is provided with a filtration system that does not allow hard inclusions to penetrate into the working channel. This addition is important both in terms of the reliability of the device, and in terms of maintaining the health of vegetation. Note the owners of knapsack sprayers "Beetle" and the convenience of the telescopic bar, which is easily regulated, adapting to the needs of specific conditions and tasks.

Model Reviews Gardena

For ordinary gardeners, the manufacturer produces a line of sprayers "Comfort". It presents models with different capacities, but most of them are based on a pump system for supplying the mixture. From the point of view of the user, an important difference of this product is its manufacturability. Gardena has always been renowned for its high-quality construction and careful selection of materials, therefore polypropylene sprayers do not cause cracks to strength and durability. More interest in many is caused by technological development of models. Thus, even a 5-liter pump-type sprayer is equipped with a filling indicator, which is convenient in working with sensitive plants. Of course, there are more bulky devices in the Gardena range, designed to serve public areas, gardens and park areas.

Comments for Solo models

Modification 417 in the Solo range represents a sprayer provided with a lead-gel battery of 12 V. According to users, this model is convenient when working with greenhouse plants. The fact is that, unlike gasoline vehicles, battery models can in principle be used in closed rooms. And if the pump device is inexpedient to use in servicing large areas, then the hand-held spray knife on the battery is quite suitable for such tasks. Moreover, the 417 version stands out against the background of competitive models with batteries in that one charge is enough to produce a large volume of chemical - on average, users say about 180 liters.

Reviews of ECHO models

In the line of this manufacturer, the SHR-170SI model deserves attention. It should be noted right away that this device is designed not for an ordinary private gardener or summer resident, but for owners of large areas with green spaces. This is a gasoline unit, which has a 2-stroke engine with a power of 0.6 kW. Also, the owners of the model note a capacious tank of 17 liters. However, this arrangement will not be convenient for all - it must be understood that both the engine and the tank cause a considerable weight of the structure. But in terms of performance, the backpack sprayer in this performance is one of the best representatives of its class. According to experienced users, the model is productive, functional and reliable. If you want to spray large areas, then this option will be optimal. However, it is important to take into account another nuance: greenhouse and greenhouse farms of this model will not be able to service due to harmful exhausts.

How to choose the right option?

To begin with it is necessary to be defined with requirements to volume of release of the chemical. For a small area 5-liter units are quite suitable, which, if possible, can be retrofitted with regulators and devices for flow control. Plots of medium area can be serviced by 10-12-liter units. This can be a domestic unit from the family "Beetle" pump type, and a representative of foreign gardening equipment on the battery principle of pumping. If the task is to work in fields or large areas, then a backpack sprayer with motor thrust on gasoline will do. Such models, of course, have negative aspects of operation and not the best ergonomics, but they have no equal in performance indicators.


The presence of a garden sprayer in the farm is necessary for any caring and responsible dacha owner. This tool will effectively support the vegetation in a healthy state, timely eliminate and prevent painful processes and the spread of harmful insects. Compared with other devices that perform the task of spraying chemicals, knapsack sprayer is easy to use, simple fluid delivery system and lightweight construction. At the same time, there are various modifications with certain performance indicators, functionality and reliability. Although the basic principles of the development of this garden products have not changed for many years, in recent versions there are more and more individual technological improvements. This includes the introduction of a chemical flow sensor, and effective filtration systems, as well as structural devices that facilitate a more comfortable handling of the units.

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