
Sleeping pills without a prescription: there is always an alternative

In the world there are a lot of situations and conditions, through the fault of which people can develop and make people sick of insomnia. The main causes of sleep loss, according to doctors, are cardiac and neurological disorders, problems with the lungs and respiratory ways, as well as an overabundance of medications taken, many of which possess a cumulative property. That is why, long before you rush to the pharmacy and buy sleeping pills without a prescription, it is worth consulting with a doctor and establishing the main cause of insomnia.

It should be remembered that any sleeping pills without a prescription or prescribed by a doctor have a strong psychotropic effect. They are addictive and addictive, with little to do with craving for drugs, and can sometimes lead to death, so taking such pharmacological agents should be extremely cautious. The best way to combat sleep loss is to equip with simple but time-tested methods. Go to bed with a feeling of drowsiness. Do not torture the body, making you dive into a dream - together it's better to do some quiet, monotonous work, which will cause a feeling of sleepiness. Adhere to the established mode of sleep, that is, go to bed and wake up once and for all a certain time, even on weekends. Try to avoid rest during the day, if you can not sleep at night. This knocks down the daily rhythm and violates the regime, which is very important for fighting insomnia. Take a warm relaxing bath before going to bed, drink a glass of warm milk or read a few pages from your favorite book - in general, create a ritual to go to sleep, leisurely, relaxing and soothing the body.

Can not buy sleeping pills without a prescription? In principle, this is not a problem, because there are a lot of natural remedies that help to calm the body and get rid of exhausting insomnia. This is valerian, presented in any pharmacy in the form of tablets or infusion. You can even prepare yourself a wonderful potion based on valerian root - it will not harm you at all, but it will help not only with lack of sleep, but also with disturbed heart rhythm, excitement and consequences of stress.

Another natural sleeping pills without a prescription - partinia or valerian stone, several times more effective than the usual "valerian" in tablets. Useful for sleep and normalization of galloping pressure skullcap Baikal, decoctions of hops and oregano. A wonderful medicine even professional doctors call honey - just one tablespoon of this magical natural product, eaten at dinner, and no insomnia will dare to disturb you.

Well, and in the event that none of the above did not help, you can use the medication. However, try not to buy sleeping pills without a doctor's prescription - it can be not only useless, but also dangerous, or, in extreme cases, choose drugs called "lungs". For example, on the drug "Melaxen", which has a very mild hypnotic effect, or "Amitriptyline," which relaxes the nervous system and facilitates the transition to sleep. This drug is banned for free sale without prescribing a doctor, but many pharmacies sometimes prohibit this prohibition.

If you do not trust folk medicine, and prescribed medication or sleeping pills without a prescription do not give a positive effect, it is worth trying to take sedative medications. They, acting on the nervous system, relieve its tension, relieve the brain of excitability and anxiety, facilitating and accelerating, thus, the transition to the "kingdom of Morpheus."

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