Food and drinkRecipes

Sauce Carbonara: recipe

Sometimes I want to surprise and please my family with something tasty and original. In this case, a variety of sauces and pastas can become the faithful helpers of the hostess.

Perhaps, the most legendary for the years of its existence was the Carbonara sauce. The recipe for its preparation can be found in any cookbook.

So, all macaroni lovers can not deny themselves the pleasure of eating Carbonara sauce with cream.

So, to prepare this dish you will need ingredients such as 200 grams of bacon, two chicken eggs, cream, and the thicker they are, the better.

You can not do without olive oil, three cloves of garlic, black pepper, grated parmesan and nutmeg.

If you turn to search engines on the Internet, it turns out that quite a lot of people are preparing Carbonara sauce. The recipe can vary depending on what kind of products you have.

You need to spend only 15 minutes of your time, then to enjoy the great taste and aroma of the sauce.

The first thing to begin with is to cut finely bacon and fry it in olive oil.

Then in the same oil you can fry the garlic, which you slice in advance. Garlic should be transferred to bacon, and leave the frying pan on low heat.

Now in a separate plate it is necessary to break eggs and connect them with cream. To make a thick and tasty sauce Carbonara, the recipe requires you to add a lot of grated Parmesan, as well as nutmeg.

Now the sauce can be left alone for a while and can be used to make macaroni. After they are ready, they must be put in a frying pan, on which garlic was recently roasted and poured with egg mass.

Do not forget to mix everything properly, using a spatula. The sauce should resemble an omelet in its appearance.

After this, add bacon, roasted garlic and sprinkle with pepper for sharpening.

Sauce Carbonara, the recipe of which, as you can see, is quite simple, you can serve it to the table. It is not necessary to cool it down - all the variety of its taste can be felt if it is hot.

Of course, now on the Internet you can find a huge number of different recipes of Carbonara sauce. For example, you can use this recipe.

One tablespoon of olive oil to warm, using a saucepan, add a few cloves of garlic, finely chopped.

Now all this must be prepared literally within a few minutes.

After this, add the lean bacon to the garlic. You can also use the smoked ham, preferably, cut it into small cubes.

Meat should be browned for three or four minutes.

Then it's worth taking a plate, breaking into it cream and a few eggs, stirring and gently adding to the ham.

Now it remains on a weak fire to heat the resulting mass, then pour it pasta and serve on the table, sprinkled with parmesan.

If you decide to make a dish like Carbonara cream pasta, then it's worth remembering that the true recipe for this dish does not involve the use of cream, however, nothing can prevent you from adding yolks, cream and mix them with parmesan, and then pour into a heated frying pan And put out with spaghetti over low heat.

If you do not have a traditional Italian ham, called "Pancetta", you can use bacon, as well as any ham you like. Make sure that it is smoked.

If, after all, you set a goal to get as close to Italy's gastronomic traditions as possible, you should use not Parmesan cheese, but Pecorino cheese. There is a variant of using these types of cheese at the same time.

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