Food and drinkWines and spirits

Sambuca cocktail - you can, but only carefully!

Sambuk cocktail is considered one of the most popular drinks in the world. For many years there were special ways of its preparation, the tradition of drinking. The history of the origins of the Sambuca cocktail goes back to the ages of antiquity, at the time of the revival of Rome.

Sambuca itself has an unusual sweet taste. In appearance, it can be both light and dark. Usually distinguish between white and black sambuca. This alcoholic beverage is made, as a rule, from various flowers and berries, aromatic herbs. Especially in it there is a large amount of elder. It is for this plant that the name Sambuca got its name. You can use Sambuca in any form. By tradition, it should be drunk with the addition of several coffee beans. Many like it in its purest form. But the most common are cocktails that are cooked on the basis of this drink. As mentioned before, today there is a huge number of sambuk drinks. The recipe for cooking is different for everyone. . Unite them only the main components and stages of creation. Sambuka cocktail is characterized by its distinctive strength and burning. Such a drink falls on an amateur. Sambuka Drink: cooking is simple enough. True, many do not get the first time to mix the right drink. It will take time to put a hand on this matter.

So, what does it take to create such a Sambuca cocktail? The recipe of the preparation provides for the presence of such components as a glass for cognac, old feshen, a spoon, a tube, a napkin and, of course, matches.

First of all, you need to pour a little sambuki in a glass for brandy. Drink should be distributed throughout the vessel completely. Now a match is set on and is brought to the glass. After that, slowly you need to pour out the liquid together with the fire from the old feshen. In this case, the flame must flow smoothly from one vessel to another. Cognac glass is covered with an old feshen. At this time, the flame goes out. After the glass is removed, they cover a napkin with a tube. Sambuca also drinks in one gulp. The air in the tube is inhaled. For a greater taste, it is recommended to eat it with coffee beans. Everything happens quite fascinating. Naturally, if this is done by skillful hands. Surely, many have heard of this kind of cocktail as "sambuka under the fly." This option is classic, and offer it in many bars.

For the preparation of sambuki under a fly, only two ingredients are required: the beverage itself and three grains of coffee.

It all starts with the fact that the sambuca is poured into a special inhaler. It also throws coffee beans. After that, a glass at a small angle is placed on the old fessain. Its contents are gently ignited. After a few seconds the sambuca is poured into the old feshen. Even before these all stages, you need to puncture a tube with a napkin. She will be put on a glass, in which the liquid was set on fire. That's all ready. The sambuk cocktail is drunk, and the vapors coming from the glass are slowly inhaled.

Sambuca is not only pleasant to taste, but also has some useful properties. First, it increases appetite, raises the level of work of the digestive glands. Secondly, sambuca has a beneficial effect on human immunity. Also, in some cases, it treats colds. If you stir a drink with cold water or add a piece of ice into it, you can perfectly quench your thirst. However, do not abuse this alcoholic beverage. With prolonged use of sambuca contributes to the development of chronic diseases. So do not overdo it with this delicious drink. As you know, everything is fine in moderation. That's the cocktail of the sambuk you should drink carefully.

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