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Rothschilds and Rockefellers rule the world? Is it really? Who are the Rothschilds and Rockefellers?

Today much talk about the fact that the Rothschilds and Rockefellers rule the world. About this written a lot of materials, even movies are removed from time to time. The authors position themselves as real experts in this matter. And what remains to the public, except how to listen with your mouth open? Most likely, it is necessary first of all to understand. Everyone touches this question. Especially in the event that it turns out to be true. Let's try to understand the topic.

How to relate to this statement

Surely you've already read a lot of materials that the Rothschilds and Rockefellers rule the world. The topic is untwisted, the authors love it. Each of them has its own position. Opinions range from complete negation to proof of the truth of the claim. Some pick up evidence that it is indeed the Rockefellers and Rothschilds that rule the world. Their opponents are convinced of the absurdity of such a thought. These are all disputes between specialists and those who are near them. People usually want to develop their own attitude to this issue. It is necessary to go crazy with the injustice of the world order. Ask yourself, are you ready, as in God, to believe that the Rothschilds and Rockefellers rule the world? If so, then it's bad. Hence, you do not have a chance to lead your own life. Think about it, because every time something happens, you will not blame yourself, but on these "rulers". They are guilty of the fact that "Vasya Pupkin" did not make a career or married the wrong one. It seems that the approach is fundamentally wrong. Let these strange Rothschilds and Rockefellers rule the world, but what is the matter with you? The fact is a priori unprovable. After all, none of them will tell how things stand in reality. And all the investigations are to some extent speculation. That's how you should treat them when you disassemble who they are, these Rothschilds and Rockefellers.

Many-sided "rulers"

Now let's examine the evidence of the truth of the statement. We are known for all known names - the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers - trying to convince them that they are at the very top of the power pyramid. It means its financial component. You know, this idea has already been deeply rooted in people's minds, it does not cause rejection, even attempts at critical thinking. We are sure that the one who has the money is strong. He can buy the ruler of any country, not that of an ordinary person. The idea, by the way, is controversial. The events of the present, at least, like, should push people to doubt about this postulate. But back to the topic. Some time ago, attempts were made to find "sources of money". The researchers gave evidence that only a few names rule all the world's finances. It is clear that the list was headed by the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. But they do not aspire to publicity. The world is shown quite different people, claiming that they make decisions, own innumerable riches, influence politics and so on. However, public figures turn out to be very dependent. Money and assets do not belong to them personally, but to other persons. These "secret owners" pull public tycoons for strings, forcing to act as they need it. This is called the conspiracy theory. Its meaning is as follows: humanity is shown not at all what it really is. All events, as the adherents of the theory believe, have a secret meaning and a trigger mechanism. They are an eternal continuation of the confrontation that the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers lead. And Putin VV, by the way, repeatedly mentioned this in passing. Although it is necessary to pay tribute to the president, his remarks were not serious.

Rothschilds and Rockefellers: history

Surely you understand that it is impossible to create such a worldwide sensation around non-existent people. Rather, using modern technologies, this is likely, but for a long time the brand would not last. Deception would have been revealed.

Rothschilds and Rockefellers (photo) do not apply to butterflies-one-day-old butterflies. These are quite real people. They do not hide in the castles, they live and work. Each of the clans has its own chapter, there were also founders. Thus, it is believed that Mayer Amschel Rothschild founded his own empire in 1744. Supporters of the conspiracy theory now call it an appropriate clan. This empire was banking. She was based in Europe. And today it is customary to consider this continent as the patrimony of the Rothschilds. They work, they say, with financial instruments.

The rival clan is believed to have been created by John Rockefeller, a native of the United States (1839). As you can see, this pretender to world domination is much younger. The Rockefellers earned their money on oil. And until now their fiefdom is considered to be America, and the sphere of activity is oil assets. It should be noted that the division is very relative. Free from the influence of clans of economic spheres simply does not exist. Their tentacles are launched into all more or less profitable areas. And really, what to give strangers money? Rockefellers and Rothschilds rule the world, not in order to share with someone. And with disagreeable can all sorts of unpleasant stories happen. As a clear and understandable example, now lead Bill Gates.

Young money

The history of the creator of Microsoft is considered one of the most vivid and interesting. The ordinary (almost) person could become the richest on the planet! This is also a positive example for all its inhabitants. The purest democracy. You have the talent and energy - everything is allowed to you, you will reach the very top. However, "old money" looked at it disapprovingly. As a result, Bill Gates had to declare that heirs from his fortune will get only crumbs. All funds will go to a special fund created for the "good of humanity". No one really knows the purpose of this financial education. And the inquisitive conspiracy theorists are sure that the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds simply took Gates's fortune. They do not need competitors in the management of the world.

This example is given to understand the level at which these clans operate. They are not interested in "small things". They manage not so much events, as ideas, directions of their development. That is, for example, war as such does not interest them, just as the number of people killed in it. They are thinking about how to redraw the boundaries in order to "chop off" the resources under their influence. This is a value, and life and destiny are a small change in their understanding. In any case, it is from this position explain their behavior advocates of the conspiracy theory.

The battlefield is the whole world

The historian and conspirologist Andrei Fursov in his speeches pays much attention to the clan confrontation. In his opinion, any significant event on the planet that occurred over the past two centuries was not without the influence of well-known families. He attributes to them the organization of world wars and revolutions, the redrawing of European borders and the development of modern technologies. Probably very clever people these Rothschilds and Rockefellers. The history of the family, according to Fursov, says that the "rulers" are prepared from the very diapers. They get a completely different education. Their knowledge is bigger and deeper than the average inhabitant of the planet. Some even say that they know some secrets that allow them to influence a huge number of people. Their sphere of interests is also global. They are passionate about planning and creating planetary events.

As an example, the October Revolution is often cited. It is believed that it was organized by the clans in order to exclude Russia's influence on the world. She was becoming too powerful. In general, for several centuries already Russia has been a welcome prey for the clans. They want to get to the resources located on its territory. Although this prize all the time eludes them. Nevertheless, they do not leave any hope. In the meantime, are engaged in other problems. It is interesting that in this century their activities are becoming more "public". Many experts talk about how the Rothschilds and Rockefellers rule the world. The film, explaining the state of things from this point of view, is removed and shown to all comers. By the way, the picture is designed to impress the man in the street that without these "rulers" the world can collapse.

Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Russia

We, naturally, wonder how the clans are trying to get into our country. Everyone covers this issue with their own bell tower. Many people come to the conclusion that the rulers of Russia conclude an alliance with one or the other of the clans. So, maneuvering between these financial heavyweights, they try to lead the country to development. One thing is clear: at the present time both the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, and Putin understand that there will be big changes in our territory in this century. The only thing they see them in different ways. World rulers like the breakup of Russia into certain regions, which they can "chew". By the way, this division almost happened in the nineties. And in the federal structure of the country, "delayed-action mines" are laid, as they say. It is worth giving Moscow a slack, as the centrifugal processes begin. Conspirators, even in the law on priority development of territories, manage to "see the enemy influence". Like, the Far East want to chop off so much. Money allegedly in it Rothschilds will be invested, and then they will be taken away. It can be seen that these ideas are common speculations designed to tickle the nerves of the average person. However, one should not forget that Russia is in the modern world the main prize for the clans.

The Ukrainian crisis

It is clear that the civil war in this country was immediately recognized as one of the "battlefields" of the clans. This is explained by the fact that the Rothschilds are making efforts to create a single Eurasian space. Competitors do not need them here. It is clear that the Rockefellers did not take part in the project. Rothschilds are trying to get away from the dollar, which is owned by competitors. To this end, they invest in the development of China. According to their intentions, the world currency should be the yuan. And will connect the continent into a single economic space New Silk Road.

Rockefellers decided to take advantage of the convenient geographical location of Ukraine. To set fire to this territory means to prevent the connection of Europe and Asia. This is how the Rothschilds and Rockefellers solve their problems. Russia and Ukraine (2014) became hostages to their confrontation. What's terrible - because of money, people are not just killed, millions are driven to hatred of their relatives and friends. After all, this conflict was created artificially. Peoples who are, in fact, one family, are forced to fight each other. Fortunately, this is understood not only by the notorious "rulers of the world" Rothschilds and Rockefellers (photo). With modern information freedom, many people have already started to understand what is happening. And the leadership of Russia not only opposes these disastrous plans, but also explains its essence to the citizens. Putin V.V. Repeatedly stressed that we are trying to artificially draw into the war. But this is not necessary for Russia. Yes, and how to fight with the fraternal people, even if it is now "bewildered". No, you can only go about with the "world rulers" with an eye. They can be taken into temporary satellites and removed immediately, as soon as the goals cease to coincide. While Rockefellers set Ukraine on fire, the Rothschilds can be our allies. They also do not need this war and do not need it. And then everyone has their own way. There can not be allies among powerful clans - ideology is different. They do not recognize anyone for an equal. By the way, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and Putin do not hide this either. 2015 should be a turning point in this fight. Only the most important, as always, does not happen in public space. The people about who won, will not learn soon.

Why do they need Russia?

Some scholars argue that capitalism is an expanding system. It can exist only when there is "someone to eat". In the time of the bipolar world, the clans were united in order to conquer the Warsaw Pact countries. That is, allocate their resources. But now the whole world lives by capitalistic principles. It turned out that the system can not exist stably. She has nowhere to expand, she absorbed the whole space. Ahead is death. Clans thought about how to change the world, to continue to manage further. After all, their power was built on the enmity of different ideologies. They "won", destroying the socialist world. And what to do next - do not know. It turns out that the main capitalists already own everything. The empire reached its limit. There's no one to plunder. And to contain billions of workers like there is no need. What can they give to the "rulers"? Never mind. They need, as they say, a "golden billion". These are people who will be engaged in intellectual creativity. The rest for them - ballast, unnecessary material, parasites. But this is not enough. Looking at our little "ball", having on hand the latest research in the field of climatology, the world "gentlemen" understand that the only stable corner in the coming centuries will be the European part of Russia. They need this territory. Moreover, it is very rich in natural goods and resources. That's what the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and Putin are fighting for. Mikhail Khazin, an economist, claims that any available means will be used for the victory. The war is fought to the death. After all, the winner gets the most important thing - the future!

Are there winners in this struggle?

The war, which has been going on for centuries, can not but have some intermediate results. It is believed that the Rockefellers won the World War II from the Rothschilds. And it is true, because they were conducted in the territory that is the fiefdom of the latter. There were huge losses in the economy and in the population. But the US, the "nest" of the Rockefellers, only benefited from the world wars. Now, conspiracy experts say, it's time for the Rothschilds to recoup. From this their opponents set fire to conflicts in the Eurasian space. Their main task is not to give peace to the continent, not allow the Rothschilds to withdraw from dollar dependence.

Fortunately, as long as conflicts are ably coped. Yes, people are dying, cities are being destroyed. But the scale of disasters is completely inadequate for the Rothschilds. Save their dollar empire can only global war, pulling into its terrible mouth all the countries of Europe, and even better, and Asia too. In this confrontation, the Rothschilds are allies of Russia and China. It should be noted that if in 2014 conflicts were fomented around our country, then from the beginning of 2015 they began to be provoked almost on the whole planet. So, at the borders of China, they started shooting in Myanmar. And this is an attempt to destabilize the US economic rival. So, approximately, in the opinion of conspirologists, they clarify the relationship of the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds.

Documentary about world rulers

Surely the videos about the clans and their impact on the world processes have seen everything. It is interesting to see why they are being photographed. Why do families that control the world suddenly become "PR"? After all, few people will believe that such a movie is removed without their consent, "independent" journalists. If you believe in world domination, then such simply can not be. That is, they are purely hypothetical, of course, they exist. But who will give them money and technology so that the whole world will know about their work? It turns out, the families decided that it's time to show the "herd", who manages it. What is this for? Why did the Rothschilds and Rockefellers decide to get out of the shadows? Not for recruiting the same supporters. For this, other methods exist. Understand the purpose of this turn of events is very important. It can mean the emergence of confrontation to a different level or, conversely, the appearance in the big game of a completely different force. The latter strives to "merge" this uncomplicated way, that is, to deprive the influence of both "world rulers". This only at first glance seems unlikely. The fact is that, in fact, the Rothschilds and Rockefellers are symbols of the last millennium. And life does not stand still, no matter how much the clan representatives like it. Even the "golden calf" loses its power to new ideas and technologies. It is likely that the clans in the heat of battle looked at the opponent, who now tore the flag of victory from their weakening hands.

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