Food and drinkRecipes

Recipes of cornel jam. How to cook jam from a dogwood in a multivark?

Aromatic and tonic taste of dogwood is popular with many. From berries prepare compotes and fruit drinks. In addition, jam and jams are cooked from them. Given that the process of preparing a delicious homemade dessert is a lot of trouble, arm ourselves with our advice and cook an unusually tasty and healthy jam from the dogwood in the multivark.

Useful properties of berries

The dogwood composition includes pectins, essential oils, phytoncides, tannic and nitrogenous substances. There are vitamin PP and ascorbic acid (vitamin C). There is glucose, organic acids, such as malic and nicotine. Regular use of cornelian helps to restore the balance of acids and alkalis in the body, and also normalizes metabolism. It is useful to those who suffer from kidney diseases and hypertension, perfectly strengthens and makes the walls of capillaries and blood vessels elastic.

Advantages of using multivarkers

  • Reduction of time spent in the kitchen.
  • You can prepare different dishes (from soups and cereals to jam and baking).
  • Preservation of more vitamins than when prepared by conventional methods.
  • Preservation of the natural taste and aroma of products. For example, the dogwood jam in the multivark is obtained sour, but the liquid component is easily gelled.
  • You can even cook a homemade dessert even in the summer, since the temperature of the air in the kitchen does not increase when the multivarker is working.

The only drawback is that you can not cook a lot of jam at once - the capacity of the multivark is limited. The yield is only a few cans, but this is enough for an average family. True, you can boil a few servings of jam and make a solid reserve for the winter.

The tricks of cooking jam in a multivark

  1. Sugar should be diluted with water before you add food to the bowl. The inner coating of the container is quite sensitive, and the crystals can easily damage it when the product is stirred.
  2. Remove the safety valve immediately so that as much moisture as possible evaporates. So the consistency of the jam will be almost perfect.
  3. The container should not be loaded more than 30%. Preparation of jam is characterized by abundant release of foam, which can flow out of the appliance.
  4. Do you plan to cook a dogwood jam in a multivark? In advance, buy a plastic or silicone ladle, which will recruit dessert for packaging in cans - so the cover of the bowl will remain intact.

Preparation of fruits for processing

For jam choose ripe fruit with a fairly dense skin. Before buying, try the berries: their taste should be tart, but sweet enough. The recipe for jam from dogwood suggests the use of bright red, that is, ripe fruit. Raw materials are put in a deep bowl and poured with water. On the surface appear damaged, unripe, dried berries, leaves, which must be collected and removed.

Then you need to prepare a baking tray or a large cutting board, which must be covered with a kitchen towel or paper. A uniform layer is poured into the dogwood and left for 1-2 days. Berries "reach" to the desired condition: their color becomes dark, and the structure - softer. The raw materials are ready for further processing, which means that the dogwood jam in the multivariate will be excellent.

Delicious dessert of crushed fruits

After the berries have become softer and supple, separating the bone will be much easier. It is enough to take a sieve and thoroughly wipe the dogwood. Hard inclusions and bones lag behind, and the mass is ready to boil.

Before you can cook the jam from the dogwood in the multivark, add the fruit puree and sugar to the bowl, add a glass of water (or fill the previously cooked syrup). The amount of sugar per kilogram of dogwood ranges from 600 g (for those who like jam with sourness) to 1.2 kg (for sweets). For cooking, set the "Quenching" or "Varka soup" mode for 30 minutes. In some multivars there are even special functions, such as "Multipore" or "Desert". They are also convenient to use in the preparation of sweet delicacies. In parallel in the oven it is necessary to sterilize the jars, in which the ready-made jam will be stored.

The recipe for jam from the dogwood with bones

Preparation of berries can be reduced to normal washing, however, leave them in the water for several hours (this will prevent the lapping of the skin during heat treatment).
Prepare syrup from water and sugar (1 kg glass). Add it to the bowl along with the berries. Proportion according to taste preferences. Set the function "Jam" or "Quenching" for 50-60 minutes. Then for 30 minutes switch to the "Heating" mode, after which use "Boiling" for 15 minutes. This recipe for jam from dogwood with stones will be appreciated by those who like the structure of dessert with whole fruits, soaked in syrup. For many, this is how it sounds like cooking a classic homemade treat. With prolonged cooking, the liquid phase of the product turns into jelly.

Original recipes for cornel jam in a multivark

  1. Recipe with dry wine. For 1 kg take 1.2 kg of sugar, 0.5 liters of dry wine (can be replaced with a semi-dry drink). The ingredients are added to the capacity of the multivarker, including the "Quenching" mode. Cook jam from dogwood in a multivark - a simple task. It's enough 20 minutes for the fruit to "give" the juice, the sugar is dissolved, and the product has reached the desired consistency. In advance, and sterilize the jars, in which we spread the jam. We close the lids tightly.
  2. The recipe for jam from dogwood with apples. From the cornel berries (600 g), remove the bones, peel apples (500 g) from the skin and seeds, cut into slices. Cook the syrup from 500 ml of water and 1200 g of sugar. In the bowl multivarki put the dogwood, fill the syrup. After setting the "Quenching" mode, prepare the jam for 60 minutes. Pour into prepared cans, close the lids.

In fairness, it should be noted that, unlike other berries and fruits, the dogwood jam is prepared quickly and without using a multivariate. 800 g of fruit washed, remove the spoiled and dried fruit. Bones can be removed from large berries. From 1000 g of sugar and 400 ml of water, cook the syrup, add berries to it. After 3 hours you need to put the jam on the fire and boil for 17-20 minutes, carefully removing the formed foam. The product can be poured into cans and closed with hermetically sealed lids.

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