Spiritual developmentMeditation

Prana is ... Source of vital energy. The Legend of Prana

The word "prana" is rarely used in the Western world. It is impossible to measure with physical instruments, but despite this, it is present in everything that surrounds us, and, of course, in ourselves. For a Westerner who is accustomed to drawing on a scientific approach, such a concept is unacceptable, but it can also benefit him. Let's see what prana is, and find out why knowledge about it is relevant to this day.

Universal life energy

Prana pervades everything that exists, nourishes it and gives life. This amazing energy is in everything that surrounds us. Therefore, every truly wise person understands that everything around him is endowed with life - rivers, fields, stones and air. Prana is the glue that supports the existence of our universe. Without her, life would simply not exist, and even those material objects that are considered inanimate, too. As the yogis believe, everything in the universe gave rise to prana.

Paradoxically, modern scientists agree that everything in the world is energy, but its density is not the same. Thus, the greatest minds of our society only in recent years have come up with what our ancestors knew from time immemorial. In addition to the fact that the prana gave life to all that exists, every living being constantly needs it.

Where do we get prana from?

Man continuously consumes energy from the outside world to support his life. Breathing is one of the most important ways of obtaining prana. You can live many days without food, but without breathing a person will hardly stretch a few minutes. In the process of breathing prana, which is filled with the surrounding world, is absorbed by man. After getting inside, it goes through a lot of transformations before it takes its place in the body.

Much depends on the inner world of man, since it is he who gives vital energy to certain properties. You can say that a person's appearance is a reflection of his inner world. After all, if the prana receives a negative charge, then its effect on the body will be like poison, slowly killing its prey. If, having got into the person, the energy will receive positive qualities, then it will have a healing effect.


One of the main sources of prana is food and water. On their quality depends on what energy gets into the body. That is, the properties of prana in food will have an effect both on the human body and on his mind. It is for this reason that yogis are not recommended to eat the products of murder. Horror, which experienced the animal at the time of death, is transmitted to the lover of meat or fish, introducing distemper into his inner world.

Do not get involved in food, which has undergone many transformations, as it has little vital energy. But the concentration of harmful substances in such food increases many times. Yes, and the stomach will not thank you for placing a dead and incomprehensible mass, flavored with chemicals, in its bowels.

Prana and breathing

The main tool for the accumulation and transformation of vital energy is breathing. Because of this process, we get the greatest amount of prana. Therefore, in order to increase your tone and increase the amount of available energy, you need to take control of your breathing. Why torture yourself, trying to change the process that automatically happens in the body all our lives? The fact is that breathing and consciousness are closely related. Life in a fast-moving modern world makes thinking superficial and fast. The same happens with breathing. This seriously reduces the amount of life force absorbed from the air. And since prana is the source of vital energy, its lack makes a person weak and lazy. All its reserves go to maintain their lives, they simply do not remain for anything else.

For this reason, yogis use full breath, in which the lungs slowly fill with air to the abdomen. Drawing and protrusion of the abdomen helps to raise and lower the diaphragm. In this case, straightened and filled those areas of the lungs, which are simply not used for shallow breathing. If you constantly breathe only with your chest, some areas will be idle for years, which will make them an ideal habitat for harmful bacteria.

The accumulation of prana

Prana is what drives the human body and consciousness. It circulates inside us like an electric current in a machine. Each body requires a certain amount of vital energy. If it is less, then it will not be able to function properly, and if more - it will quickly wear out and "burn". It is important to accumulate a good prana, since the accumulation of negative energy can have a devastating effect on both the body and the mind. To do this, you must observe the "hygiene of the mind". It involves controlling your thoughts and emotions. To prana, getting into your body, acquiring positive qualities, you must avoid negative thoughts, envy, lust, anger and other destructive desires.

Surplus life force can only appear if it is not wasted. Our society is built in such a way as to draw out of people all their potential, leaving them empty and submissive. Everyone has a lot of habits and addictions that suck up all life energy, no matter how it was. Another good tool for accumulating and transforming prana is meditation.


Inside us there is a universal tool for self-development and recovery. It is not by accident that the technique of meditation is the cornerstone in any spiritual practice. It's enough just to relax and close your eyes, as an unlimited peace will begin to break out from within. It turns out that we have a huge potential, but to get to it, we need to stop the flow of thoughts that are not going to give up without a fight. The simplest way to achieve a meditative state is by concentrating on the process of breathing. In addition, you need to be as relaxed as possible and make sure that the spine is straight. A straight backbone is needed in order that the prana can freely flow through the channels that permeate our body.

The effect of regular meditation will surpass any expectations. You will have an unusual capacity for concentration, thoughts will become clearer and more positive. Those problems that seemed insoluble will go away forever, freeing up the place of clarity and prosperity. Also, as a result of meditative practices, one can feel the current of prana in one's body, better understand its nature. Thus, you will unmistakably feel what actions are devastating you, and which, on the contrary, are filled with vitality. For a sustainable effect, it is advisable to practice meditation twice a day for half an hour, but you can start with less time. Pranayama can be a good help for an experienced practitioner.

Prana is the life energy of the universe

There is one old legend, designed to explain the meaning of life energy. In it there is a story about how the disciples of one guru asked him what prana is. He said that he would tell them about this amazing substance if they spend a year in meditation.

After a year, the disciples again came to the sage with his question. He did not try to get the answer out of his head, but simply asked the gods which one was the main one. The cosmos replied that he was the main one. Similar were the answers of water, wind, fire, intelligence, hearing and others. But the prana objected to them, saying that only it binds everything together, does not allow the world to fall to pieces. In support of her words, she began to rise above the body and all the others reached for her. Then, as the legend of prana says, she again sank into place. All other feelings were lowered together with her. Thus it became clear that the prana is an energy that binds all things on earth and regulates its work.

Our days

How can an ancient and exotic concept help a modern person? Prana is what gives us life, the health and well-being of a person depends on its quantity and quality. Of course, a pragmatic person will reject this concept, preferring to remain in the familiar world of materialism. But scientists themselves began to understand that the world is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Microscopic particles behave completely inadequately, completely forgetting the laws of physics to which they must obey.

Perhaps, scientists of the future will be able to understand how wise their ancestors were. But so far only a number of specific eastern systems operate with such a concept as prana. Yoga, qigong, aikido - the most popular schools, allowing you to take control of their vitality. Only practice gives an understanding of what the energy of the universe is. Therefore, there is no point in talking about prana, it is better to feel it yourself.

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