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"Polivak-TM" for cats: instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Dermatophytosis is one of the most common diseases of cats. Although it can be spontaneous, including spontaneity, prevention and treatment of it (if necessary) must, of course, be required. Most often for this purpose, drugs, ointments and shampoos are used, whose action is aimed at destroying primarily pathogens such as Epidermophyton, Microsporum and Trichophyton. At the same time one of the best preventive and curative remedies for depriving pets is the "Polivak-TM" vaccine. For cats, the instructions for using it are extremely simple. To everything else, and this tool is very inexpensive.

What is used for?

In cats, dermatophytosis is most often caused by the fungus Microsporum. Sometimes the infection of the animal and the pathogen Trichophyton also occurs. The use of "Polivak" for cats from deprivation for preventive purposes leads to the development in the domestic pet of a stable immunity to these fungi that persists throughout the year. Vaccination with this drug is carried out twice per course with a break of several days (10-14). In this case, immunity against hair loss in animals is produced approximately 31 days after the first injection.

For cats with already manifested clinical signs of dermatophytosis, the vaccine "Polivac-TM" is allowed to be used exclusively for medicinal purposes (using a larger dose). Prophylaxis with this drug in this case is already, of course, impossible. Moreover, the introduction of an agent in insufficient quantity for treatment can easily cause an exacerbation of the disease with the appearance of new lesions.

Form of issue and composition

The "Polivak-TM" vaccine for cats is supplied, the instruction for its use prescribes its use in strictly defined doses, to the market in hermetically sealed bottles. Sometimes this drug is also on sale, dispensed in ampoules. Each such container usually contains one dose of it in the amount of 1 ml. This is a means of a light brown transparent liquid. At the bottom of each bottle, a small precipitate is visible, which dissolves easily when shaken.

The vaccine contains eight types of fungi from the genus Microsporum and Trichophyton. On sale it is necessary to search for means "Polivak-TM", intended for cats. The fact is that this vaccine can be produced for different domestic and farm animals. The composition of all such preparations is approximately the same, but the dosage is different. So, for example, for dogs, capsules and 0.6 ml bottles are used.

Vaccine "Polivac-TM" for cats: instructions for use for prevention

To prevent infection of the animal with dermatophytosis, the vaccine "Polivac-TM" is injected into the posterior bones. At the same time for pets at the age of 1-5 months use a dose of 1 ml. Animals from 5 months. Introduce one and a half milliliters. The skin at the injection site is wiped with 70% alcohol solution or 0.5% carboxylic acid. Syringes must be sterilized before use. If the vaccination is performed simultaneously by several animals, a separate needle is used for each of them.

How to treat

Next, let's see what kind of vaccine "Polivac-TM" for cats is the instruction for use in case the animal is already sick. Use this drug for infected deprive pets is also very easy. Before applying the Polivac-TM vaccine, the cat, of course, must be examined carefully to ensure that she is sick with dermatophytosis. When signs are found, the depriving means is used in a therapeutic dose. In the same way, they enter the nurseries that are unsuccessful for this disease. To treat cats aged between one and five months, inject one and half milliliters of vaccine. Animals older than 5 months. Pricked 2 ml. The usual course of treatment includes two vaccinations. In particularly severe cases, the agent is administered 3-4 times at intervals of two weeks.

What you should know about

It is allowed to use the vaccine "Polivac-TM" for cats (the instruction for its use, as you can see, is extremely simple) of any breed and age. She has practically no contraindications. The only thing, such vaccinations can not be done by animals with fever, as well as those who have been diagnosed with any infectious disease.

In nurseries of vaccinated healthy cats, it is allowed to transport only one and a half to two weeks after the last injection. All newly arrived animals must be vaccinated in the quarantine period.

How to store correctly

This vaccine is not usually bought for stock. The shelf life of her even in a closed container is not too big - 18 months. Keep "Polivak-TM" for cats laid at a temperature of 2 to 10 C in a dry room. Of course, care should be taken to ensure that children or pets do not have access to the drug.

An indication that the vaccine is spoiled is the appearance of an insoluble precipitate in the form of flakes. Overdue "Polivak-TM" is disposed of only after preliminary disinfection by boiling for a minimum of 15 minutes.

Diagnosis of dermatophytosis

Lishay is a disease of cats with pronounced symptoms. The incubation period lasts from 3-4 days to 3 weeks. The main sign of dermatophytosis are the scaling alopecia arising on the cat's body. They are formed due to the fact that the animal's hair, affected by the fungus, becomes very fragile and quickly break off.

Sometimes this disease can occur and is asymptomatic. Therefore, for specific diagnosis of dermatophytosis, special techniques should be used:

  • Inspection of wool with a Wood lamp ;

  • Microscopy of scales;

  • Cultivation of fungi.

Drug analogues

It is worth the vaccine "Polivak-TM" for cats, the instruction for use of which was considered above, not too expensive - about 400-500 rubles for ten doses. However, there are also cheaper analogues on the market:

  • "Vakderm F";

  • "Microderm".

Both funds, like Polivak-TM, are injected twice with an interval of two weeks. The first drug is available in containers up to five milliliters. Prevention of depriving animals aged between 1 and 3 months is done in the amount of 1/2 ml, for older cats - 1 ml. It is worth the drug "Vakderm F" approximately 100-150 rubles for 10 bottles.

"Polivak-TM" for cats, the vaccination instruction of which prescribes the use of it for prophylaxis in doses of 1-1.5 ml, like "Wakterm F", is sold in liquid form. The drug "Microderm" is usually sold in dry form. Before use, it is dissolved with distilled water. Apply it is allowed only for cats older than a month and a half. The dose for animals aged one and a half months to six months is half a milliliter (prophylactic) and milliliter (therapeutic). For cats from 6 months. These values are 1 and 2 ml, respectively. In the latter case, attention is also paid to the weight of the animal. For small cats, the dose is reduced. The vaccine "Microderm" is worth about 120-150 rubles. For a package of 4 dry doses (diluted 1 ml of solvent). Thus, for 10 doses it is necessary to give about 300-350 rubles.

Reviews about the vaccine "Polivac-TM"

Most pet owners believe that this drug is very good. From depriving it helps perfectly. Even with a neglected form of the disease after two to three injections, the cat usually gradually begins to overgrow with hair and eventually heals completely. No ointments and shampoos of such a quick effect, according to pet lovers, can not provide.

The owners of cats of expensive breeds at specialized forums are advised to conduct preventive maintenance of dermatophytosis with a frequency once a year. Using the preparation "Polivac-TM" for vaccination, in their opinion, the infection of the animal with lichen can be completely ruled out.


Well, we hope, in this article, we have told in some detail what the preparation "Polivak-TM" for cats is (see the manual, reviews). As you can see, this tool is convenient, relatively inexpensive and, most importantly, very effective. Prevention of dermatophytosis with its use is really worth it. Especially useful this vaccine can be for owners of cats of expensive breeds and for owners of nurseries.

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