Food and drinkRecipes

How to cook pollack in sour cream?

Pollock in sour cream is a taste of childhood. With this little sea fish from the cod family I have known for a long time. Every Thursday (if you remember, it was a fish day) was given to us both in kindergarten and in school, because there is very little fat in pollock, and it is well absorbed. The meat of this fish supplies us with a high-grade protein, being a valuable source of selenium and phosphorus. And also pollock contains a number of important vitamins (especially B12) and saturates our body with sodium, potassium, zinc and copper.

Doctors recommend including pollock meat in the diet of nursing mothers and pregnant women, as it stimulates the thyroid gland, digestive and nervous systems and even participates in cellular respiration. Pollock is useful for elderly people and children, as it helps to preserve vision, strengthen bones, teeth and supports the work of the cardiovascular system and the liver. In pollock, there are few bones, and most importantly it does not exist, like in any river fish, dangerous bones that can get stuck in the throat, that's why it is used in feeding children in kindergartens.

Pollock in sour cream is a low-calorie dish (the fish itself has 75-81 kcal per 100 gr.), But it all depends on the recipe you have chosen. At a price this fish is inexpensive, and therefore is available to all segments of the population. In addition, if competently, with a soul to cook it, it turns out a very tasty and nutritious dish. Personally, I like pollock in sour cream, although there are a lot of options for its preparation. The method of cooking pollock, mentioned by me, allows to more fully reveal the taste of fish, giving it a flavor and juiciness. Be sure to try to cook pollock in this way, and I'm sure that you and your guests will like it very much.

Now I'll tell you in detail, step by step, I'll tell you how to cook pollack in sour cream. For this we will need very simple products, which are available in almost every store: kilograms of pollock, 300 ml of milk, 1 tablespoon of lean oil, 200 grams. Sour cream 15% fat, 5 tablespoons flour, 2 medium onion onion, one carrot large, dried herbs, including 1 teaspoon oregano, and finally salt and black ground pepper.

First you need to clean the pollock from the scales, remove all the fins, remove the insides, and remove the black film together with them, so as not to be bitter. Then wash well and cut into small portions. Pour the fish with milk and soak for about an hour. If there is time, then you can wait an hour and a half.

In the meantime, we need to wash, peel the carrots and rub it on the largest grater. Next, wash and peel the onion, cut into cubes of medium size. Then pour the flour on a flat plate and mix thoroughly with salt. At the next stage, the fish should be taken out of the milk and, having rolled the pieces of pollock in flour, temporarily put it on the cutting board. Then we need to take a frying pan, fill in lean oil and put in pieces (when warmed up) pieces of pollock. The pollock should be fried evenly on both sides until a golden crust is formed on it. Next, the fish must be covered with chopped onions and grated carrots. After that, the whole sour cream is diluted to a liquid state, preferably boiled water. Diluted sour cream to pour into a frying pan, where we roast pollock with onions and grated carrots.

It's time to salt, pepper and add dried herbs, including oregano. Pollock, stewed in sour cream is cooked over low heat, so we close the frying pan with a lid and reserve ourselves with patience. In twenty minutes the dish can be served to the table.

In the meantime, you can lay the table, lay a tablecloth and place the instruments. By the way, in the school pollack in sour cream we were served with crumbly buckwheat or boiled rice, as well as with mashed potatoes or with a stew of fresh vegetables. But you can come up with your own garnish to this fish.

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