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Increased ESR in a child. What does this mean, what are the reasons for what to do?

To learn the detailed picture of a state of health of the child it is possible by the analysis of a blood. Its important element is the index of ESR (sedimentation rate of erythrocyte cells). This is a nonspecific parameter that has a high sensitivity for determining infectious and oncological pathologies. From the materials in this article, you will learn why some children have ESR above the norm, which means what steps parents should take.

general information

ESR is one of the main parameters of the blood test. Red blood cells are meant as red cells, which, under the influence of anticoagulants, settle into the bottom of a medical test tube for a certain amount of time.

A similar process occurs in the human body. Over a certain time, red blood cells undergo agglomeration and gradually settle on the walls of the vessels. The indicator of ESR is not assessed separately, that is, separately from others. It is very sensitive. The change in this indicator signals the development of a certain pathology in the body before the emergence of a pronounced clinical picture.

Methods for determining the value of ESR

Today in medical practice, there are two options for determining the size of erythrocyte cell sedimentation: the Panchenkov and Westergren method.

The first involves placing a biological fluid on the glass, which is installed vertically. The second is considered more informative, as it optimally recreates the conditions of a similar process in the human body. Normally, the results of both analyzes should be identical.

The method of Westergren differs most sensitively, because for its use only venous blood is used. When the results of the analysis show an increased ESR in a child, it is not necessary to re-take it.

Normative indicators in children

After the doctor took the blood from the child, he should place it in a special test tube. In it, under the influence of gravitational forces, the red blood cells begin to gradually settle. The task of the laboratory assistant is to measure the speed with which this process occurs.

Normative indicators of ESR vary in children and adults, and also differ depending on the sex of the child. However, there are certain boundaries that allow us to identify the presence of a pathological process in the body.

For the norm it is considered to be such indicators:

  • Breasts: 2 to 4 mm / h.
  • Children under 6 years: from 5 to 11 mm / h.
  • Adolescents under 14 years of age: 5 to 13 mm / h.
  • Young people over 14 years: from 1 to 10 mm / h.
  • Girls after 14 years: from 2 to 15 mm / h.

Increased ESR in a child does not always indicate the presence of inflammation in the body. To make an accurate diagnosis, you need a more detailed examination and determination of other parameters in the blood.

Increased ESR in the child

Often parents will learn about the violation during a routine examination with a pediatrician. If the specialist does not see the reasons that could lead to the problem, the re-delivery of the tests by another method is assigned.

High ESR almost always pushes the thought of inflammation in the body. However, this opinion should necessarily be backed up by the results of the additional survey. Often a high level of lymphocytes signals a viral infection, and an increase in neutrophils - about a bacterial infection. Without taking into account the accompanying test data, it is not possible to identify the disease in the child.

The size of the sagging of red cells can go beyond the norm in young children if they lack vitamins or when the analysis process was active there was an active process of dentition. In older patients, the body responds by raising this blood parameter to stress or strong experiences.

What factors influence the ESR in children?

The main factor that increases this indicator is the presence of an inflammatory reaction in the body. However, doctors also identify other causes that contribute to a decrease / increase in the process of settling red corpuscles.

  1. Change in pH and viscosity of blood.
  2. Reduction of the number of red blood cells.
  3. The presence of helminths.
  4. Deficiency of vitamins in the body.
  5. Stress.
  6. Unbalanced nutrition.

It is important to note that the indicators of erythrocyte sedimentation refer to those parameters that very slowly come back to normal. After the acute respiratory viral infection, the child may experience high ESR for some time. Approximately 1.5 months later, these parameters are normalized.

The main causes of increased ESR

As it was already noted earlier in the article, most often the reasons for changing this blood indicator are hidden in the presence of inflammation in the body. In addition, allergic reactions, poisoning, untreated foci of infection can provoke such phenomena.

Among the main diseases reported by the increase in ESR in children are the following:

  1. Autoimmune processes (lupus erythematosus, scleroderma).
  2. Diseases of the blood (anemia, leukemia).
  3. Endocrine pathologies (diabetes, hyperthyroidism).
  4. Oncology.

In infants, the analysis of ESR is increased usually with teething or due to the high fat content of breast milk. Sometimes this state is quite natural, that is, it is an individual body's norm. In such cases, pediatricians recommend a regular examination.

It also happens that all indicators are normal except for the size of erythrocyte sedimentation. False positive acceleration can be due to obesity of the child, taking some multivitamin complexes or vaccinating against hepatitis.

Monocytes and ESR increased in the child

Monocytes are immature blood cells. Their level can also be determined using a general analysis. When you need detailed information about the functioning of the child's body, check the leukocyte formula. Elevated and decreased levels of these blood cells indicate abnormalities. The increase in parameters is called monocytosis. Normally, the number of immature cells should not exceed 11% of the number of leukocytes.

Lowering the level of monocytes indicates a violation of the immune system. This usually occurs with anemia, leukemia and radiation sickness.

An increase in monocytes is observed in tuberculosis, malaria and damage to the lymphatic system. Thus, an increase in the number of immature cells, as well as an increased ESR in a child should alert the parents and the pediatrician.

What treatment is required?

When the index of sedimentation rate of red cells is slightly higher than normal, the child's condition is stable, there is no reason to worry. For your own comfort, after a short period of time, you can re-take tests and make sure that your baby is safe.

If the ESR parameters exceed the 15 mm / h mark, almost always this means the presence of an infectious focus in the body. When this figure reaches about 30-40 mm / h, this is a clear sign of a serious illness, the fight with which may take several months.

Increased ESR in a child always means a disruption in the functioning of the body. The pediatrician first of all needs to determine the root cause, which provoked such changes. This may require a more serious examination. After the doctor should prescribe the treatment of a particular disease. Usually it means taking antibiotics and antiviral drugs.

Reduced ESR in a child

Reduction of erythrocyte sedimentation rates usually indicates impaired blood circulation, poor coagulation or liquefaction of blood. The number of red cells increases, but they interact with each other inefficiently.

This phenomenon is observed in children who have recently suffered poisoning or dehydration, have problems with stool. In some cases, low rates indicate a viral hepatitis.

Only a pediatrician can determine the true cause of such a pathology and recommend appropriate therapy.


Very often parents turn to a pediatrician for advice when the child has an ESR higher than normal. What this means, what are the causes of such violations in the work of the body, can only tell a specialist on the basis of a complete diagnostic examination of a small patient. The rate of erythrocyte sedimentation is a serious indicator, therefore its values are not recommended to be neglected. In the event of a deviation from the norm, long-term treatment may be required. The sooner the course of therapy begins, the higher the chances of a quick recovery.

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