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Poem: a brief summary of Gogol's "Dead Souls"

Systematized summary of the poem "Dead Souls" N.V. Gogol should start with the fact that this is a product of the famous Ukrainian writer N.V. Gogol, which the author himself called a poem. It was conceived in the form of three volumes, but the author almost completely destroyed the second volume, refuting the saying "manuscripts do not burn." Thus, from the second volume only a couple of chapters in the rough records have been preserved. The third volume was only in Gogol's ideas and information about him is extremely small. Before you, Gogol's short content is Dead Souls.

The plot of the first volume

In the provincial city of N comes a former official, and now a schemer who poses as a landowner, Chichikov Pavel Ivanovich. The first task of Chichikov is to enter into the trust of local high-ranking residents. And with this task the crook dexterously manages. Pavel Ivanovich quickly becomes a welcome guest at dinner parties and balls, seeking the confidence of others. Chichikov's main goal is the purchase of "dead souls", that is, deceased peasants, according to the papers still counted as living people, and their re-registration as living. What for? It's simple. Then the "peasants" can be restocked and get good money. Why is it to Chichikov, a stupid and resourceful person? The fact is that the main character has a dream: to become rich. Once he served in customs, where he burned down, giving money for smugglers the opportunity to transport goods. Chichikov quarreled with podelnikom and he handed it to the authorities. In order not to go to jail, he escapes, taking with him a pair of papers, shirts, soap. He could not withdraw money from the bank account. However, like any big but fragile affair, Chichikov's scam did not tolerate unaccounted trifles. The stumbling block and the razor landowner Nozdrev became a stumbling block in the way of the swindler. Gulyaka hastened to tell the whole city about Chichikov's deeds, while he added to everything else the kidnapping of the governor's daughter. Pavel Ivanovich immediately orientated himself and left the hospitable city, taking the acquired merchants with him. Gogol did not at the end of the first part sum up. Instead, he turns to the reader with a philosophical question: "And is not he a scoundrel?". Accordingly, each reader gets the opportunity to think about his own soul for a minute, because Chichikov's qualities are in many.

Some heroes of Gogol's Dead Souls

To recognize the persons described in this book, it is better not in absentia. The author was able to do the impossible: breathed life into literary heroes! Nevertheless, the brief content of Gogol's "Dead Souls" can not do without the characteristics of some characters. Since any person makes an environment, let's take another look at Chichikov and his retinue.

Chichikov Pavel Ivanovich. In addition to the details described above, you can note his dandiness and ability to look good even in conditions of a long journey. Selifan is a short, rude coachman Chichikov. A connoisseur of horse characters and a connoisseur of thoroughbred, tall girls. Parsley is a nosed and floppy waiter Chichikov, a lover of wine and tavern fun. To wash does not like and smells fragrances of the unwashed body in the worn out clothes from a bar owner's shoulder. Braggart.

Include in our summary of Gogol's "Dead Souls" and residents of the city N, because they helped the author to show Chichikov all his talents. Governor, governor and their daughter; Vice-governor; The police chief; The chairman of the chamber; The prosecutor; postmaster; A couple of landlords of the Manilovs with the sons of Themistocles and Alcides; Box Nastasya Petrovna; Landowner Nozdryov; Landlord Mizhuev; The Sobakevich couple; The landowner Stepan Plyushkin; Uncle Mityai and Minya; Pleasant in all respects a lady and just a nice lady.

Some details of the second volume

The summary of Gogol's "Dead Souls" on the second volume becomes even shorter. The reason - the fragmentary information and drafts, left after the author destroyed the manuscript. The best way out is to sketch the second volume in the selected faces. Tentetnikov Andrei Ivanovich, or Derpennikov in another way, is a kind of Oblomov's image: he slowly wakes up and walks in a dressing gown, rarely receives guests and leaves the house himself. Character strange. A sharpened sense of justice is pushing enmity with virtually everyone around. Nachitan is educated, ambitious. Served in his time in the capital, but after quarreling with his boss, he returned to the estate, where he tried to change the life of his own peasants. Those, however, did not understand him. Sometimes he draws and tries to write scientific work.

Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov. Years did not change the rogue, rather strengthened his talents to rub in confidence and pleasantly communicate on any topic. Speculation with the "dead souls" he did not leave, but at this time, most landowners are replacing the paper, so Chichikov is not destiny. I bought the estate, and at the end of the second part comes across a scam, for which I almost disappeared in prisons. In the course of the poem does a good deed: the world of Tentetnikov and Betrischev, which contributes to the wedding of the first with the daughter of the general.

Betrischev. The landlord, the general, the neighbor of Tentetnikov. A kind of Roman patricians: moustached, important and majestic. Petty tyrant. Has a good heart and a habit of joking around others.

Ulinka. That same daughter of the general, who became the wife of Tentetnikov in the course of the action of the poem. Alive, active, noble and very beautiful. Although little is known about the character of the girl, but Gogol's affection for her is noticeable, and she became the heroine of the third volume, which says a lot. And many others.

You can continue, but why? The main points have already been described. We can only advise you to read completely the poem written by N.V. Gogol. "Dead Souls", the summary of which was presented in the article, does not contain a description of the third volume, since it was not written, so it only remains to be assumed. There is information that Tentetnikov and his wife are in Siberia, most likely in exile. In the same areas is Chichikov. All the rest are rumors and crooks with little real facts.

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